Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Lmao WAT? So Lex is like 14 in this? You are truely retarded WB.

But he's 30 :dunno he doesn't really look 14 imo, if it was Micheal Cera I'd be raging :lol

I don't see the big deal in casting a Lex close to Cavill's age, especially considering the loooong timeline they seem to be establishing before anything sees the light of day.

Yup, besides, in Birthright, they're both the same age, they even go to the school together in Smallville.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

That's sort of true. I just realized this guy and Cavil are the same age.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

At least we know there's not really much acting needed for Luther to be a *********. :huh

I didn't know Lex Luthor was a twitchy,insecure,hipster looking punk.
Eisenberg is a bad call to portray him.
Bravo Hollywood...bravo!

I'm beginning to think that all young(er) actors today are typically hated just because they are young(er)
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Well, atleast Luthor isn't Denzel Washington like previously rumored, ammirite? :lol
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Joaquin Phoenix is playing Lionel Luthor. Lex is a childhood friend of Clark. Other villains are Spark and Elephant Man. Lois Lane may or may not be killed in the final act.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Sounds like a ripoff of Amazing Spider-Ma . . . never mind.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I hope Ben Affleck tags Amy Adams and rubs Supermans nose in it, prompting Kal El to snap her neck. winning! :yess:
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

A buddy of mine and I were conversing about this, and I must say that all of you people who are *****ing about the X-Men costumes need to shut up. The real crime that Bryan Singer has committed is robbing the casting pool of Kevin Spacey by casting him in his ****ty movie. My buddy brought up House of Cards when I asked him how he imagined Luthor, and all that could come to mind was the Dawson Crying Gif.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Part of me wishes they would have just done a solo Batman movie with Affleck Bats, Irons Alfred and whatever good solo Batman story and villain they could come up with. Maybe have Affleck and his team make it.

On the surface this seems like something new. A Batman/Superman film does seem appealing to me. But then I remember, these are the same people that gave us MoS, then you got all these other characters that have been announced (or are potentially in it and have yet to be cast). I dunno.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I think, as far as "all of the other characters go," it's people throwing millions of ideas at a wall and seeing what sticks. We really have no idea what to expect, but I remain optimistic.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

But then I remember, these are the same people that gave us MoS, then you got all these other characters that have been announced (or are potentially in it and have yet to be cast). I dunno.

"From the people who thought Gigli, Ghost Rider 2, and Sucker Punch were good ideas comes the most epic battle yet for Mark Zuckerberg.

Superman VS Facebook. Coming 2015.. or 16, or maybe 15, we'll see. (we aren't good at this)"
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Part of me wishes they would have just done a solo Batman movie with Affleck Bats, Irons Alfred and whatever good solo Batman story and villain they could come up with. Maybe have Affleck and his team make it.

On the surface this seems like something new. A Batman/Superman film does seem appealing to me. But then I remember, these are the same people that gave us MoS, then you got all these other characters that have been announced (or are potentially in it and have yet to be cast). I dunno.

Yeah, at this point, I kind of wish Bats would have got his solo shot on reboot, so as not to cloud Affleck as Batman and give him a fair shot.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

The Marvel machine keeps pumping them out while WB keeps throwing out whatever sticks.

Steve Rogers is the man with a plan afterall.

Poor Affleck thinks he signed up for greatness. :lol

Just like MOS, this will be forgotten.

STM/89 Batman days are over with at WB.

Or am I being too harsh. :lol
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

All and all this casting choice hasn't received nearly as much hate as the previous 2 (Ben, Gal), either it's not that bad, or the fans finally gave up.