Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I could see Irons playing the more sarcastic version in the comics. Where the love is ther, but he is not so indulgent of Bruce's BS. Plus with an older Batman, it would reason their relationship would be farther along.

I will reserve judgement on even less funny Michael Cera, unti lI see the film. But my gut reaction is I hate his casting. I mean we went from Cranston, Strong, Denzel, Elba, Phoenix, to the kid from Zombieland. Not quite sold on it, but I like the other castings enough that I will withold judgement.

I guess you didn't see Social Network? He was pretty dang good in that, and from there it's easy for me to imagine his Luthor.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

I guess you didn't see Social Network? He was pretty dang good in that, and from there it's easy for me to imagine his Luthor.

I saw it, and think both it and his performance are overrated a little bit. People always point to it as proof he can act. Hell, even Cuba Gooding Jr. has 1 good film he can point too. I'm not saying he can't play Lex. I just don't see it yet. But I'm a person who has said I can see Affleck as Bruce from the beginning. So we will see. I hope he does well. I am excited for this film, and this doesn't effect me one way or the other. i like that they went way outside the box for this one. Take chances, and see what comes from it. So like I said, I'm on wait and see mode. But still excited for this one.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

No to Joaquín Phoenix? No to Bryan Cranston?

But yes to Eisenberg?

Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Huh, when I heard ''Eissenberg'' I mistakenly thought of Michael Cera's face - and that seemed bizarre, far too young and nerdy looking. But looking at pics of Eissenberg....yeah why not. The curly hair wouldn't look right but if he's going to be bald...
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

To be fair, though, Alexander Luthor has been a curly sue ever since Crisis on Infinite Earths (in the versions where he hasn't gone all Daddy Warbucks on us).
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

When I read it was going to be Eisenberg I just laughed, I wasn't even mad cause I was too busy laughing, then I started to look for pics and thought he was had the right look, but everything I've seen him in he plays the awkward nerd, even in Now you see me he was supposed to be a cool lead and he came up as douchy and awkward, even stuttering and ****, which is not good for Lex, I'm not a 100% convinced with Eisenberg.

Jeremy Irons? Yes please, that I can roll with easily.

Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

When I read it was going to be Eisenberg I just laughed, I wasn't even mad cause I was too busy laughing, then I started to look for pics and thought he was had the right look, but everything I've seen him in he plays the awkward nerd, even in Now you see me he was supposed to be a cool lead and he came up as douchy and awkward, even stuttering and ****, which is not good for Lex, I'm not a 100% convinced with Eisenberg.

Jeremy Irons? Yes please, that I can roll with easily.


Not that thrilled with the casting of either guy, but like Kia said, they seem to be inspired choices which gives me a little more confidence.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Who cares about the actors and casting choices, just show me the damn Batmobile and Batwing already.

I want to ***** about those instead. :lol
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Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Who cares about the actors and casting choices, just show me a story that makes sense and doesn't suck all joy from everything it touches already.
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)

Really? Not even Jeremy Irons? I fail to see a bad thing about casting Irons.

I don’t think he is a bad actor at all, but I don’t think of him when I think of Alfred. But I think the casting of both men can actually work. I was really excited for Phoenix as Lex though.