Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That's not really fair. It seems DC deviates more from the source than Marvel has chosen to do.

DC has the easiest characters to adapt and they pretty consistently **** it up. Batman Begins was the first time we had a great Batman movie where he wasn't murdering bad guys.

It is fair, have you seen DC's FB page? They try new things and release new franchises that are potentially great and they cancel them cause no one buys them, then ****ers complain about DC rehashing old stuff.... Either that or they straight away complain about new stuff without even knowing anything about it, they just see some art and ***** about it, while Marvel attempts new stuff and you see fans being actively supportive of the new titles.

Also Marvels deviates from the source just as much or even more so than DC does, and I disagree, DC has characters that are the harder ones to write, DC is a pantheon with character morals set in stone with stories often dealing with philosophical topics, while Marvel characters are mostly flawed human characters with stories more focused in human relations, making them more easily relatable.

I also disagree that they **** it up.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Superhero comic fans or video game fans. I wonder which will be worse.

I can't imagine the video game fans *****ing and moaning about every last detail in the movies as much as superhero fans have for the past decade, but you never know...

Why do you even care? Maybe you can start a poll after Creed comes out? :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah I like Momoa too, I thought he was perfect for Lobo but I see what they're going for with Aquaman, I'm intrigued.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I like Momoa, but I’m starting to think WB is going the action/spectacle route and might drop the character driven aspect of their films. The actors for Batman and Superman are pretty talented, but the rest of the cast so far has me worried, I don’t see much talent there. Even though I don’t think Marvel utilizes their talent enough, they hire some great actors, Fox hires great actors, Sony hires great actors ,but WB so far, seems to be going in the style over substance route. Cavill and Affleck I’m confident in, but Gadot, Momoa, Eisenberg, and The Rock are all extremely limited actors. I can’t see them bringing nothing more than themselves to these iconic roles.

I hope I’m wrong, but all this casting has me worried, they might be hiring actors who look like their comic book counterparts, but I don’t know if they can act their parts, which is the most important thing for the movie to succeed in my opinion.
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well Eisenberg is definitely not limited and doesn't fit the action/spectacle angle, plus you're forgetting about Jeremy Irons.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's gonna be like a commercial light version of Watchmen.
That's obviously their MO here.

Suddenly plunge the audience into a world where these extreme characters already exist.
But that doesn't play into the Nolan inspired Man of Steel, (which they did to bring in TDK audience) Aquaman and Wonder Woman could simply not exist in that reality IMO. So that was a step in the wrong direction. Expect a huge tonal shift for this.

Watchmen:Light, could work on a certain level. It's still Snyders best film IMO.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I like Momoa, but I’m starting to think WB is going the action/spectacle route and might drop the character driven aspect of their films. The actors for Batman and Superman are pretty talented, but the rest of the cast so far has me worried, I don’t see much talent there. Even though I don’t think Marvel utilizes their talent enough, they hire some great actors, Fox hires great actors, Sony hires great actors ,but WB so far, seems to be going in the style over substance route. Cavill and Affleck I’m confident in, but Gadot, Momoa, Eisenberg, and The Rock are all extremely limited actors. I can’t see them bringing nothing more than themselves to these iconic roles.

I hope I’m wrong, but all this casting has me worried, they might be hiring actors who look like their comic book counterparts, but I don’t know if they can act their parts, which is the most important thing for the movie to succeed in my opinion.

yeah I kind of agree
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I hope WB confirms him soon... I'd be stoked with Momoa as Aquaman. Just give him some blond hair! :rock :love

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I don't think we can properly judge what direction WB is going in with only one film under their belt. I say it, time and again, but keep in mind, too, that these are not official press releases.Ray Fisher as Cyborg? Report from Variety's "sources" (remains unconfirmed by WB over one month later). Jason Momoa as Aquaman? "Report" from HitFix (no official word from WB); also a rumor that popped up a few months ago (which Momoa, himself, stated was ridiculous). DC's upcoming "schedule" another "report" from Nikki Finke; a very hit and miss entertainment journalist. So, if it's overcrowding that makes you think they're going the "action/spectacle" route, then, perhaps you should know that a good 75% of that "overcrowding" is unsubstantiated rumor.

Hell, even though it's official, we don't even know what's going on with Justice League. WB said it's Snyder's next film after Batman v. Superman, but, even then, with no release date in sight, who's to say that we don't see some solo films from other directors beforehand? Granted, the speculation could be totally true, and they just aren't ready to announce it, but it could also be exactly what we know it to be: rumor. I'm thinking we'll find out more at SDCC, but, until then, I'm forming no opinions, either way, other than those I've formed from what I've seen, so far, in an official capacity.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

According to the movie lineup. we will see some solo movies before JL.

Also, Momoa would look werid AF with blond hair :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

It's gonna be like a commercial light version of Watchmen.
That's obviously their MO here.

Suddenly plunge the audience into a world where these extreme characters already exist.
But that doesn't play into the Nolan inspired Man of Steel, (which they did to bring in TDK audience) Aquaman and Wonder Woman could simply not exist in that reality IMO. So that was a step in the wrong direction. Expect a huge tonal shift for this.

Watchmen:Light, could work on a certain level. It's still Snyders best film IMO.

Yeah, I'm kind of wondering if when the next two flicks have rolled out if MoS will look like it didn't really 'fit' as a lead off. People have brought up before that it may seem odd that heros suddenly pop up, but I think a lot of it will depend on how WB sells it. Good writing would definitely trump a steep shift in tone, but I feel MoS almost set this to be an uphill climb.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

According to the movie lineup. we will see some solo movies before JL.

Also, Momoa would look werid AF with blond hair :lol

Agreed, keep the dark hair. :duff
I like that pic Crows posted, just darken the hair and beard, he looks like some crazed feral king of the sea, definitely a different look than most people are used to.. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeppers, Dark hair all the way :hi5:

I would understand if they try to revamp Aquaman's image given the terrible (and I can't stretch how terrible) reputation Aquaman has among your casual audiences.

Their knowledge of the character starts and ends with Robot Chicken :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm sorry but I'm gonna go retarded hillbilly ff4 casting rant style and say **** a non blond aquaman. I'm tired of everyone looking the same, it's always white guys with a dark complexion. Evans isn't even naturally blond. Flash from cw isn't blond, oli from cw isn't really that blond.

There are great blond actors you know. I know it's retarded but aesthetics do matter if all diversity gets negated. I liked Aquaman standing out with his light complexion.

Also, with mamoa same thing as gadot: what the hell have they done so far, truly, acting wise? Cause GoT wasn't exactly exceptional acting for mamoa's role....

I'm not saying I'm building bad will toward the actor, he could be cool, but... I am disappointed by it if it's true.

There's no sense in not making him blond imo. So if it's gonna be mamoa they'd better blond him up as wll as they do with evans.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I see where you're coming from, diversity gets a bit lost if Momoa's casting turns out to be true, but as far as I'm concerned, CW characters don't belong in this universe, so there's that, there could still be blond actors portraying their respective roles.

And to be fair, many Marvel actors didn't have a remarkable resume when they started their roles, so that makes little difference to me.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

^I would prefer that highly over Mamoa, even though it wouldn't be my first choice by a long shot.

@Gasper and I don't like most marvel studios films.:lol So you make my point for me in that regard.

It's like, no acting creed = neutral, means it negates my faith but doesn't necessarily makes me against it, I just don't know at that point. But when I look at mamma I don't see 1) aquaman and 2) (,- this is the most important one) a REASON to cast him.

There might be one, so I'll be happy if he surprises me, same with Gadot, but UPFRONT, I've reason to be disappointed by it. And don't see why it would make sense when there's a whole host of both unknowns and acclaimed actors who all look like aquaman.... I don't get it. I might in the future, but as of yet, I don't get it.

And a perfect counter example for me IS Jordan as Human Torch which is the ONLY reason I will watch the FF4 reboot. He's a great actor and he brings the spark that's perfect for the role. There's also just not enough non-white superheroes, so all of that combined makes me say 'great! Go for it!'.

Here, I don't see that.