Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Now people are bitching about spending $50-70 on a movie on a board where they waste hundreds of dollars on subpar dolls?

I also don't take a review or opinion of a comic book movie serious from anyone that doesn't like TDK.

I wish, I had to stop buying the dollies. I've only bought 2 in 3 years. Chewbacca and R2
I actually spent 70usd on two civil war tickets and I love it, you are right, I was already looking for the next HT figs to buy.
The fact that Snyder has to justify Batman killing and tries to explain his reasons (fairly poorly I may add) tell me he doesn't understand the character very well. Yes Batman may have inadvertently caused some deaths in the past and even a few where he explicitly killed but it's usually justified by a reason such as other innocents at stake. This just sounds like Batman kills because that's how he gets his thrills. Also I'm sorry but using The Dark Knight Returns as an influence was wrong. I know people love to praise Miller and that story but it's such a warped version of the character that I don't even view it as a normal Batman story but more like an elseworlds tale.
I am really worried about the DCEU future right now. I saw The movie last night, and of course it's not a masterpiece but it's not a terrible Movie either. Like others have said, i think the movie suffers a little bit of Spiderman 3 syndrome, which is a shame because the history had a lot of potential. Also there are some things in the movie that only comicbook readers will get, leaving regular people confused. Maybe the best thing for the DCEU is to get rid of Snyder.
Valid counterpoint, makes sense.

But I am too invested in these characters to not go and make up my own mind.

I will follow reviews on other properties that i'm not fully invested in like I am with superheroes.

How does a comic book reader NOT go see Batman and Superman together for the first time in a high budget movie!?!

Pretty easily actually. They aren't giving me a reason to think these are the characters I like to read about. And granted the Marvel movies stray from the comics as well, but at least with those the essence is still there. The characters act, talk and mostly even look like they should, and the stories, while deviating from the source material at least build like a comic book arc. Each new story building on the last and changing the landscape as they go.

MOS was disappointing, the story was meh, pace of the film was meh. The only good thing I got from it was Cavill can actually be a pretty good Superman and can act. After watching the trailer for this, hearing the rumors about a certain Bat-character yet again being out of character. Well I'll keep my $10. They'll get it when they make a movie worth me watching in a theater with a bunch of people I don't want to be around.
What WB needs to do - get rid of Snyder and hire a creative head to oversee the DCEU.
This just sounds like Batman kills because that's how he gets his thrills. .

That does change when you have a family Fab. Easy trips to the movies become like major excursions into deepest Africa.
It changes things a lot. Regarding whether this is worth seeing, it absolutely is. But for varied reasons.
I never ever listen to reviews though. I have hated and loved movies in polar opposition to the reviews they have received.

All you do is tie or chain your kid/s and wife/wives to the couch and go out. Simple.

Just make sure they can't get out of it for three hours and you're golden. Oh, and tape their mouths so the neighbors can't hear.
Now people are bitching about spending $50-70 on a movie on a board where they waste hundreds of dollars on subpar dolls?

I also don't take a review or opinion of a comic book movie serious from anyone that doesn't like TDK.

yeah but you wouldn't buy a figure that you hate or that had a lot of problems, or a figure that was getting reviews that had broken stuff or something

Which brings a really good point, Why do people get mad at movie critics but then completely rely on toy reviews to buy them?
Zack Snyder and Cast Talk Bad ‘Batman vs. Superman’ Reviews

Speaking of 90's didn't Marvel caused that comic book era to collapse only to have DC save them?
Both companies were doing fairly poorly in the '90s as I recall, and it was a function of the collapse of the comic collector bubble. Let's not forget that DC was one of the worst offenders here with the "Death of Superman" with the 50,000 variant covers, etc. But it's possible DC did better than Marvel in the early '00s and helped rise the tide of both companies.