i was one disappointed with the lack of GL. If we have movies about the corps even better..
Heaven forbid it's not Batman, Batman, Batman.
Grrrrrrreat, now I have to buy it twice!
(Or thrice counting the Ultra HD!)
I'm getting the one that comes inside a bag of rotten tomatoes.
Good call. They should form a Death Metal boy band.
All I cared about when watching Batman v Superman was:
1. Did it have an awesome Batman vs Superman fight? Yes.
2. Was Wonder Woman awesome? Yes.
3. Was Affleck's Batman cool? Hell yes.
4. Was I bored or annoyed with the rest? Nope.
So regardless of how messy or odd certain elements were the movie checked all the necessary boxes for me. It's a stylistic popcorn movie about guys in tights punching each other. It didn't need to solve all of my life's problems or heal my broken soul so rock piles and email attachments and a hamfisted funeral sequence are good for a chuckle and nothing to get worked up about.
Is it gravy and nerdtastic when a movie covers all bases like Civil War? Heck yeah. But still, it's all just an excuse to see guys and gals in fancy colors punching and zapping one another.
I'm gonna have to agree with that, in all honesty. I liked it. I saw it twice, but that was one too many times for me. I'll see the R-Cut once and that's it. It's a pop-corn flick, that's good for turning your mind off for a couple of hours. It's not intellectual cinema, it's not high art and it most certainly isn't a the legendary cbm many expected. It's an average movie, and a passable super-hero flick. But that's it, at least as far as I'm concerned...