Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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What if, by the end of it, when **** is going down and everybody gets their ass handed to them... Supes returns to save the day, making him the seventh member.

Good point, it could be a case of Supes pulling a Vader and turning on Darkseid in the end.

Afterwards he should shake the hands of his teammates and then go into space exile for a while as penance for his crimes against humanity.
The interesting thing about Bruce "uniting the seven" is that Supes won't be one of them, posing the question of - who will the seven be?

1. Batman
2. Wonder Woman
3. Aquaman
4. The Flash
5. Cyborg
6. Green Lantern
7. ?

Isn't Green Lantern not showing up in the next movie?
I wonder if Teen Titans might be an idea in the future since they are doing SS. Maybe it might be teased in SS
But of course he wasn't gonna get a book, wasn't that pic from JL#50? It's straight up Fabok. I am curious about his change of character, since the Amazo virus Lex has been throwing shade at gods, like a reminder, I wonder how he'll react to being a god now.

Could work, minus chains, those chains are stupid imo. But if I could have it my way, I'd use earth-2 President Superman but black instead of blue as the Evil Superman costume. white cape and all.

DC announced "The Super-Man" and most thought that it'd be a Luthor led title, since he gained powers. Turns out, it's been renamed to "New Super-man" and will star a man from Sanghai gaining Superman's powers. Super-Luthor will be somewhat co-starring in Action Comics, proclaiming himself as THE Superman. I'm not a Supes guy, but I am a Lex guy, so I'm probably adding it to my pull. Plus, Cristopher Priest on Deathstroke and Greg Rucka on Wonder Woman, with King on Batman and Abnett on Aquaman!

Personally I loved the whole Brutaal thing (even if you could see it coming a couple of light years away), so I'm in favor of that costume, chains and all. Do you mean this one?


Cause that's Val-Zod. President Superman's costume is this one if I'm not mistaken:

The interesting thing about Bruce "uniting the seven" is that Supes won't be one of them, posing the question of - who will the seven be?

1. Batman
2. Wonder Woman
3. Aquaman
4. The Flash
5. Cyborg
6. Green Lantern
7. ?

I think Mera is playing a large role in Justice League, so they may use her as part of the team and not just Aquamans wife.

There's also been rumors of DC looking for a Black Canary, so it could be her too.
I absolutely dug this movie. It is a flawed film that I could nitpick to death but I choose not to because for me, the good outweigh the bad by a lot. The ending made my girlfriend tear up and she gives **** all about comic books. The biggest success in my book is making people care about Superman. They also nailed Batman. I loved this older and on-the-verge-of-breaking version of him. For myself I would have taken out a few scenes bit they are so quick they didn't bother me.

Count me in for wanting to see it again and I am down for Justice League. Like I said, the film is not a great film, but so much of it was great that I ended up loving it. 7/10 is what I would rate it.

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DC announced "The Super-Man" and most thought that it'd be a Luthor led title, since he gained powers. Turns out, it's been renamed to "New Super-man" and will star a man from Sanghai gaining Superman's powers. Super-Luthor will be somewhat co-starring in Action Comics, proclaiming himself as THE Superman. I'm not a Supes guy, but I am a Lex guy, so I'm probably adding it to my pull. Plus, Cristopher Priest on Deathstroke and Greg Rucka on Wonder Woman, with King on Batman and Abnett on Aquaman!

Personally I loved the whole Brutaal thing (even if you could see it coming a couple of light years away), so I'm in favor of that costume, chains and all. Do you mean this one?


Yeah, my bad, that one, black costume with white cape, pretty slick.

Did you like the new costumes? I think Supes' is cool, I just hate that he has blue boots, I like the post new52 costume better.
Isn't Green Lantern not showing up in the next movie?

The Dawn of Justice special they released in January opened with panels from all seven members in their first comic book depictions. GL was one of them.
We are hardcore geeks and we're trying to figure this **** out, imagine the general public! :lol
Agreed. And I think that also accounts for some of the discrepancy between general opinions on here (which seems about 50/50 to my reading) and the less generous appraisal by regular film critics.

That video with Affleck speaking fluent Spanish reminds me, there's that scene in the movie where Wayne is at that seedy, fight club bar spying on that Russian guy. I thought that moment where Bruce whispers something (a fighting tactic obviously) into the struggling black fighter's ear and then true around and ends up winning the fight was fantastic. A cool "Batman" moment with Bruce throwing down his winning bet, speaking Russian (but pretending to be humble about it like he can't speak it), the device that scanned the thing on the counter and that little smirk he had. All well done.

So many elements that I can think of that work when you take them out of context from the movie and think of them as their own seperate entity. When this comes out on home video, I bet we see a ton of YouTube videos where the Batman/Bruce Wayne and Alfred scenes are isolated and condensed as one.

What a weird mess.

I want Superman to return with a mullet.

Nah. Blue energy Superman, please.


I don't think DC knows how to make live action movies
You're being unfair.

They're like Toonces the Driving Cat. They absolutely know how to make movies. They just don't make them very well.

The interesting thing about Bruce "uniting the seven" is that Supes won't be one of them, posing the question of - who will the seven be?

1. Batman
2. Wonder Woman
3. Aquaman
4. The Flash
5. Cyborg
6. Green Lantern
7. ?
Now that Goyer''s apparently not involved anymore, it could be the most glaring omission from the comics--Martian Manhunter. But you're assuming Supes won't be revived that quickly, and also that they're taking the "Seven" analogy that literally.
Bill Hunt of The Digital bits posted this as part of his review:

"Personally, though, I find it much more believable and interesting that the Marvel universe – just my take, but hear me out a moment. To me, the DCCU is more psychologically “realistic” than Marvel’s universe, by which I mean dark, depressing, and traumatized. In damn near all these Marvel films, there’s a huge swath of destruction and yet everyone still goes to work, the economy keeps on pumping, civil society continues about like it always was. “Say honey, did you see New York City got destroyed by aliens today?” “That’s nice dear. Shall we go to the lake this weekend or stay in with the kids and watch movies?” Right. But consider, if you will, our own social, political, and economic situation today (in response to terrorism, cyber-spying, mass migration, etc), then extrapolate that to add destructive super beings into the mix. Personally, I happen to believe that if a bunch of alien “gods” from space (or mutants in our midst) actually wiped out parts of a major American city on a regular basis, the world would lose its collective ****. People would freak out, get ultra-paranoid and militant, question their faith, join cults, go into hiding, move to remote locations, build bunkers, stop going to work, get depressed and kill themselves, and otherwise lash out at others around them. The economy would collapse. Civil society would break down. Every tin plated dictator on the planet with nukes would be tempted to press the button to save themselves. It’d be chaos."

I completely agree- IF this is a film's purpose to show a more realistic world on film if superheroes existed.
The Dawn of Justice special they released in January opened with panels from all seven members in their first comic book depictions. GL was one of them.

That's pretty cool, we should hear about casting for that soon then. I thought I remember reading that GL won't show up until JL 2 or something like that.
That's pretty cool, we should hear about casting for that soon then. I thought I remember reading that GL won't show up until JL 2 or something like that.

Considering how up until Thursday everyone and their mother thought Supes would lead the seven, I wouldn't write off GL showing up in JLA1 at all.

They're clearly not announcing everything they're planning and saving alot for the films themselves.
I loved the film... I don't get the hate at all.

Is it perfect? No. But literally no film is perfect... each has it's faults. I enjoyed this movie more than some of Marvel's latest efforts.

Gal was a perfect Wonder Woman. I loved her theme.
Ben Affleck was a great Batman.

The only casting I wasn't crazy about was Lex. I've seen the movie twice now and he did end up annoying me less the second time around. :lol

I hope the Justice League is:
- Batman
- Wonder Woman
- Aquaman
- Flash
- Cyborg
- Mera
- Superman (when he returns)

I could see them adding Green Lantern, Black Canary (she was rumored) and Martian Manhunter too.

I think one of the aspects of the film I enjoyed most was that it reminded me of DC's animated films (which are great) I hope the JL follows that tune and we get an epic battle with each hero having their own villain to face.