Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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What happened if the MCU started dark and depressing, would've BvS then been more successfull? :lol

The Marvel comics I was attracted to growing up had mostly dark subject matter, at least what I thought was dark for back then.

I think DC should just say "**** it" and go whole hog. They should make a Green Arrow solo movie that's just two and a half hours of Oscar bait where we watch Speedy destroy his life with Heroin as Ollie just breaks down trying to deal with his sidekick's addiction.
To be fair, I've never gone into too much discussion on the movie itself on here. I'm more keen to talk about the behind-the-scenes stuff and keep it to simple facts as much as possible. Opinions and debates are fine, but after a while I find that boring and tedious. Besides; I'm admittedly biased and recused myself from it.

But I'm not cool with the nega-nerds continuing to try and control the narrative about this production, especially when it comes to behind-the-scenes stuff I know for a personal fact they don't know a damned thing about.

I'm not referring to anyone here specifically; but most of the people posting about this and JL on the Internet, in general. They really don't have much of a clue. The movie bloggers are just as bad; and I'm starting to wonder if it might be because Zack stopped pandering to them and giving them access.

If I was Zack I'd cut 'em all off too.

**** 'em. Let 'em ride that Disney **** all they want.
To be fair, I've never gone into too much discussion on the movie itself on here. I'm more keen to talk about the behind-the-scenes stuff and keep it to simple facts as much as possible. Opinions and debates are fine, but after a while I find that boring and tedious. Besides; I'm admittedly biased and recused myself from it.

But I'm not cool with the nega-nerds continuing to try and control the narrative about this production, especially when it comes to behind-the-scenes stuff I know for a personal fact they don't know a damned thing about.

I'm not referring to anyone here specifically; but most of the people posting about this and JL on the Internet, in general. They really don't have much of a clue. The movie bloggers are just as bad; and I'm starting to wonder if it might be because Zack stopped pandering to them and giving them access.

Movie discussion happens between arguments over Marvel conspiracies, film critics, actors ability to fight, box office nbrs, studio direction so it isn't boring......pointless but not boring :rotfl
Great visuals and special affects are great, but if the story does t work the movie won't work. Look at the Star Wars prequels.

The story holds everything together.
Didn't seem to concern anyone involved with Batman V Superman. Why start worrying about such things now? :monkey3

Some fandork has offered to physically fight Zack at SDCC. :lol

I actually hope this happens. In fact, WB would never go for it (law suits and such) but I'd propose an all out brawl between Team Cruel Films and the Fanboy BvS Haters. Gangs of New York style. To make it even more fun, let's make it high stakes: Nerdators win, and Zack and company never make another comic book movie after JL. We win, that group has to stop acting like little girls online.

Like I said... Very high stakes.
Anyone remember the boxing match Uwe Boll had with one of his critics? :lol

And I agree with the comments about some folks holding cynicism/skepticism/even hatred held toward this movie before it came out. It was going to be damn hard convincing these folks that this movie was even OK, much less really good. I admittedly was one of those, from day one. But it's not irrational when you know who is involved and had such a terrible experience with Man of Steel, and the movie was a logical continuation of MOS really. And of course, it works both ways. You have extreme defenders of the film, who aren't really being irrational, but who love it or have a stake in it for one reason or another and who will therefore allow the film's issues to be viewed through rose tinted glasses. S'all good though. It's not unlike issues we see everyday in all walks of life. You should see some of the knock-down, drag-outs I've seen among University faculty members over really inconsequential ****.

I actually have to give props to Khev as one of the few guys who didn't seem to come into this with any dog in the fight. He's always been an unabashed Marvel guy, but loved this movie and hasn't backed down from defending it. . .lord knows why he's doing it, but RESPECT :lol Same for JYE.
Edit my quote. It pains me to see the possessive form of "city's," as opposed to the plural "cities," and I'd like to delete this one, as soon as possible, and never be reminded of my error.:lol

Did it, but now it says I edited it :gah: the suffering of self-diagnosed OCD.

I think my favorite (and from this very thread) was "Why did Batman think heavier armor might be beneficial when fighting SUPERMAN?" :lol :duh
Ohhh I would trade my sides for a list that included all of those :lol
Both sides are annoying and need a time out.....:impatient:

No. No way
Only the haters need a time out. Only the bashers deserve punishment, they deserve pain. Ben Affleck and Zack Snyder should bring sticks to beat up the haters to a bloody pulp! They deserve to burn in hell and Zack deserves to send them there.
I hope Zack bashes them to tiny little pieces those troll haters omg I hate them so much!!!!!!! Disney scum. Those critics probably wear adult Mickey diapers to sleep :lol

The souls of the haters will burn for all eternity in the flames of satans domain.
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I think my favorite (and from this very thread) was "Why did Batman think heavier armor might be beneficial when fighting SUPERMAN?" :lol :duh

Yeah, because it really makes all that much difference how much his suit weighs... Supes could do as much damage through either material. If it provides added strength through mechanics, then fair enough. But they didn't show that in the film.
It just goes to show everyone how beloved these characters are. Look at all of this discussion on them appearing together for the first time. I bet the first time Frankenstein, Dracula, and the wolfman appeared together no one ever said, "it's too cheerful, and makes too much sense." Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are icons that we hold dear and each have an image that when not done to our expectations are bashed and ridiculed.
Didn't seem to concern anyone involved with Batman V Superman. Why start worrying about such things now? :monkey3

Anyone remember the boxing match Uwe Boll had with one of his critics? :lol

And I agree with the comments about some folks holding cynicism/skepticism/even hatred held toward this movie before it came out. It was going to be damn hard convincing these folks that this movie was even OK, much less really good. I admittedly was one of those, from day one. But it's not irrational when you know who is involved and had such a terrible experience with Man of Steel, and the movie was a logical continuation of MOS really. And of course, it works both ways. You have extreme defenders of the film, who aren't really being irrational, but who love it or have a stake in it for one reason or another and who will therefore allow the film's issues to be viewed through rose tinted glasses. S'all good though. It's not unlike issues we see everyday in all walks of life. You should see some of the knock-down, drag-outs I've seen among University faculty members over really inconsequential ****.

I actually have to give props to Khev as one of the few guys who didn't seem to come into this with any dog in the fight. He's always been an unabashed Marvel guy, but loved this movie and hasn't backed down from defending it. . .lord knows why he's doing it, but RESPECT :lol Same for JYE.


No. No way
Only the haters need a time out. Only the bashers deserve punishment, they deserve pain. Ben Affleck and Zack Snyder should bring sticks to beat up the haters to a bloody pulp! They deserve to burn in hell and Zack deserves to send them there.
I hope Zack bashes them to tiny little pieces those troll haters omg I hate them so much!!!!!!! Disney scum. Those critics probably wear adult Mickey diapers to sleep :lol

The souls of the haters will burn for all eternity in the flames of satans domain.

It just goes to show everyone how beloved these characters are. Look at all of this discussion on them appearing together for the first time. I bet the first time Frankenstein, Dracula, and the wolfman appeared together no one ever said, "it's too cheerful, and makes too much sense." Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman are icons that we hold dear and each have an image that when not done to our expectations are bashed and ridiculed.

I only see the haters complaining about Superman.

Batman and WW were liked by most.

I'm not counting Lex since you didn't mention him. :lol
I think DC should just say "**** it" and go whole hog. They should make a Green Arrow solo movie that's just two and a half hours of Oscar bait where we watch Speedy destroy his life with Heroin as Ollie just breaks down trying to deal with his sidekick's addiction.


Given that the critics are completely against this franchise, any reservations on WB's part to make THE BATMAN R-rated should be thrown out the window.

Let Affleck and Leto knock it completely outta the park without any content restrictions or running time issues.
I would love to see Quentin Tarantino do a Hitman movie, and Oliver Stone do a Question movie.