Is Snyder also staying? Please say yes!
Unless something crazy and drastic and unforeseen happens between now and then, yes. He's over there (London) right now.
Is Snyder also staying? Please say yes!
I too still like Bale over Affleck. I think Affleck has a real shot at overtaking Bale though if given a solo movie or two.
One thing I haven't seen yet is complaints overthe lack of Batman's involvement in the Doomsday fight. Really he just grappled away from him and then stands back while Wonder Woman/Superman fights him. Then shoots DD and that is that. DC basically established Batman as the most powerful superhero in the universe after defeating Superman. I think he should have played a bigger role in the DD fight somehow. Whether that be with the Armored Suit or just grappling onto Doomsday and dealing damage. I still liked the fight, but would be nice to see if Batman had a bigger role in the final fight on the director's cut.
I want Superman to return with a mullet.
O man I hope they give him the long hair. Think of all the backlash.
Yeah, I thought she was fine, but not all that great. For now, I'm thinking she'll do best when situated firmly in the "less is more" department. Stand there, don't say much, give a sexy, vacuous kind of look, and you can't go too wrong.Gadot didn't do anything other than stand, look curious, stare at a laptop and cross her wrist.
That smile she gave Doomsdaynation was dumb.
Yes, this Batman is definitely my favorite. He's not a definitive Batman, cause he's a little more unhinged, but I can definitely see Batfleck being the definitive Batman in earlier years, before he went full Miller. Maybe his solo movie can deliver that, but hands down best Batman as it is.
I doesn't top Bale for me, but I thought he was great. I definitely think after a Solo Batman flick That he directs, he'll have a chance to really showcase himself as batman.
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I too still like Bale over Affleck. I think Affleck has a real shot at overtaking Bale though if given a solo movie or two.
One thing I haven't seen yet is complaints overthe lack of Batman's involvement in the Doomsday fight. Really he just grappled away from him and then stands back while Wonder Woman/Superman fights him. Then shoots DD and that is that. DC basically established Batman as the most powerful superhero in the universe after defeating Superman. I think he should have played a bigger role in the DD fight somehow. Whether that be with the Armored Suit or just grappling onto Doomsday and dealing damage. I still liked the fight, but would be nice to see if Batman had a bigger role in the final fight on the director's cut.
That's why Batman should have gone after the spear instead of Lois. He was useless against Doomsday.I too still like Bale over Affleck. I think Affleck has a real shot at overtaking Bale though if given a solo movie or two.
One thing I haven't seen yet is complaints overthe lack of Batman's involvement in the Doomsday fight. Really he just grappled away from him and then stands back while Wonder Woman/Superman fights him. Then shoots DD and that is that. DC basically established Batman as the most powerful superhero in the universe after defeating Superman. I think he should have played a bigger role in the DD fight somehow. Whether that be with the Armored Suit or just grappling onto Doomsday and dealing damage. I still liked the fight, but would be nice to see if Batman had a bigger role in the final fight on the director's cut.
The warehouse fight alone puts Affleck over Bale (and every other live action Batman to date). Plus, he doesn't have the dumb voice.
Affleck > Bale. Already.
The warehouse fight alone puts Affleck over Bale (and every other live action Batman to date). He can fight with more than his elbows. Plus, he doesn't have the laughable Batvoice.
Affleck > Bale for me. Already.
Unless something crazy and drastic and unforeseen happens between now and then, yes. He's over there (London) right now.
I too still like Bale over Affleck. I think Affleck has a real shot at overtaking Bale though if given a solo movie or two.
One thing I haven't seen yet is complaints overthe lack of Batman's involvement in the Doomsday fight. Really he just grappled away from him and then stands back while Wonder Woman/Superman fights him. Then shoots DD and that is that. DC basically established Batman as the most powerful superhero in the universe after defeating Superman. I think he should have played a bigger role in the DD fight somehow. Whether that be with the Armored Suit or just grappling onto Doomsday and dealing damage. I still liked the fight, but would be nice to see if Batman had a bigger role in the final fight on the director's cut.
That's why Batman should have gone after the spear instead of Lois. He was useless against Doomsday.
Nobody should be surprised Batman was out of his league, and that's how it should be, Batman should provide brains, strategy, technology and intelligence to the JL, not muscle.
Batman as usual was able to "handle" Supes for a couple of minutes with Supes holding back, kryptonite, prep time, etc etc. There was none of that for Doomsday, he wasn't ready, so I thought having Bats just run around avoiding damage was very good decision.
NOW he can prepare for stuff like that and be more helpful in future threats.
Wonder how Snyder's mindset is? I mean... that must kind of stink that the movie you just got done with is getting **** on and then you have to basically go and make the follow up not even a month later. Hopefully it doesn't effect his decisions during JL. I just hope Snyder see's the complaints and focuses on BvS's weaknesses, learn from them, and apply some of the constructive criticism to Justice League.
I think he was a half measure, I think he was a man who couldn't finish the job, I think he was a coward!
That's why Batman should have gone after the spear instead of Lois. He was useless against Doomsday.
I believe that was the idea, if he wasn't running away from blasts, chunks of debris and DD trying to squash him![]()
Bu-but h-he's Ba-Batman.
PS: Still can't get over that scene in Arkham Knight where in seconds he dispatches a giant plant and, breaks into the building, and appears before Ivy. I mean, it's cool and all but damn, that's more unrealistic than Boom Tubes...
This. I hope Cavill is lurking here and sees the love this movie is getting, and most importantly, it's not blind love, we're addressing the flaws here too.