Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
Rant time:
A film isn't completely silly (except some) OR completely realistic (except... no, actually NO film is completely realistic, EVER). It's apparently really hard to not think in extreme judgement among some people here.
Something can be made MORE realistic, and still not be fully realistic. There's suspension of disbelief and then there's just a load of childish nonsense. Superman having cells of alien origin that are stronger than ours, that is suspension of disbelief. A guy putting on glasses and suddenly no one recognises him, that's a load of childish BS. That's something you tell to an eight year old.
Man of Steel WAS a lot MORE realistic. It OBVIOUSLY isn't completely realistic, and it still has silly stuff, but it's still better worked out in a lot of ways than keeping stuff meant for children. And yes, the glasses thing is something meant for children. No descent adult targeted fiction is that ridiculously dumb. Sure I want Clarke to keep wearing glasses too, it's part of the aesthetic, I get it, and sure it definitely adds to a disguise. But I hope they make up a few more things at the very least with which he keeps at least the heat off the Kent farm as best as he can. Instead of his own ****ing girlfriend suddenly being dumb as **** when he puts off glasses and puts on spandex and be like "oh oh Superman, oh my I wonder who you are!?" I'm you god damn ****ing co-worker without glasses. That **** is dated childish nonsense.
Perspective people, a god damn sense of nuance. Like speaking to a class of children ffs. "I just want my familiar macaroni n cheese and if I can't have it you're thupid! Mweh! You didn't use the wight cheese and now it's thupid, Mweh! I WANT MY RED UNDERWEAR! WHERE'S MY THUPERMAN PIYAMA, MWEH! MOMMie THUPERMAN'S NOT WEARING RED UNDERWEAR!!! MWEEEEH"
Sorry but sometimes CB fans really act liked little children. Get over yourself already. Criticism is great, but just saying something is "thupid" because it's not exactly what you're familiar with is so. ****ing. retarded. You don't have to like man of steel at all, and it sure as **** wasn't a classic take on superman, everyone can see that. So? Appreciate what was there instead of just constantly nagging about your childish nostalgia-boners not being climaxed, or just drop it after ****ing almost TWO years.
I LOVE spider-man, liked ASM1, been dying to see the spider-man film I want, guess what? ASM2 disappointed the **** out of me. My ****ing tough luck, five films and none of 'm are what I want. Spent some time trying to get fans to make me see it differently. Couldn't be done. Now weeks later, know what I do? I DROP IT. I accept that it wasn't what I liked, I mourned it by discussing my criticism about it, I deleted the bookmark from my browser and I moved THE **** ON.
You now know what Snyder's overall approach is and everything seems to imply he's only just settling and expanding it. Either go into this hoping the things you do like will be expanded, or ffs just accept this franchise is doomed in your eyes and move on. Here's an overpass to get over the highway that is filled with relentlessly retarded bandwagons of hate.