Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Alright after much debate on what I think of the film I think even with the flaws I found I believe it's not a terrible film and worth seeing. It has positives that shine and I will have to watch again as stated but I'm going to rate the film 6.8/10 which is a higher score than aou.

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After my 2nd viewing I will know better if it's a JW guilty kind of like or a straight on like that will be improved upon with 30 more minutes of fleshing out material.

Either way i'm on the like side of the fence.

Sweet. Sounds like it's better than both MOS and TDKR *and* has cooler characters?
Sweet. I should probably wait and discover these things for myself but are there any "lolnados" or "Talia's death" type moments in the movie? Does Hopeman come out looking like an idiot again?

Unfortunately Abomination design is the lolnado this time out. :gah:

His height made him less threatening and personal for me.

Hopeman is on his path to redemption but he is one grumpy muther****er. :lol

It's a nicer looking movie than MOS that's for certain.
Unfortunately Abomination design is the lolnado this time out. :gah:

His height made him less threatening and personal for me.

Hopeman is on his path to redemption but he is one grumpy muther****er. :lol

It's a nicer looking movie than MOS that's for certain.

Hm, okay, well maybe it was good that the spoiler-y trailers gave away his Ninja Turtle design so it won't be some disappointing shock while I'm actually watching the movie.
DC should have built their cinematic universe slower.Too much in one single movie!

Doomsday and the Death Of Superman should have been saved for later. The fans would have cared so much more for Superman and his own sacrifices for the humanity cause. This way his death have less emotional impact!
DC should have built their cinematic universe slower.Too much in one single movie!

Doomsday and the Death Of Superman should have been saved for later. The fans would have cared so much more for Superman and his own sacrifices for the humanity cause. This way his death have less emotional impact!

Agreed! When you go out of your way almost the whole movie to drive the point home that most of the public doesn't trust Superman and he has "lost his halo"... Why would anyone really care when he died? If they are worried about him snapping and causing destruction again (which they do during the Doomsday fight), wouldn't everybody be kind of relieved that he is gone?

Its the same problem faced with taking the Batman/Superman fight out of DKR without the context of why it worked in the book... If you pluck Superman's death out of the comics, but you don't have the context of everyone looking up to and loving Supes before it happens, there is just no pay off.

Hm, okay, well maybe it was good that the spoiler-y trailers gave away his Ninja Turtle design so it won't be some disappointing shock while I'm actually watching the movie.

Yes, good point that actually helped me with Abomination 2.0.

BvS is TFA khev, the good outweigh any bad.

And if I were you I would ignore any mention that Lex is a Nygma clone, rest assured NOT EVEN CLOSE!
I still think this movie has a strong opening

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You might be right. The theaters around me are sold out through the weekend. Last time that happen was for SW-TFA.
Despite all the hate, we will just let the number speak for themselves.

Advance ticket sales alone will win the opening weekend... Its how big or small the drop next weekend is that will determine if the film flies or falls.

If anyone here reads Birth Movies Death website they just posted this 10 Questions BATMAN V SUPERMAN Left Me Asking | Birth.Movies.Death.
I think this article really shows the nitpicking going in to this movie. Some of them I definitely agree with, but the first question is so ridiculous I can't help but laugh.

Some of my answers

Why didn’t Superman clean up the World Engine?
HUMMM yeah its really nitpicking for the sake of it.
I have more trouble with the Kryptonian ship still in the middle of the city 2 years later...

Why is Lex Luthor equipping his death squads with ‘experimental bullets’?
Because why not?
The guy produces weapons why would he go and buy some.
The guy is giving his best weapons to his men.
Its a plot device nothing you never have seen before.
yeah maybe he should have used someone else than the russian too, with untracable weapons.
Seriously do we need another 15 minutes to just have Lois chasing down Lex?

Why does anyone think Superman shot a whole bunch of people in Africa?
Just as some did not listen to Lex motivations in the charity speech, they did not listen to the black woman at the senate.
Nobody says that superman killed those guys, the problem is that Supes intervening had repercussions.
The woman says that after he was gone other soldiers came for revenge and killed everybody in her village.
The whole point of the scene is to say that Supes cannot do what he wants.

Why does Lex Luthor blow up the Senate hearing and kill his assistant?
When Supes saved the planet from ZOD people were still angry at him for the destruction even if he was not completely responsible.
Here people die once more because of its presence.
Even if he has nothing to do with it, its because he is here that Wally blew himself.
It pushes Bruce to act, to think that the world will be better off without Supes.
As for the Assistant, since Lex is supposed to be there it looks less suspicious when hes not.
Also its it shows how merciless Lex is to the audience.
Even if you dont see a lot of interaction between the two you can see that shes devoted to him.
And yet he kills her.

Why is the Knightmare in this movie at all?
"I know that BvS is setting up future films in the DC movieverse, but i choose to ignore that and just nag"

Why does Superman fight Batman if he doesn’t want to fight Batman?
Yeah he doesnt try really hard, and i was suprised when he pushed Bat away.
Once more i think Superman is still learning and making mistakes.
He let his emotions gets the best of him. Just like when he took ZOD away from Martha but left her with kryptonians soldiers lol
And **** gotta go down! We are here to see a fight!
Oh and Superman doesnt go to ask Batman to help him, he is supposed to kill him for Lex.
he could have tried first to find Martha tho...

Why does Lex Luthor create Doomsday, and why does he put his blood in the Matrix?
He wants to destroy Superman, so he unleash another Kryptonian at him.
No less than the one that almost killed him.
And He clearly wants to be a part of the "gods", and having his "child" with his dna is the next best thing.

Why didn’t Wonder Woman kill Doomsday?
Because its still a Supes movie.
When you see what people say about the poor supes not having enough moment to shime can you imagine if they did that.
But i do agree WW should at least been given a shot with the spear. She Fail then Supes do it right.