Re: Batman vs. Superman (2016)
You can be the same height and not the same build, which is what we were talking about. By any objective measure, they're not equally thin.
Like I said, besides the hip and bust, they are.
Believe it or not, there was a time in Hollywood before breast and butt implants. She was noted for her figure which is remarkable today because she was only sporting a "C". I wouldn't call Gadot thick in any time or place save for a third world country in famine.
She was thick?

Even my mother used to say she was very thin, and she was thin herself.
What else do you mean when you say "comicbooks"? What is it an example (read: standard) of? I took your quote about "surgically enhanced exploding ****" to mean that comics depict females in general as too idealized and superhero chicks in particular. I think you're just moving the chains to whenever you've been cornered.
Exactly that, comic books in general, not the standards in comic books, in any case of a specific standard which in this case was breasts. I'm not cornered in the slightest, you're having problems with abstraction of information.
My comment clearly says that one industry has more variety in female bodies than the other, both filled with idealized bodies in peak form, that's it, where do you get that I hate comicbook standards in general from that? Where?
If there's one standard I'm tired of, are the surgically enhanced ****s in comics, maybe it's cause I'm a big boy enough to know **** don't look like that and I actually don't find implants appealing.
But to go from that to "
you full hate on each and every single one of the aspects of comicbook standards" is ridiculous, so, how exactly am I cornered?

I thought we might be in agreement that Gal is not a typical representation of what you might find as WW in the comics. Boy I guess I was wrong! You went even further and said that comics aren't even as diverse (read: realistic) as porn actresses in all of their exaggerated plastic proportions, which quite honestly you have failed to establish nor could you ever really. At least not here.

You have no point other than Gal is your Wonder Woman. Ok, but don't pretend like you have any consistent philosophy as to why exactly. You just like what you like.
I never said she was the ideal representation (you keep ignoring key things I say in order for your argument to move forward), she is also not atypical, I said that she is accurate to some of Wonder Woman representations, and she is, and therefore it's fine by me.
You're kidding yourself if you think mainstream comics are diverse when it comes to female anatomy, in that regard porn is indeed much more diverse, I'm sure you can find out, I didn't say realistic (there you go again), for someone who claims
I'm cornered you're twisting and putting many words in my mouth, also, unless you're completely oblivious to porn, which I highly doubt, you'd know that by my porn comment I didn't only refer to those women who have breast implants, there is a very wide range of body types that are not surgically altered and yet are in peak physical form, which is something mainstream comicbooks don't have, and that's not a secret, it's a big current issue in the industry which many people are trying to change, I'm surprise you're even arguing about this...
And no, I've established my point pretty well and you haven't done a thing to refute it actually, the reasons as to why Gadot is acceptable as WW in the physical plane are valid, it's not only personal preference, personal preference comes only with your (or anybody's) dislike of Gadot, because if she fits
some of WW's depictions through time, then the complaint about accuracy is rendered invalid.
Then there's this Lynda Carter thing. Some visual aids are in order here:
View attachment 110693
Despite the crappy distortion in Gal's pic, Lynda's arms and shoulders are still slightly thicker with more definition. Her thighs are in another league as you can see.
Then there's the actual measurements:
32-23-33 110 lbs
37-25-35 122 lbs
She's got an all around bigger frame, that's all there is to it. 12 pounds is more than just t&a dude.
This pic proves that your argument about the distance at which the pic was taken is not correct.
1. Her face, you can see Gadot has a full forehead cleared from hair while Lynda has her tiara which covers her forehead but when you take the tiara into consideration, Gadot's and Lynda's faces are around the same size, but you don't, you cut half of Lynda's forehead.
2. Gadot's left arm and Lynda's left arm swaps literally make no other difference than skin color, if perhaps there is, it's minimal.
3. You cannot see Gadot's shoulders there, another assumption, care to see the pic that Gadot took to her right bicep? If you tell me Lynda Carter still has more definition than that, I'll no longer take you seriously.
Her frame is not the same, but they are indeed just as thin, other than slightly more meat in the legs, ****s and hip, she's just as skinny, look at her chest, arms, back.
There is an angle that is kind of staring us in the face in all this and that is her status as a feminist icon. It's problematic because between all the many waves of it we've had over the years, there are so many contradictions that they'd all be better off not trying to endorse anything. At first they want to prove that women can do everything a man can do. Wonder Woman pretty much embodies that with the exception of her true male counterpart.
No argument there.
Then they wanted to redefine the standard for what would be considered an attractive female form. This is where I feel a good part of the fashion industry went with the anorexic model ascetic as a contrarian feminist ideal and where Gal derives alot of her look. Ironically their solution was to demphasize feminine traits and go for a less developed and sometimes even masculine look. They vary but usually between a pre-teen boy look to a concentration camp survivor on the verge of death. In the opposite extreme we have body-builders who can actually gain that special male secondary "trait" if enough hormones are taken.
That's why when I see the anorexic chic being touted as beautiful or desirable I instantly recoil with disgust. It's a real problem for that industry of which Gal is the latest product. I was hoping that they'd put a more athletic woman with an overall healthier look not only because it looks better but because it is at once more realistic and a healthier goal for the average.... gal.
Your whole issue here is referring to Gadot as anorexic, she may be skinny but she's far from being anorexic, and besides, anorexia isn't necessarily tied to being skinny, I find that to be a hyperbole of the worst kind and you're forgetting she is
in training so while I understand you use pics of her being extremely thin to favor your argument, that's about as accurate as you'll get.
Also a part of my point is based of what Gadot can achieve physically, I've said it before, while I see she is fit to some WW representations, I too would like her to be more muscular, and judging by the time they have, I say that goal is not at all unfathomable.