Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


Following a look at Henry Cavill as Clark Kent earlier this week, Warner Bros. Pictures has now revealed the first photo (via USA Today) of the Man of Steel star as Superman in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice!

Director Zack Snyder tells the newspaper that adding DC Comics characters such as Batman (Ben Affleck), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) makes the movie "thicker, denser and more epic" than Man of Steel and allows it to be the next step toward building a strong movie universe that will ultimately lead to Snyder's Justice League.

USA Today adds that "'Dawn of Justice' continues to immerse Superman on Earth by working at the Daily Planet as Clark Kent along with Lois Lane (Amy Adams) and Perry White (Laurence Fishburne). But it also takes him to new environments such as Gotham City and introduces larger threats, including Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg). The debuting heroes Superman meets will affect his perspective on Earth and on the ones he loves, and Snyder feels his convictions will be drawn into question as well."

As far as Affleck's Batman, Snyder said to expect an older, road-weary take on the Dark Knight. "It's cooler to see a crusty old Batman beating the snot out of guys," he said.

Snyder also explained the 'v' in the title instead of the traditional 'vs.' They did it "to keep it from being a straight 'versus' movie, even in the most subtle way."

Snyder added that he has yet to film any scenes with Gadot as the Amazonian princess. "She's working out and getting buff and ripped."
I appreciate his enthusiasm, but whenever I hear what he says I get more and more concerned about the movies he's working on. The title explanation makes zero sense. "More epic," "cooler to see an old guy beat the snot out of guys," "she's gonna be buff and ripped," etc. It's like he's been possessed by Rob Liefeld there. I bet he's gonna go ape **** when he gets the chance to deck someone out with a gun as big as they are. But really, who needs drama, character development, and nuance when you've got cool old guys fighting buff and ripped guys in a "dense" and "epic" movie? And that poster is soooo dark and gritty. Gonna be epic.

He looks huge, I like it.
That's what she said.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


Wait.. that's real? I love the Alex Ross style hair and it's cool he looks older meaner (even if it is just another 2 inches of rubber). on god's earth does that Burtonesque period european city fit tonally into the same reality as MOS?? Which was as 'real-world USA" as possible.

That's just stupid.

Expect Watchmen meets Batman Forever. Which could work on a certain level. But it's just bizarre to me that WB seem intent on constant reinvention while still trying to world build. The Nolan movies? Yes, they inspired the real world re-imagining of MOS, how can we make him exist in the modern world..but wait, no they didn't, I mean he doesn't. They didn't exist. Man Of Steel? Yep, that's where we are at. Oh no wait, Batman needs to be in the next one, he's gonna look really strange in the MOS universe. So lets just forget about the hyper real thing. We need to get back to comic book land. Burton got it right in '89. make it really Gothic like the comics. Otherwise how can we explain the existence of Wonder Woman and her gold lasso. Damn, are there any jungles in the US? What about in Florida. Do they have invisible jet planes in Miami?

" of these comic book realities is not like the others..."
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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Just remembered that this is the poster that Kevin Smith saw months ago. He noted that Batman is in this picture as well.

Might even have WW.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think "thick" and "dense" is a good way to describe Snyder and his approach. I'm glad he helped to elucidate his approach this way.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think "thick" and "dense" is a good way to describe Snyder and his approach. I'm glad he helped to elucidate his approach this way.

I'm still not sure if we are agreeing or not. :lol
Just remembered that this is the poster that Kevin Smith saw months ago. He noted that Batman is in this picture as well.

Might even have WW.

Did he cry? Seriously I'm sick of hearing about KS and his emotional breakdowns when seeing pre-pro work. :lol
This, Star Wars, is that all he does now? get paid by the studios to hype build?

I think your right though about it fitting in with other posters.. I like it a lot, but I'm confounded by the approach.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think "thick" and "dense" is a good way to describe Snyder and his approach. I'm glad he helped to elucidate his approach this way.

Yeah, TWS had more superheroes and bigger action than TFA but you never heard Feige talk about that prior to its release. He just kept going on about how it was going to be this sweet fantasy version of a 70's style political thriller and how Cap was going to find himself at odds with the ideologies of the new world he inhabited. Thick, epic, and dense? Those are the best adjectives you can throw out about your upcoming movie? Hmmmm.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I forget how you foreigners sometimes bastardize our language :D

Definition 5

Definition 2

1: "English definition of “thick”

adjective (STUPID) /θɪk/ informal
› stupid :
I told you not to touch that - are you deaf or just thick?"
(Definition of dense adjective (STUPID) from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

2: English definition of “dense”

adjective (STUPID) /dens/ informal
› stupid :
We've got some really dense people in our class .
(Definition of dense adjective (STUPID) from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Thick, epic, and dense? Those are the best adjectives you can throw out about your upcoming movie? Hmmmm.
When I want to have a guy punching another guy through a building, this is the perspective I really kinda want. For everything else. . .well, I guess it could be worse. At least we don't have the Barbershop guy or Uwe Boll here. At least Snyder is good at action and making scenes that work well in trailers.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

1: "English definition of “thick”
adjective (STUPID) /θɪk/ informal
› stupid :
I told you not to touch that - are you deaf or just thick?"

2: "Dense
Someone who lacks common sense, acts like an idiot and makes a fool of themselves without realising."
I actually think one of the examples in my link above also works well:

"a thick slice of ham"
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I think the tagline on the poster should be "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Thicker, epicer, more denser."
I love how they use the "v" there. So much subtler than if you said "vs." And this way, you know, it keeps it from being a straight "vs" movie, because, uh. . . . . . . . . . .
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I love how they use the "v" there. So much subtler than if you said "vs." And this way, you know, it keeps it from being a straight "vs" movie, because, uh. . . . . . . . . . .


I know.. I was reading that going.. Whaaaaat?