I was talking about the RT fan score and the 4.9/10 is the average critic rating.
Yeah, I got that, I just mentioned IMDB as well, since that's more or less the audience's score.
CW might not be the next-greatest-thing as everyone seems to think..geeeeezz how dare any negativity of any kind ever come on these boards about the untouchable MCU
So rating a 1 before even seeing a movie is fair? A 10 is equally as bad, but this reeks of "********". BvS had a 10/10 or at least a 9,8/10 even after reviews started settling in. To give CW an 8,8/10 a month before its release is just blind fanboyism. By the time it's out, it'll fall to a 7 or so. For all we know it maybe be an average film, sure, but this isn't what I call "classy". I gave my review of BvS over at RT and voted a 2,5/5
after seeing the movie. If I were to vote over at IMDB, I'd probably go with a 6/10.
All I'm saying is, this isn't a one-sided offense. Both "Marveltards" and "DCuckers" exist, but this is a new low IMO. I never walk in a theatre prepared to hate or dislike a movie. I just happened to dislike BvS, but I still found some good stuff in there, which make it na average, for me, movie. I'll probably like CW more, but then again, I might like SKWAD even more, with Doctor Strange possibly taking the top spot alongside Apocalypse.
I always remain unbiased, or at least I try to, and I expect the same from the majority of people. I've seen uber-fans from both sides, and they're both equally insufferable, but this is damn sad. Such devotion to something which has no effect on you is peculiar at best.