Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I thought everyone is Smallville knew who he was in the movie. There may have been mean or jerks, but they were loyal. Zach Snyder says everyone in Smallville knows, but it's hush, hush. I know in comics I read, everyone in Smallville knows too, but they're very humble people, and just see him as the good kid, he's always been.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

People dressing up in Halloween costumes to fight crime makes no sense either, but hey :dunno
Yeah, this inherent conflict is something I don't think the Snyderverse has a full grip on yet. Curious to see how "reality based" they try to stick in future films, while also trying to focus stories on tight rubber suit wearing super freaks from outer space, etc. The Clark alter ego thing may be a good litmus test of this.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Oh You mean the Drone that Superman destroyed at the end of Man Of Steel?

He grew up with Clark though, and CK saved his life. Of course he's going to recognize Clark flying around. How in the **** would the Government know who Superman/Clark Kent is? :lol

Do you know how far away a drone can take a picture from. They feed into a live cam that's recorded in a H.Q. far away from the drone itself. Plus all of the traffic cameras, cell phone cams...

All you would need in today's day and age is a single clear shot.

Clark's picture would be in an NSA database somewhere since he lives on the grid, attended a school, has a job that would require paying taxes. They run Supe's image and they'd have Clark in a half hour.

None of that is arguing against the glasses. I very much still want Clark Kent and all that stuff in my Superman, I'm just pointing out how nonsensical it is.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Didn't Lois's "leaked" article just about connect all the dots between Supes and Clark anyway? And then there's all that carnage that just so happens to occur in podunk nowhereville by the aliens, who just claimed they were looking for their long lost relative. How inept would the government be if it couldn't figure this out?

Again, suspension of disbelief is fine and great, except these filmmakers are trying to bludgeon us over the head with the idea that this is "realistic" and "not dumb and fake and silly at all." Well, which is it supposed to be? If it's supposed to be as realistic as possible, accepting of course that we've got wacky super powered aliens living amongst us, then they really should take greater care with things like this IMO. Otherwise, it's an arbitrary "well this would obviously be stupid and ridiculous, so we won't go there, but we'll completely disregard any semblance of logic or reality in this case, because we decide it isn't stupid and ridiculous for some reason."
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Why do DC movie threads always attract the haters "who just want to see the world burn"! Jesus if you hate DC movies, especially Man of Steel so much you don't have to watch them. Trashing the property is not going to stop it from being made. Its as if some people are scared that in some weird twist of fate this new batman superman team up may turn out fantastic and steal away marvels thunder. And **** man that just cannot happen it would be the end of the world for some folks!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Didn't Lois's "leaked" article just about connect all the dots between Supes and Clark anyway? And then there's all that carnage that just so happens to occur in podunk nowhereville by the aliens, who just claimed they were looking for their long lost relative. How inept would the government be if it couldn't figure this out?

Yep. And Superman even clarifies it to government people when he allows them to take him prisoner, that he's been living in Kansas for 30 years or something? And again at the very end. They could pretty easily find out who he is. If they really want to go the realistic route, a heck of a lot of people should know that Clark Kent is Superman.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, the Kansas bit is the final nail in the coffin. Superman all but gives the name of his town to the government. I mean, he said he was from America and from Kansas for the 30 years of his life, it wouldn't be hard to track him, satellite or not.

And yeah, I love the Clark Kent disguise. It's one of the most important parts of the mythology in my opinion. I don't see how these movies can continue that idea though . . . unless they retcon it. I'd have no problem with future films forgetting about the school bus rescue, the ihop ginger, Kansas, Dna codex, ghost Jor-El, and maybe even all the Metropolis destruction and just starting fresh. I know it's against the "lore", but I don't mind Lois Lane being in the know. Everyone else though? **** that.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Rant time:

A film isn't completely silly (except some) OR completely realistic (except... no, actually NO film is completely realistic, EVER). It's apparently really hard to not think in extreme judgement among some people here.

Something can be made MORE realistic, and still not be fully realistic. There's suspension of disbelief and then there's just a load of childish nonsense. Superman having cells of alien origin that are stronger than ours, that is suspension of disbelief. A guy putting on glasses and suddenly no one recognises him, that's a load of childish BS. That's something you tell to an eight year old.

Man of Steel WAS a lot MORE realistic. It OBVIOUSLY isn't completely realistic, and it still has silly stuff, but it's still better worked out in a lot of ways than keeping stuff meant for children. And yes, the glasses thing is something meant for children. No descent adult targeted fiction is that ridiculously dumb. Sure I want Clarke to keep wearing glasses too, it's part of the aesthetic, I get it, and sure it definitely adds to a disguise. But I hope they make up a few more things at the very least with which he keeps at least the heat off the Kent farm as best as he can. Instead of his own ****ing girlfriend suddenly being dumb as **** when he puts off glasses and puts on spandex and be like "oh oh Superman, oh my I wonder who you are!?" I'm you god damn ****ing co-worker without glasses. That **** is dated childish nonsense.

Perspective people, a god damn sense of nuance. Like speaking to a class of children ffs. "I just want my familiar macaroni n cheese and if I can't have it you're thupid! Mweh! You didn't use the wight cheese and now it's thupid, Mweh! I WANT MY RED UNDERWEAR! WHERE'S MY THUPERMAN PIYAMA, MWEH! MOMMie THUPERMAN'S NOT WEARING RED UNDERWEAR!!! MWEEEEH"

Sorry but sometimes CB fans really act liked little children. Get over yourself already. Criticism is great, but just saying something is "thupid" because it's not exactly what you're familiar with is so. ****ing. retarded. You don't have to like man of steel at all, and it sure as **** wasn't a classic take on superman, everyone can see that. So? Appreciate what was there instead of just constantly nagging about your childish nostalgia-boners not being climaxed, or just drop it after ****ing almost TWO years.

I LOVE spider-man, liked ASM1, been dying to see the spider-man film I want, guess what? ASM2 disappointed the **** out of me. My ****ing tough luck, five films and none of 'm are what I want. Spent some time trying to get fans to make me see it differently. Couldn't be done. Now weeks later, know what I do? I DROP IT. I accept that it wasn't what I liked, I mourned it by discussing my criticism about it, I deleted the bookmark from my browser and I moved THE **** ON.

You now know what Snyder's overall approach is and everything seems to imply he's only just settling and expanding it. Either go into this hoping the things you do like will be expanded, or ffs just accept this franchise is doomed in your eyes and move on. Here's an overpass to get over the highway that is filled with relentlessly retarded bandwagons of hate.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Maybe they will find out that Clark Kent is superman in this universe. It wouldn't be the first time a hero is outed in a major movie. Steve rogers is cap, ironman is tony stark, iron patriot, fantastic four. After spiderman 2 alot of people will know peter parker is spiderman- oscorp had all that info on him. There are also rumors Clark Kent will "die" so maybe this means he will take on a new allias. So everyone *****ing about it being stupid that the government didnt know, or should've made the connection will get what they wanted.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

All the government really had to do was see where all that destruction started, at the Kent farm. Why would aliens look there for what they wanted? Who lives there? Supes made a direct line through the corn field to the gas station where he pounded Zod for attacking his mother. The American military may not be the smartest but they aren't that stupid.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

^ True I fully expect the government to find out who Superman is, otherwise that whole thing goes way beyond suspension of disbelief.

They at the very least HAVE to know something's up with Smallville.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

All the government really had to do was see where all that destruction started, at the Kent farm. Why would aliens look there for what they wanted? Who lives there? Supes made a direct line through the corn field to the gas station where he pounded Zod for attacking his mother. The American military may not be the smartest but they aren't that stupid.

So if they government made this connection you would have the liked the movie?? Its just a long list of things haters will nitpick to cling to their points. Hey why didn't ironman call all of his suits to him before the end of the movie? Why did ironman use a car battery to charge his newly produced arc energy source?? **** man give me a movie you like and I will find something wrong with it. No movie is perfect and even Oscar caliber ones have plot holes and inconsistencies that must be overlooked. Why was Indiana Jones in RotLA if he had absolutely no impact on its outcome??????????????????
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Then again, the fact that they never figured it out in the first place says a lot.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Rant time:

I LOVE spider-man, liked ASM1, been dying to see the spider-man film I want, guess what? ASM2 disappointed the **** out of me. My ****ing tough luck, five films and none of 'm are what I want. Spent some time trying to get fans to make me see it differently. Couldn't be done. Now weeks later, know what I do? I DROP IT. I accept that it wasn't what I liked, I mourned it by discussing my criticism about it, I deleted the bookmark from my browser and I moved THE **** ON.

No offence but you did go on a fair bit in the ASM2 thread even after you said you'd stop. I'm not complaining as I thought that film sucked too.

Its really up to each person to decide when enough is enough. There is no set point where it is universally and objectively the right time to stop complaining about something that you've been complaining about and no one can decide otherwise.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I heard Favreau say in an interview the other day that according to him Iron Man was "grounded in reality". :lol lmfao

The suspension of disbelief alone you need in ordr to forget Stark will have a seriously ****ed up whiplash from the way he gets smashed around in that suit.

Honestly in a lot of ways I have a harder time buying the none super powered heroes than the super powered ones, cause with the latter it's already crossing that threshold in that it can't be real anyway.

I think I have more suspension of disbelief issues with Nolan's Batman than Man of Steel. Reaaaaaally wonder how Snyder's gonna go about Batman in relation to truly super powered beings. We've never seen that before in cinema. Could go ALL ways the way I see it. Horrible, brilliant and the full spectrum in between.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

No offence but you did go on a fair bit in the ASM2 thread even after you said you'd stop. I'm not complaining as I thought that film sucked too.

Its really up to each person to decide when enough is enough. There is no set point where it is universally and objectively the right time to stop complaining about something that you've been complaining about and no one can decide otherwise.

Oh I will immediately own up to that by saying every time I went back I genuinely went back because I genuinely wanted to see if I couldn't have some of my issues debunked and I remain of the opinion I don't hate ASM2 at all, I'm just disappointed that I can't get myself to like it no matter how hard I try or how many fans I speak to. Still though, a few weeks ain't much compared to how long some people have to obsessively mock man of steel. Doesn't even compare. I'm not constantly saying 'oh yeah and how dumb that asm2 was for [X]| Or "how dumb I think that movie was for [X]" ON and ON and On.

I understand you brought it up, no problems with tht, but seriously, not even close.

I think there's a grey area from which point you can start to say it's becoming immature and/or obsessive, sorry, I do have a standard when it comes to that.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

They could possibly answer it by having Clarke "prove" he isn't Superman. Kind of like Reeve did with Lois in Superman 2.

I expect his powers to evolve in this film, there can be a scene kind of like while everyone is accusing Clarke of being as Superman at the DP, they also see Superman just saved someone about 3 minutes prior on the news or something. He'd have to be Quicksilver fast for that to work, but something like that would work for me, he'd just be the guy that looks like Superman I guess.

Or they can just go with the fake mustache/beard like I suggested earlier.

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