Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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MOS left me cold but this looks really cool. Surprised by the negative reception the trailer's been getting. Batman's anti-Superman costume is maybe the best I've seen the character look on screen, IMO. Love the eyes and cowl. Looking forward to seeing this now.
He's totally catching a satellite or something...


He doesn't like being bowed to...


So pretty...


Meany bats...


Totally a rifle...



Looked good to me. Definitely a theatre watch(unlike Fantastic Four). Looking forward to what Batman's full Superman fighter suit looks like and if HT makes it.
I found it extremely dull. And pretty dumb.
I liked Robobat's voice, the do you bleed line is cringeworthy.
It all looks a bit Suckerpunch to me, everything over treated, I was hoping for more Watchmen.

Still, it looks original at least.
One thing I've learned from Snyder is that the trailers are always 100% better than the actual movie. I remember being stoked for MoS and Sucker Punch but the end results were just atrocious. I'm afraid the same thing will happen to this movie. He's got a great eye for visuals but in terms of story, character development and dialogue, Snyder is severely lacking.
They are really taking this some place else I guess they were not kidding when they said they wanted to show what would happen if this person really existed