Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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No matter how one tries to justify this: The movie is a failure.

It made its money back and then some? Sure.

Is it really that bad as some make it out to be? Probably, it was a mess. Some cool parts though.

Were the critics all around planet Earth were bought by Mickey Mouse? LOL.

Insert any type of excuse, but the fact is that these are ****ing Batman and Superman on the same movie. Nothing (except maybe Star Wars) gets bigger than that.

This movie should've made a billion and more easily. But as it is (a mess) you can see how a movie like "The Boss" takes the #1 spot at the box office.

If the critics had not wrongfully butchered this film it'd be deemed an absolute success even if it fell off on its third weekend.

The movie wasn't "a mess". It was a victim to a bunch of people who wanted to hate it that are [sadly] an authority to the masses on what's good or bad in film.

I've seen this movie with eight different people through three viewings and not ONE has left the theater saying "What a mess." They all leave excited for JL.

The hate for this movie is of course evident on the Internet because right now its cool to hate BvS online. Three years ago the same thing happened with MOS.

The Bandwagon mentality is a few steps shy of officially becoming standard issue for online discussion.
I DO beieve the critically lambasting hurt the box office by more CASUAL moviegoers skipping this because of the reviews-it is what it is.
I don't know what to say- I really think it's terrific and love it more on repeated viewings- what does that say? Too much to absorb in one viewing? Second alot more is understood and flows better. It's one of those films...

I know people who were not planning on seeing it who went to see it just because of the very mixed reviews.
I know people who were not planning on seeing it who went to see it just because of the very mixed reviews.

I had people texting me that first weekend asking me if they should even bother watching it after all the negative reviews. Had to force my brother to see it (he loved it).
I DO beieve the critically lambasting hurt the box office by more CASUAL moviegoers skipping this because of the reviews-it is what it is.
I don't know what to say- I really think it's terrific and love it more on repeated viewings- what does that say? Too much to absorb in one viewing? Second alot more is understood and flows better. It's one of those films...

It absolutely effected the box office. Just from personal experience the weekend It came out my mom was begging to go out to the movies with the fam and she literally asked "what should we see, is there anything out?" Hellooo mom! Batman VS Superman is out, how is this even a question! and she replied with something along the lines of "but it got terrible reviews." My sister was also there and had a similar comment (It was easter weekend so the whole fam was together). Anywho, my sister is always looking at the RT scores for movies even though she is not very into movies, and when we left the BVS showing I could see how it influenced her opinion by her comments. She still wishes we saw Zootopia, which I thought was kind of disappointing. And btw my sister is a huge marvel lover (even though there is 0% chance she knows whats "going on" behind the scenes and I doubt she's seen even half of them) and she scoffed at the civil war trailer.
If the critics had not wrongfully butchered this film it'd be deemed an absolute success even if it fell off on its third weekend.

The movie wasn't "a mess". It was a victim to a bunch of people who wanted to hate it that are [sadly] an authority to the masses on what's good or bad in film.

I've seen this movie with eight different people through three viewings and not ONE has left the theater saying "What a mess." They all leave excited for JL.

The hate for this movie is of course evident on the Internet because right now its cool to hate BvS online. Three years ago the same thing happened with MOS.

The Bandwagon mentality is a few steps shy of officially becoming standard issue for online discussion.

Have you considered that maybe, just maybe a lot of people didn't like the movie?

I'm no hater, there's parts I really liked. I didn't read any reviews going in, and thought it was pretty bad overall. Is that 29% a bit too rough on it? IMO this deserved a 50.

But I'm no movie critic. My GF fell asleep. My father in law didn't like it. They both couldn't care less about comics and reviews. Two adults that liked the Nolan Trilogy absolutely hated this.

Is that hard to comprehend? I'm going to go ahead and say that maybe, these scenario is QUITE common with this film.
I watched MOS again yesterday, and it was better than I remember it. The undertones of what superman represented in the form of hope and him struggling with the fears of his father but at the same time wanting to do the right thing but not really considering the consquences really came through well. I really wish they didn't do this movie and did a true Man of Steel 2 to build further on Clark growing into the Superman we all know and one that could exist in the current world. If he was raised by humans, he would obviously have human moral flaws as well. I would've liked to see that explored more in a solo film. That ideally would then lead into a death of superman movie so that they could've built on the character and his death having a bigger impact than it did in this movie. In the comics, the whole world was watching as Clark sacrificed himself to stop doomsday, in this movie it didn't feel like that at all, there was no worldwide shock, no outcry or care by the world that they would truly miss him as a hero to the world.


I'm sure WB doesn't was all part of the plan :lol
Have you considered that maybe, just maybe a lot of people didn't like the movie?

I'm no hater, there's parts I really liked. I didn't read any reviews going in, and thought it was pretty bad overall. Is that 29% a bit too rough on it? IMO this deserved a 50.

But I'm no movie critic. My GF fell asleep. My father in law didn't like it. They both couldn't care less about comics and reviews. Two adults that liked the Nolan Trilogy absolutely hated this.

Is that hard to comprehend? I'm going to go ahead and say that maybe, these scenario is QUITE common with this film.

Yeah I'm pretty much on the same boat. I liked some parts and did not like others.

29% on Rotten Tomatoes is misleading though. Doesn't it count reviews as either rotten or fresh? So there really isn't that much of in between. A critic can rate it at 49% and it'll come out as rotten, and be counted towards that vote.

Or did I get that wrong? Not too big on the review system.

Edit: Indeed it is.

So a movie has to get over 6/10 "Fresh" scores to be counted as fresh, otherwise it is rotten. It seems that just 71% of the critics did not like it, so it got a 29% Rotten score. 29% doesn't really reflect quality. It could be 49% good but if they don't like it enough, they can vote it as Rotten.
If the critics had not wrongfully butchered this film it'd be deemed an absolute success even if it fell off on its third weekend.

The movie wasn't "a mess". It was a victim to a bunch of people who wanted to hate it that are [sadly] an authority to the masses on what's good or bad in film.

I've seen this movie with eight different people through three viewings and not ONE has left the theater saying "What a mess." They all leave excited for JL.

The hate for this movie is of course evident on the Internet because right now its cool to hate BvS online. Three years ago the same thing happened with MOS.

The Bandwagon mentality is a few steps shy of officially becoming standard issue for online discussion.

Was going to respond but this Franpincho said what I was thinking.

Have you considered that maybe, just maybe a lot of people didn't like the movie?

I'm no hater, there's parts I really liked. I didn't read any reviews going in, and thought it was pretty bad overall. Is that 29% a bit too rough on it? IMO this deserved a 50.

But I'm no movie critic. My GF fell asleep. My father in law didn't like it. They both couldn't care less about comics and reviews. Two adults that liked the Nolan Trilogy absolutely hated this.

Is that hard to comprehend? I'm going to go ahead and say that maybe, these scenario is QUITE common with this film.

I liked the film... I didn't love it but I liked it. My friend liked it but my wife and my 10 year old son did not. My seven year old liked it OK but I think it was a little too long for him. Another friend of mine who is a huge Superman fan hated it.. I mean it sort of depressed him for 2 weeks we was so disappointed.

So yeah.. This film being loved or hated has nothing to do with the critics.

This film is a perfect example of one that should be critic proof. It's box office reminds me of the New Godzilla film... Everyone wanted to see it because of the brand name. But the final product was only OK. So word of mouth is not great and repeat viewings is not as high as it should be.

This film should have been in the top spot for weeks until Civil War came out. I mean there is little to no competition. But the final product did not justify it.

Like I said I liked it. But I think it could have been so much better.

If anything the bad reviews helped me enjoy it more because my expectations were really low after all that. But to act like the critics are paid off or just MU fanboys is disingenuous. You don't have to agree with them but you should be able to read a well thought out review and see were someone might be coming from. I think many of the complaints leveled at this film are legit and I can easily see why someone would give this a bad review. It's not critic proof because it's got problems.
nah. It made it's original investment back and then some. They are happy.


I'm reading that it has made a profit of 300 million so far.

For normal people that is an unimaginable amount.

But since Wall Street is controlled by our space alien overlords who literally live above gold bars because that's how they get their energy, 300 million is not enough money to convert into gold.

So no, they're none to pleased! :lol

Actually, this is even more entertaining:

A customer of mine who is a "cleaner" told me a story a few weeks ago that his driver was double parked in lower Manhattan so obviously he was in a rush to move the big Escalade because a few cops had already warned him to move it.

So the driver went upstairs and his "client" who is an heir to an empire had a high level investor friend over and both were coked out of their minds literally ankle deep in cash thrown all over the floor, they told the driver they don't rush for anyone and told him to just drive around the block until they were ready!

I asked my customer what primary investment portfolio were they involved with, he said "movie productions"! :lol
Next week the Jungle Book opens, and Disney will put the final nail in Superman's coffin :lol

yeah no doubt- hope foreign revenue continues to let it make $1 billion which might still happen

WB has to be pretty upset about the domestic revenues in any case....I'm sure they thought this was an easy $500 million grosser here..and i say upset not because they lost money on it (they won't) but upset it wasn't better received critically and ticket wise.

SS better save DC's day....
I was actually taken back by the YouTube reviewers who I began watching after going to YouTube for Hot Toys reviews to see the figures in hand.

I guess I was pretty naive about them thinking that that's guys are regular people who were just posting video not expecting turn it in to a business and their desire for more views. TFA that was the straw that broke the camels back when I saw how blatantly it was a copy of ANH I was shocked it was ridiculous to what degree he lifted the entire screen play from the previous and you go on RT or watch the youtube reviewers and they are full of nothing but praise the height of selling out. And when people say it a copy they say it's OK it did not bother me , it did bother it was so predictable it was a joke. Praise and critic should be dispensed with on all you don't get to give your favorite franchise a pass because it's what you grew up with its makes you no better then the fan boys.

Was the backlash against the prequel so bad that they were scared and just redid the movie what a joke you could improve upon it like what they did with Batman after Batman forever not rinse and repeat.

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Actually a lot of reviews were not that great for TFA. They liked it but usually the score was around a 3.5 out of 5 and most used the lack of originality as the reason it was not a better film. Of course a 3.5 will give it a fresh rating and thus it movies up to whatever % it is.

If I was a critic my review would have fallen on the fresh scale also.. But I have a lot of issues with the film. In fact I would say that TFA and BvS about equal on the entertainment scale.

As for critics giving their fav franchise a pass... BvS should have been one of those fav Franchises.. But something was missing in that film for a lot of people.

I DO beieve the critically lambasting hurt the box office by more CASUAL moviegoers skipping this because of the reviews-it is what it is.
I don't know what to say- I really think it's terrific and love it more on repeated viewings- what does that say? Too much to absorb in one viewing? Second alot more is understood and flows better. It's one of those films...

I would agree with that. But then again for a film of this size and brand names it should not matter... To further my point I was making on my last post. Word of mouth can save a film as well as kill it in the following weeks. If this film was great then word of mouth would have got to those who decided not to go and they would have gone in week two or three. If it was great repeat viewing would help it's box office. But the film has really slid in two weeks. I don't care what critic reviews say... Obviously this film has turned a lot of people off so word of mouth and repeat viewings are not there.

Either the film is not considered that great by the general public or Batman and Superman are not as popular as everyone thinks they are.
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