Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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BvS was great.

There's a parallel universe where the press don't hate Snyder (and aren't brainwashed by Disney) so the majority of people liked the movie - and aren't afraid to say they did.

Because, yes - most people's hate for this movie began with the bad reviews. This is a society of bandwagoning and communal hate.

Just look at this thread. The movie's been out two weeks now and the same people who hated it two weeks ago feel the need to continue sharing said hate for it here still. Why do they continue? Because they feel empowered bashing something the general consensus deems cool to bash.
BvS is a movie that shows how vitriolic and ugly online society has gotten.

Yeah... I mean also look at the people that keep coming back and posting who liked the film... I mean how much can you just gush over a movie and post the same happy thoughts??? I am shocked when threads even make it over 10 pages...

Seriously though... I liked the movie... Post like that make me want to hate it :lol

I'm actually starting to like that these movies are polarizing. For one, it means they're not mere popcorn piffle. They'll also age way better than most movies in the genre.

Keep going for the moonshot, Zack. Even if half the people absolutely hate the movies and think you've crashed and burned, it's worth it in the end.

I would say popcorn flix can be pretty polarizing. Transformers has plenty of fans and plenty of haters. Jurassic World anyone? Pretty polarizing but won't go down as a classic.

You know what films usually are not polarizing?? Good ones. Sometimes great films are initially hated only to become classics. I am not saying that BvS is not good but its not Blade Runner or John Carpenter's The Thing. Films that critics hated only to become true classics.

I think BvS will be what it is. A missed opportunity but not nearly as bad as what people have said... And who knows perhaps the longer cut will take it to the next level. I hope so.. I would love to move my rating from a 7 to an 8 or 9. :)
Movies that came out before 1998, 2000 (whenever Rotten tomatoes was established and known) shouldn't count.

Some blogger in 2015 that decides to either praise or pan a movie from the 60s or the 70s shouldn't have a voice whether they're a top critic or not. Older movies from before the height of the internet are lucky to have 80 reviews to their name while you have modern movies reaping in about 400. It's nuts.

Yeah, The Terminator has a 100% and 55 reviews :lol

T2 used to have a 99%, but some recent bad reviews in 2013 and 2014 lowered the score to a 93%. :slap

"Shamefully sadistic, achingly dull and totally predictable, it rehashes the far superior 1984 original."

People Magazine

The picture is full of spectacular action sequences and dazzling special effects, but the narrative doesn't have the snap of the original's: it's lumbering and monotonous, and it carries a heavy-handed anti-nuke message.

The New yorker

These are very special special effects, but that's about all the film is, special effects.

Baltimore Sun

The best efforts of highly trained talents are not enough to save the picture from its own deep-rooted foolishness

Christian Science Monitor
Really not much rhyme or reason.

Iron Man 2 at 72% = LOL.

Also, I'm stunned that DOFP is over 90% and higher than First Class.

RT can suck a ****. :lol

:lol :lol

I have no idea how that works. However, Hopeman would let the train crash and burn, as he hovers above the carnage, wondering what it means to be human, and why some humans don't like him. Very inspiring :monkey3

You don't owe them anything. :lol
Must..... resist.... the temptation... to..... bad mouth.... T2.... :lol

J/k.... I like the film but 99% is way to high.

Listen, and understand! a-dev is out there! He can't be bargained with. He can't be reasoned with He doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you agree that T2 deserves 99%!
Yeah, The Terminator has a 100% and 55 reviews :lol

T2 used to have a 99%, but some recent bad reviews in 2013 and 2014 lowered the score to a 93%. :slap

Yup, exactly. Good example.

Another example while on the the subject of superhero movies, take a look at Batman Forever. Back in 1995 it wasn't panned, it got good reviews and did great financially. That movie was such a critical and financial success that they IMMEDIATELY went to work on Batman and Robin, which is kinda unheard of. Warner Bros. just jumped right into it and it began filming in, what, 1996? The Burton and Nolan movies had three years between them, TDKR, four. Forever had great word of mouth and legs and I remember the newspapers and tv spots with all of it's gushy positive reviews and headlines.

I distinctively remember this making it's rounds because it pissed me off. :lol

best batman yet.jpg

If Rottentomatoes existed in the summer and fall of 1995 in an internet environment like we have today, that **** would have been fresh. Probably at Iron Man 3 or Ant-Man levels. Instead it's got something like 50 reviews, most of which are from recent years in a post-Batman and Robin era.

Older movies, both good or bad, shouldn't count. The whole point of Rottentomatoes is for theatrical releases anyway. It gives people a heads up or a warning on whether or not they should go to the movies and see a certain film.
Yeah, I remember Forest Gump was considered great back 1994, and it even won a best picture Oscar. Now, all kind of magazines, websites, and critics call it overrated and it has like a 72% on RT, which is not terrible, but you'd think such an iconic film would easily be in the 90% range or in the high 80%. I'm ok with new critics revisiting old movies because sometimes people can be more objective in retrospect, but I agree that those new reviews shouldn't count. Old films should retain whatever critical acclaim or failure they originally received, like a little time capsule.

However, there are movies that initially got bad reviews, and now they are considered great, like Blade Runner, so it works both ways too, but still, maybe RT should create a special category for old films, therefore showing the percentage those films originally would have received when they came out, and then a modern percentage that includes the modern reviews.
Yeah... I mean also look at the people that keep coming back and posting who liked the film... I mean how much can you just gush over a movie and post the same happy thoughts??? I am shocked when threads even make it over 10 pages...

Seriously though... I liked the movie... Post like that make me want to hate it :lol

Why are you agreeing with him when that is literally the same thing I said about PT hate and you fought me over it?

Amazing how what I said months ago keeps popping up in this thread and people agree with it... but when I say it... oh no..
Yeah, I remember Forest Gump was considered great back 1994, and it even won a best picture Oscar. Now, all kind of magazines, websites, and critics call it overrated and it has like a 72% on RT, which is not terrible, but you'd think such an iconic film would easily be in the 90% range or in the high 80%. I'm ok with new critics revisiting old movies because sometimes people can be more objective in retrospect, but I agree that those new reviews shouldn't count. Old films should retain whatever critical acclaim or failure they originally received, like a little time capsule.

However, there are movies that initially got bad reviews, and now they are considered great, like Blade Runner, so it works both ways too, but still, maybe RT should create a special category for old films, therefore showing the percentage those films originally would have received when they came out, and then a modern percentage that includes the modern reviews.

Blade Runner can keep its original score....not a fan. :lol

The Thing, rock on! :rock
Third time tonight. Liking it more each time.
Looking forward to seeing that "ultimate cut" in July...

As for that "Latino Review" report....hope it's false. They should leave Zach alone...let him finish what he's started here.

More outside hands stirring the pot is NOT what this fact I'd venture to say any of the so-called issues with this movie were from outside (studio) interference and expectations.

This is most definitely a multiple-viewing much packed in to the story, the shots, the scenes. Whenever I read reviews on this where folks are carping about how confusing it is, all I can think is..."pay attention"'s all there, right on the screen.

I still stand by my assertion that more "solo movies" might've been the way to go here before this big "match-up", but now that this one's done, I'm very ready for the Wonder Woman flick and to see Affleck's solo-turn with Batman.

Hard to say where it's gong to go with Superman at this point...will his story lead into Batman's knightmare scenario we just saw in BvS or will his "return" take another path? I wanted to see another stand-alone Superman movie after "Man of Steel"...I hope that's in the cards....
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I'm surprised that Batman Returns and Superman Returns scored so high. Especially BR beating Batman 89.
A lot of critics give better ratings to movies with kinky stuff (Catwoman in skin tight leather with a whip). You might say "but 50 Shades of Grey got bad ratings", and my response would be one of the common criticisms was that it was too tame and didn't go far enough.
A lot of critics give better ratings to movies with kinky stuff (Catwoman in skin tight leather with a whip). You might say "but 50 Shades of Grey got bad ratings", and my response would be one of the common criticisms was that it was too tame and didn't go far enough.

You watched 50 Shades of Grey?