I only see the haters complaining about Superman.
Batman and WW were liked by most.
I'm not counting Lex since you didn't mention him.![]()
Yeah people seem to love the murdering Batman.

I only see the haters complaining about Superman.
Batman and WW were liked by most.
I'm not counting Lex since you didn't mention him.![]()
I actually have to give props to Khev as one of the few guys who didn't seem to come into this with any dog in the fight. He's always been an unabashed Marvel guy, but loved this movie and hasn't backed down from defending it. . .lord knows why he's doing it, but RESPECTSame for JYE.
Yeah, because it really makes all that much difference how much his suit weighs... Supes could do as much damage through either material. If it provides added strength through mechanics, then fair enough. But they didn't show that in the film.
Given that the critics are completely against this franchise, any reservations on WB's part to make THE BATMAN R-rated should be thrown out the window.
Let Affleck and Leto knock it completely outta the park without any content restrictions or running time issues.
Honestly I did enjoy it (obviously) but I really do want you DC or Superman guys to be able to enjoy your franchises too and I don't think highlighting the strong points of BvS in any way reduces (nor should it) my enthusiasm for Marvel or anything else. And I think that allowing your fandom of one type of movie to make you want to hate another film or series or have it fail is just juvenile and dumb. Marvel will always be my favorite but I'm not going to pretend that The Avengers is better than Batman Begins because of it.
I think DC should just say "**** it" and go whole hog. They should make a Green Arrow solo movie that's just two and a half hours of Oscar bait where we watch Speedy destroy his life with Heroin as Ollie just breaks down trying to deal with his sidekick's addiction.
BvS was suitably epic, gave us the best Batman ever put on screen and a great Wonder Woman, it prompted me to finally pick up and read TDKR, fun conversation here, etc., lots to appreciate about it.
See this is just so out there I just have to wonder if it's an elaborate troll. I'm just going to allow for that to be the case because otherwise, really? REALLY? You can't wrap your head around why Bats might want stronger armor against a guy like Superman? Let me ask you something. Why do motorcyclists wear helmets? Is it because a *helmet* will stop an 18 wheeler? Or does the helmet simply give the cyclist extra protection from the pavement when they swerve to avoid that 18 wheeler and fall of their bike? Do you get why your confusion is coming across as silly now? No Batman's armored suit won't suddenly stop a full on punch from Superman, but the movie *itself* showed how valuable it was a number of times as Bats was getting thrown around.
Motorcyclists wear their helmets all the time. Why doesn't Batman do the same?
See this is just so out there I just have to wonder if it's an elaborate troll. I'm just going to allow for that to be the case because otherwise, really? REALLY? You can't wrap your head around why Bats might want stronger armor against a guy like Superman? Let me ask you something. Why do motorcyclists wear helmets? Is it because a *helmet* will stop an 18 wheeler? Or does the helmet simply give the cyclist extra protection from the pavement when they swerve to avoid that 18 wheeler and fall of their bike? Do you get why your confusion is coming across as silly now? No Batman's armored suit won't suddenly stop a full on punch from Superman, but the movie *itself* showed how valuable it was a number of times as Bats was getting thrown around.
I don't think I'm going to ever going to get tired of the "everyone in my audience/work/life all agree with me and back up my opinion" posts. You see how clever those claims are? How they don't require a shred of proof? Most paranoid delusions are intricate, but this is brilliant!![]()
The average audience, who make or brake a movie, know **** about What makes a good movie.
They just want to be entertained and they follow Tv critics ads like lemmings.
BVS has bad reviews, was not fun, long, and reading some comments way too complicated to understand it seems.
The marketing dept did not managed to catch the public attention.
The dark knight rises was a big pile of turd but still it made tons of money, people went to see it.
With all its flaws i found BVS to be a far better movie than DKR or any Marvel flick up to this day (Deadpool included wich is a funny movie that Will be forgotten, its already is in my circles).ù
But it wasnt What people wanted to see. Even if the story was good.
Blah who cares, Zack and go are already at it to continue in the same vein.
Even if i dont end up liking everything i really respect the artistic intégrity at work there.
Numbers dont mean **** to me, average dumb audience who taste in their ass mean ****.
Just seeing how the movie is polarizing means that it Will be talked about for years to come, What Snyder and co are doing is something really spécial like it or not, its not bland , nor dumb, nor crafted hastly.
I wish them only the best.
For the the record, I never bought into the Disney conspiracy theory stuff or even really considered it. I don't buy it. But I have observed a bunch of people being petty little pricks when it comes to this movie. From fans to movie bloggers, there absolutely was a set of people being cynical about this movie from Day 1 and rooting for it to fail. And with the RT ratings and the 2nd weekend drop it's pretty easy to identify who they are with all of their "Neener! Neener!" articles, videos and posts. It's not obvious or anything.![]()
And I agree with the comments about some folks holding cynicism/skepticism/even hatred held toward this movie before it came out. It was going to be damn hard convincing these folks that this movie was even OK, much less really good. I admittedly was one of those, from day one. But it's not irrational when you know who is involved and had such a terrible experience with Man of Steel, and the movie was a logical continuation of MOS really. And of course, it works both ways. You have extreme defenders of the film, who aren't really being irrational, but who love it or have a stake in it for one reason or another and who will therefore allow the film's issues to be viewed through rose tinted glasses. S'all good though. It's not unlike issues we see everyday in all walks of life. You should see some of the knock-down, drag-outs I've seen among University faculty members over really inconsequential ****.
I actually have to give props to Khev as one of the few guys who didn't seem to come into this with any dog in the fight. He's always been an unabashed Marvel guy, but loved this movie and hasn't backed down from defending it. . .lord knows why he's doing it, but RESPECTSame for JYE.
No. No way
Only the haters need a time out. Only the bashers deserve punishment, they deserve pain. Ben Affleck and Zack Snyder should bring sticks to beat up the haters to a bloody pulp! They deserve to burn in hell and Zack deserves to send them there.
I hope Zack bashes them to tiny little pieces those troll haters omg I hate them so much!!!!!!! Disney scum. Those critics probably wear adult Mickey diapers to sleep
The souls of the haters will burn for all eternity in the flames of satans domain.
Because it hinders his mobility and speed when he's fighting human criminals, which is what he does 99.9% of the time??
Wouldn't that also be a problem if he's fighting a superman? He was able to throw kicks and run with the armor.
Honestly I did enjoy it (obviously) but I really do want you DC or Superman guys to be able to enjoy your franchises too and I don't think highlighting the strong points of BvS in any way reduces (nor should it) my enthusiasm for Marvel or anything else. And I think that allowing your fandom of one type of movie to make you want to hate another film or series or have it fail is just juvenile and dumb. Marvel will always be my favorite but I'm not going to pretend that The Avengers is better than Batman Begins because of it.
See this is just so out there I just have to wonder if it's an elaborate troll. I'm just going to allow for that to be the case because otherwise, really? REALLY? You can't wrap your head around why Bats might want stronger armor against a guy like Superman? Let me ask you something. Why do motorcyclists wear helmets? Is it because a *helmet* will stop an 18 wheeler? Or does the helmet simply give the cyclist extra protection from the pavement when they swerve to avoid that 18 wheeler and fall of their bike? Do you get why your confusion is coming across as silly now? No Batman's armored suit won't suddenly stop a full on punch from Superman, but the movie *itself* showed how valuable it was a number of times as Bats was getting thrown around.
Yeah, because it really makes all that much difference how much his suit weighs... Supes could do as much damage through either material. If it provides added strength through mechanics, then fair enough. But they didn't show that in the film.
I don't see why everyone with differing opinions has to be labeled a 'troll'. My original point wasn't a major criticism of the film. It wasn't mindless abuse. The whole armoured suit thing would have worked better had it been fleshed out a little more.
This is one thing I don't understand,
This movie was a financial success, ok, 300 million is really good. Ok, so far so good. Ok.
But man of steel was a success too.
And not only did they not do a man of steel 2, but they had to add batman and wonder woman into the man of steel sequel...
So for a movie that was such a huge success, they certainly changed their plans didn't they?
They certainly brought up batman to fix the damage caused by man of steel's reaction .
So man of steel being the HUGE success it was.... The magnificent success that it was.
And they felt the need to bring batman...