Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Nope, people are going to see that either as the most petty, pitiful and cheapest of cheap shots, or the most desperate move ever, including myself, and you know I'm a big supporter so far, they don't need that, release the trailer on comicon, it's freaking Batman vs Superman it will steal the ****ing show, it will steal ANY show, hell, release it on Youtube without any big announcements, just release it one day out of the blue and IT WILL reach EVERYBODY, and generate the same amount of buzz all by itself, there's no need to do such a cheap thing.

What's the source of the news anyway?
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A BvS trailer before Age of Ultron would make perfect sense and would be far from unusual. Trailers for competing studios are shown before movies ALL the time, especially if it's the same genre. Both studios would benefit anyway. DC fans have to purchase a ticket to Age of Ultron to see the first glimpse of BvS on the big screen and WB gets a ton of people watching it because they're already there for Avengers.

It might be a moot issue anyway if Disney buys up all the "slots" in order to promote their own films like the new Pixar movie, Ant-Man, TFA, etc.

I saw the Age of Ultron trailer before BOTFA which was technically a WB film. It happens.
Yeah, that would be maximum douchebaggery on behalf of WB.

They should do it. Louie Depalma would be proud :lol


He won an Academy Award, justly. Really deserved it for Dead Ringers. Good actors star in bad movies sometimes. Ben Kingsley is another Oscar winner and Uwe alumnus. Unless they do something really different and interesting with Alfred, it seems like he would be better served chewing up scenery like he did in Die Hard 3.
He won an Academy Award, justly. Really deserved it for Dead Ringers. Good actors star in bad movies sometimes. Ben Kingsley is another Oscar winner and Uwe alumnus. Unless they do something really different and interesting with Alfred, it seems like he would be better served chewing up scenery like he did in Die Hard 3.

They are going to have Alfred thwart Bruce Willis as Egghead.
I doubt a trailer will be shown before avengers more then likely it will be show at comic con and I suspect they will do a similar move like when marvel announced the avengers cast by having all the actors come out. I hope that green lantern is announced soon I can't see a justice League movie with out him in it.
Yeah, I ****ing know it. I know they are going to try and spin this as an edgy and different take with the tatted up Aquaman biker guy, murderous Superman, DK Returns-styled Joker, etc. But to me, that's the lazy, easy way out for Snyder. It's derivative of the Nolan films, and too explicitly reliant on the stuff Alan Moore and Frank Miller did, that was fantastic at the time, but it's been about 30 freaking years. I'm sure every villain will be a psychopath, we'll probably see rapists and child molesters, the good guys will be "brutal vigilantes" by and large, we'll see slow-mo glorification of gory violence on a level we've never seen before. Maybe it will appeal to the 300 crowd, anyway.
doesn't want to take over the world.

Give it time. "If you don't let me be your global, worldwide King, I will break your neck."

This is probably why Batman steps up to him. Superman is probably ****ing **** up in his murder spree/globe trotting conquest and Batman comes in to stop him. Then Superman makes Batman realize that he's just as ****ed up and tortured as he is and they team up to rule the world and kill millions on the name of "Justice".
If Goyer can't "ground in reality" Martian Manhunter without talking insults towards geeks...
Let's just say he deff wouldn't try Egghead, Bookworm or Minstrel. :lol
Give it time. "If you don't let me be your global, worldwide King, I will break your neck."

This is probably why Batman steps up to him. Superman is probably ****ing **** up in his murder spree/globe trotting conquest and Batman comes in to stop him. Then Superman makes Batman realize that he's just as ****ed up and tortured as he is and they team up to rule the world and kill millions on the name of "Justice".

Earth will get its collective neck and back broken. Somewhere, My Cocaine is bawling his eyes out all over again.