Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Your right.. I should not have heaped on... But when fighting Superman you might want to plan for getting slammed into the ground or through a wall or something. Best to have some protection... It was also obvious IMO that it gave him more strength.

I think you overthought it just a bit.

Maybe, but I also think that a lot of people who liked the film were quite happy to gloss over details like this. Not that that's an issue, whatever floats your boat. The added strength isn't necessarily obvious, seeing as Superman was weakened, possibly to human level strength.
This is one thing I don't understand,
This movie was a financial success, ok, 300 million is really good. Ok, so far so good. Ok.

But man of steel was a success too.

And not only did they not do a man of steel 2, but they had to add batman and wonder woman into the man of steel sequel...

So for a movie that was such a huge success, they certainly changed their plans didn't they?
They certainly brought up batman to fix the damage caused by man of steel's reaction .

So man of steel being the HUGE success it was.... The magnificent success that it was.
And they felt the need to bring batman...

So with tho movie, that will make less and had worst reviews... This movie will somehow do better and justice league wont need any fixing.

They didn't have a plan in place yet when MAN OF STEEL was first released. WB was still spinning its wheels. They went to Zack and said, "What do we want to do now?" and it was Zack who said "Let's go for it and make this a shared DCU". THEN the plan was put in motion. There was never a solid plan for MOS 2.
I feel like they really could've benefited from having Manhunter in the roster. Might make people more receptive to semi-detached Supes if they got to see an alien that was completely detached from humanity.:lol
True. :lol

Really? I'll take your word based on potential inside info but cyborg seems kinda interesting.
No inside info. I'm just not a Cyborg fan. :p Maybe the movie will make him interesting to be people like me, but that's a big ask.

Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern (any version), Green Arrow, and Hawkgirl are all more worthy JL members, imho.
Reading the most recent "confusion" has pushed me over the edge, I will hang myself with my mouse cord, goodbye everybody!

I'm gonna wear a helmet, I'm probably gonna need one.
True. :lol

No inside info. I'm just not a Cyborg fan. :p Maybe the movie will make him interesting to be people like me, but that's a big ask.

Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern (any version), Green Arrow, and Hawkgirl are all more worthy JL members, imho.

More worthy members I agree....really disappointed no GL representation
They didn't have a plan in place yet when MAN OF STEEL was first released. WB was still spinning its wheels. They went to Zack and said, "What do we want to do now?" and it was Zack who said "Let's go for it and make this a shared DCU". THEN the plan was put in motion. There was never a solid plan for MOS 2.

When did they thought about bringing batman in?
Strange isn't it? Stark was an alcoholic and a drug addict in the comics, and in the MCU he has panic attacks.
You want to know my perfect version of what the Avengers movie would be, the ultimates volume 1 by Mark Miller . I remember reading that and I was blown away thinking dam this is like avenger but in the real world. It was amazing Tony drunk, blackwidow a true spy and assassin, Thor being a hipster god, Bruce and hulk being true a true Juklye and hide , cap having problems and ant man being a wife beater a variation of that would have been amazing but of course only DC could pull it off cause clashes with the marvel family brand.

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I'll go ahead and beat the horse dead and get it overwith (then I need to try and get to sleep even though it feels like 10 PM to me, it's 3 AM here):

Characters I'd rather see in the Justice League over Cyborg:

  • Green Lantern (any)
  • Martian Manhunter
  • Hawkgirl
  • The Atom
  • Black Canary
  • Hawkman
  • Captain Marvel (I won't call him "Shazam")
  • Green Arrow
  • Doctor Fate
  • Captain Atom
  • Red Tornado
  • Elongated Man
  • Huntress
  • Mister Terrific
  • The Question
  • Stargirl
  • Zatanna
  • Wildcat
  • Hourman
  • Doctor Mid-Nite
  • The Creeper
  • Metamorpho
  • Plastic Man (yes, even him)

That's a lot. :lol
I'll go ahead and beat the horse dead and get it overwith (then I need to try and get to sleep even though it feels like 10 PM to me, it's 3 AM here):

Characters I'd rather see in the Justice League over Cyborg:

  • Green Lantern (any)
  • Martian Manhunter
  • Hawkgirl
  • The Atom
  • Black Canary
  • Hawkman
  • Captain Marvel (I won't call him "Shazam")
  • Green Arrow
  • Doctor Fate
  • Captain Atom
  • Red Tornado
  • Elongated Man
  • Huntress
  • Mister Terrific
  • The Question
  • Stargirl
  • Zatanna
  • Wildcat
  • Hourman
  • Doctor Mid-Nite
  • The Creeper
  • Metamorpho
  • Plastic Man (yes, even him)

That's a lot. :lol

How does Ray Fisher feel about the fact that, if it were up to you, he would be unemployed?:lol
I think Cyborg is a good choice for modern JL, and he would be the perfect guy for monitor duty.

I wonder if they'll start with the Hall of Justice or if they'll go straight to Watchtower.

I wouldn't mind seeing the Hall of Justice.