Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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I know who refused to see it based soley on RT. :slap

Dummies. :lol
They're dumb if they wanted to see BvS but decided not to based solely on RT. If they weren't excited to see the movie in the first place then RT served probably its purpose. Then they'll see it on cable and say meh, it's not that bad.
I'm not sure audience opinions are as bad as the narrative suggests. I know way more people who like the movie than didn't. With the exception of literally 2-3 people the ones I know who really hate it are people I've only come across online.

It's certainly not universally beloved by the masses, but it appears the general reception was at least decent to good. I feel like the 70-75% "approval rating" among audiences is a pretty accurate reflection of how the film was received. It's certainly hard to reconcile with its critical drubbing and that insane RT number. Those are clearly not a barometer of how audiences reacted to the movie.

It wasn't a Home Run. But it wasn't a Strike Out, either. More like a solid Double (or Triple if you factor in profits). And that's fine. Try for the HR again next time.

Well considering the amount they spent on this films production and marketing the profits are going to have to come from toys and dvd/blu ray sales because the way it's theater intake is dropping it will likely be right around their break even point.

Personally as DC fan and a long time Batman I hated this movie. Yes I know, people here seem to like it, but personally this film is a visually stunning double play to end the game to use your baseball reference.
Just a reminder, but BvS' official RT score is a 5.2/10. The 25% is how many critics gave it a "fresh" review. So, for example, someone could classify it as a 5, but, in his/her mind, that's a rotten score, so bam, one more "rotten" review.
Well considering the amount they spent on this films production and marketing the profits are going to have to come from toys and dvd/blu ray sales because the way it's theater intake is dropping it will likely be right around their break even point.

No. It started profiting once it got past $550-600 million worldwide. I broke out it down earlier in the thread.

In the end it will profit about $250-$300 million from its initial box office run.
The score went down to a 4.9/10 and the fan score to a 69% :thud:

Really? Over at IMDB it's at 7,2/10.

In other news, the BvS uber-fanboys (not the fans, the fanboys), have dropped Civil War to an 8,8/10. If that's not the definition of pettiness, I don't know what is... Captain America: Civil War (2016) - IMDb

Both sides do it (God knows that the Fox-Men fanboys are annoying) but still, that's desperate as ****.
Really? Over at IMDB it's at 7,2/10.

In other news, the BvS uber-fanboys (not the fans, the fanboys), have dropped Civil War to an 8,8/10. If that's not the definition of pettiness, I don't know what is... Captain America: Civil War (2016) - IMDb

Both sides do it (God knows that the Fox-Men fanboys are annoying) but still, that's desperate as ****.

I was talking about the RT fan score and the 4.9/10 is the average critic rating.
CW might not be the next-greatest-thing as everyone seems to think..geeeeezz how dare any negativity of any kind ever come on these boards about the untouchable MCU:lol
In other news, the BvS uber-fanboys (not the fans, the fanboys), have dropped Civil War to an 8,8/10. If that's not the definition of pettiness, I don't know what is... Captain America: Civil War (2016) - IMDb

That's just's like watching cannibals eat each other :lol It makes no difference, since IMDB is probably the most unreliable page for that very reason...people giving it a score without seeing it :lol
I was talking about the RT fan score and the 4.9/10 is the average critic rating.

Yeah, I got that, I just mentioned IMDB as well, since that's more or less the audience's score.

CW might not be the next-greatest-thing as everyone seems to think..geeeeezz how dare any negativity of any kind ever come on these boards about the untouchable MCU:lol

So rating a 1 before even seeing a movie is fair? A 10 is equally as bad, but this reeks of "********". BvS had a 10/10 or at least a 9,8/10 even after reviews started settling in. To give CW an 8,8/10 a month before its release is just blind fanboyism. By the time it's out, it'll fall to a 7 or so. For all we know it maybe be an average film, sure, but this isn't what I call "classy". I gave my review of BvS over at RT and voted a 2,5/5 after seeing the movie. If I were to vote over at IMDB, I'd probably go with a 6/10.

All I'm saying is, this isn't a one-sided offense. Both "Marveltards" and "DCuckers" exist, but this is a new low IMO. I never walk in a theatre prepared to hate or dislike a movie. I just happened to dislike BvS, but I still found some good stuff in there, which make it na average, for me, movie. I'll probably like CW more, but then again, I might like SKWAD even more, with Doctor Strange possibly taking the top spot alongside Apocalypse.

I always remain unbiased, or at least I try to, and I expect the same from the majority of people. I've seen uber-fans from both sides, and they're both equally insufferable, but this is damn sad. Such devotion to something which has no effect on you is peculiar at best.
That's just's like watching cannibals eat each other :lol It makes no difference, since IMDB is probably the most unreliable page for that very reason...people giving it a score without seeing it :lol

Truth. The IMDB boards are cancerous. ATM, we have the Fox-Men Fans thinking they're superior due to not having "silly spandex costumes", the BvS Fans thinking they're the deepest folks ever, and the Marvel Fans being all smutty. I've seen some damn cringy stuff over there...
Speaking of keys, I wonder if we'll ever see this in the Snyderverse:


or for that matter, this guy:

