Well like I posted before, we all have biases. You suggest the bias is against the tone and style. There's some of that. I hold that bias. But the movie is a jumbled mess to many, and that's a problem no matter if you've got Snyder or Whedon (as with Age of Ultron) at the helm. Plus various other issues discussed ad nauseum in this thread.
Some have used the RT score to validate their opinions. Others like you have used it to critique the critics. I just see it as what I believe it to be--the honest critical consensus, made up of some who were never going to like it, some who were going to love it no matter what, and others in-between, just like the group posting in this thread. But I think it is accurate. There are political candidates out there who I find terribly offensive, but a large minority of people love. Are those people largely ignorant to important issues? Are they thinking too shortsightedly? Are they not making good judgments? I think so. But I also acknowledge their opinions as valid for that group, and admit that those opinions are real. That's ultimately the argument I'm trying to make here. We don't have to agree with the opinions of others to acknowledge their validity. To get back to your earlier question, the only invalid opinions are those that are disingenuous. Not everyone uses full information in making opinions, some embrace bias more than others, some are more offensive than others, even. But that doesn't mean they aren't valid. And I don't see that as being a huge issue here. Bias is ALWAYS part of the equation.
To Irishjedi, I don't disagree with you. Audiences didn't hate it. But they didn't love it on balance, and I think the critical reaction is comparable. Critics are by their nature more discerning and, well, critical. But I don't think most critics hated BVS, either. They just didn't love it, and many didn't even like it. But I don't think they hated it on the aggregate. The Metacritic score of 44 (out of 100) seems the better way to think of the critical consensus. Like you say, maybe next time it will be better. I hope they will try to shoot for that, and to do so by making some structural changes, rather than just minor cosmetic ones (e.g., having the news reporter comment that a battle takes place on an unpopulated island). And one way of doing that might, counter-intuitively, be by simply ignoring critical comments and/or conventional expectations to a greater extent than they have in the past! Sticking so much into Batman V Superman at the expense of focusing on the simple relationship between Bats, Supes, and Luthor, for the purpose of apparently setting up Justice League, may well have been the source of a lot of problems folks have here.