Super Freak
Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)
The Cat Man one works well.
The Cat Man one works well.

@Beeshaw I think MoS's style worked perfectly within the context of it being a first contact film, I loved the cam-simulating zoom ins and outs, I had the feeling the whole thing was filmed by someone actually there, loved it. But I'm completely with you that I hope he returns to his Watchmen style for the rest of his DCCU work. There's no artistic point to it anymore from now onward I'd say, and it did have drawbacks.
I want to see Superman and Batman in that sick slo-mo action man. That'd be so ridiculously awesome.
I just want to see a Batman movie with an aerial vehicle that actually doesn't get destroyed before the movie is over. Maybe 4th time will be the charm.
Still wonder how the hell Batman's gonna even damage Superman at all without the typical Kryptonite.
Has to be something kryptonian to weaken him right?
I bet they will introduce kryptonite, it's too important and it's the only attainable way Lex Luthor or Batman can get toe to toe against Supes, besides, Metallo will be in this movie, Metallo's heart is made of pure kryptonite, he runs on kryptonite, that's his thing, without it, he's just a lame ass shape shifting robot, also kryptonite is the reason Lex went bald.
I remember in an interview they asked Snyder why kryptonite didn't exist in this universe, but he corrected the guy saying he only said kryptonite would be absent in MoS, not in the entirety of the cinematic universe.
It's confirmed Metallo is in the movie? How the hell did I miss that.
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It's confirmed Metallo is in the movie? How the hell did I miss that.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk that he can have sex with Louis Lane.
Not necessarily
Anyone post the set photo of Gal Gadot?