BvS was great.
There's a parallel universe where the press don't hate Snyder (and aren't brainwashed by Disney) so the majority of people liked the movie - and aren't afraid to say they did.
Because, yes - most people's hate for this movie began with the bad reviews. This is a society of bandwagoning and communal hate.
Just look at this thread. The movie's been out two weeks now and the same people who hated it two weeks ago feel the need to continue sharing said hate for it here still. Why do they continue? Because they feel empowered bashing something the general consensus deems cool to bash.
BvS is a movie that shows how vitriolic and ugly online society has gotten.
Yeah... I mean also look at the people that keep coming back and posting who liked the film... I mean how much can you just gush over a movie and post the same happy thoughts??? I am shocked when threads even make it over 10 pages...
Seriously though... I liked the movie... Post like that make me want to hate it

I'm actually starting to like that these movies are polarizing. For one, it means they're not mere popcorn piffle. They'll also age way better than most movies in the genre.
Keep going for the moonshot, Zack. Even if half the people absolutely hate the movies and think you've crashed and burned, it's worth it in the end.
I would say popcorn flix can be pretty polarizing. Transformers has plenty of fans and plenty of haters. Jurassic World anyone? Pretty polarizing but won't go down as a classic.
You know what films usually are not polarizing?? Good ones. Sometimes great films are initially hated only to become classics. I am not saying that BvS is not good but its not Blade Runner or John Carpenter's The Thing. Films that critics hated only to become true classics.
I think BvS will be what it is. A missed opportunity but not nearly as bad as what people have said... And who knows perhaps the longer cut will take it to the next level. I hope so.. I would love to move my rating from a 7 to an 8 or 9.