Didn't seem to concern anyone involved with Batman V Superman. Why start worrying about such things now?
Anyone remember the boxing match Uwe Boll had with one of his critics?
And I agree with the comments about some folks holding cynicism/skepticism/even hatred held toward this movie before it came out. It was going to be damn hard convincing these folks that this movie was even OK, much less really good. I admittedly was one of those, from day one. But it's not irrational when you know who is involved and had such a terrible experience with Man of Steel, and the movie was a logical continuation of MOS really. And of course, it works both ways. You have extreme defenders of the film, who aren't really being irrational, but who love it or have a stake in it for one reason or another and who will therefore allow the film's issues to be viewed through rose tinted glasses. S'all good though. It's not unlike issues we see everyday in all walks of life. You should see some of the knock-down, drag-outs I've seen among University faculty members over really inconsequential ****.
I actually have to give props to Khev as one of the few guys who didn't seem to come into this with any dog in the fight. He's always been an unabashed Marvel guy, but loved this movie and hasn't backed down from defending it. . .lord knows why he's doing it, but
Same for JYE.