Man, the whole damn internet is in Defensive Mode-Overload at the moment. ComicVine, CBR, CBM. Threads made left and right, one after the other, claiming ignorance on the critics' part, and supporting the notion that BvS is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but it's that damn shady company that keeps getting in the way! Has anyone stopped and thought "hey, maybe there's no grand conscpiracy, maybe the film is just bad". Is that so "out of this world"? Why does everyone suddenly proclaim it a success and claiming that it's all someone else's fault? Is BvS God's perfect film and I'm not aware of it?
From the reviews I've read, all the complaints fit right in with what I was afraid of. I think people are mistaking "fun" for "cheesy one liners", when I think they mean something else. BvS takes itself too seriously. It's trying to be socio-political story about the corruption of power and the fear of the unknown, but since Snyder is just a "video-game" director, the action and the pseudo-intellectual story just don't click. That's what I'm getting from these anyway. Not that they're so hang up on the Marvel method, but that the film simply isn't well made enough to warant a higher score.
As for the "MCU Syndrome", I don't see why it matters. They're both doing their own thing. The MCU has jokes and corny one-liners because hey, that's how most comics are! Even acclaimed runs have such stuff in there. They're embracing the cheesiness and putting out a movie that embraces the colouful spirit of the Marvel Comic-Book Universe. Is this the one and only way? Hell no! DC should do it's own thing and they're trying to, so kudos for that. Thing is, they're trying too hard to appear different and philosophical, that in their attempt to merge that "depth" with the classic elements of the block-buster, they're left with an unholy alliance of mediocrity. I mean, you're telling me that this ain't trying too hard to be thoughtful, but it just comes off as cheesy:
Bruce Wayne/Batman: You're not brave. Men are brave. You say you want to help people, but you can't experience their pain...their mortality. It's time you learned what it means to be a man!
Now, I haven't seen it yet, as it still hasn't hit theatres here. I'll be going tomorrow, even if I have virtually no hype at all. It's just that, IMO, maybe we shouldn't blame the competition based on a hunch. Marvel started their universe with a C-Lister and a movie starring a has-been, and as of then, black-listed "drug addict". Yet, they made it work. They didn't have Spider-Man or the X-Men, but they made it work with Thor and Captain America. Even if you downright hate their movies, you've got to respect that... All I'm saying is, maybe it's just that the film itself, is indeed rotten. Maybe there's no grand-plan or people hiding in the shadows. Maybe, Zack Snyder, has directed yet another mediocre film. Just my 0.02$...
PS: Now, since I haven't been to see it yet, maybe I'll end up playing a different tune tomorrow. It's just that I'm really tired of seeing folks diss something else when their preffered movie/game/comic just doesn't come out as good. It's petty and downright like an "argument" from elementary school...