Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

As far as Affleck's Batman, Snyder said to expect an older, road-weary take on the Dark Knight. "It's cooler to see a crusty old Batman beating the snot out of guys," he said."

It's cooler than what Zack? Keaton and Bale beating the snot of out bad guys? I'd be careful about announcing that his take on the character is cooler than what we've seen before this early in the game. Besides we just saw two 90+ year old men kicking ass in TWS. Is crusty old Bats going to front kick some hapless dude into a Quinjet turbine? Didn't think so. :lecture
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Chris Nolan murdered the character of Gotham City. It should not look shiny, clean, and generic. The point is that it's kept the same style of buildings for ever and the city itself is decaying and dark. If his idea was that anyone in a city could think "This is Gotham" he failed before he even picked a place to film.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

So judging by the his words "thicker, dense, epic".... We should be bracing for more of the same but x10.:thud:
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I just hope there's a lot more terraforming and genetic manipulation in this one. I feel like those are concepts we just don't see enough of in films these days.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Chris Nolan murdered the character of Gotham City. It should not look shiny, clean, and generic. The point is that it's kept the same style of buildings for ever and the city itself is decaying and dark. If his idea was that anyone in a city could think "This is Gotham" he failed before he even picked a place to film.

Nolan DEFINITELY did not murder the so called character of Gotham. I think the change from BB Gotham to TDK Gotham made sense within the plot of the story. Batman with the aid of Gotham law enforcement has done so much cleaning up that by TDK timeline, Gotham changed for the better. I also think that was one of the important things Nolan wanted to depict in the sequels about the state of the city.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

What I am hoping for is that Bruce Parents didn't die from a mugging but instead they jumped out from a building. That will make the movie so much better :lecture
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Nolan DEFINITELY did not murder the so called character of Gotham. I think the change from BB Gotham to TDK Gotham made sense within the plot of the story. Batman with the aid of Gotham law enforcement has done so much cleaning up that by TDK timeline, Gotham changed for the better. I also think that was one of the important things Nolan wanted to depict in the sequels about the state of the city.

BB to TDK? You could not be more wrong.

"This is how crazy Batman's made Gotham."

The Narrows were "lost". Arkham was lost. Collateral damage everywhere from a massive terrorist attack. Still loose inmates running around according to Gordon. Scarecrow now sells a new drug that destroys people's minds. The mafia is still in complete control and now allied with the other gangs, they are recovering from a freshly murdered D.A. Gordon is several steps behind at all times. They have no faith from the public who wants Batman caught.

Even if they managed to get crime under control a bit, the hundreds of years old skyscrapers don't just magically morph from stone gargoyles to steel and glass towers.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

What I am hoping for is that Bruce Parents didn't die from a mugging but instead they jumped out from a building. That will make the movie so much better :lecture
Well obviously, the only way Batman can understand the importance of being Batman is for him to allow his parents to die a la Clark. They'll probably show a flashback where Thomas and Martha are about to jump from the roof, Bruce runs to rescue them, Thomas puts his hand out to stop Bruce, slowly shaking his head, mouthing "I love you" or something, then jumping. That would be totally epic and dense at the same time.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Maybe they can jump off of a skyscraper and INTO a tornado (kind of like Emmett at the end of the Lego Movie.)

Or maybe its even a Sharknado. So Bruce can grow up with the tragedy of not only his parents willfully committing suicide but also having witnessed them being brutally torn to pieces by swirling tornado sharks. That'd be pretty epic.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Thomas steps out into the alley for a smoke because he can't stand Bruce's whining and purposely starts **** with criminals minding their own business. :lol Than Martha comes out and starts making fun of the criminals for how poor and dirty they are and egging Thomas on.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Thomas steps out into the alley for a smoke because he can't stand Bruce's whining and purposely starts **** with criminals minding their own business. :lol

And then after he gets shot and is about to die he looks at Bruce and whispers the words, "this is on you...."
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

"The Last Will and Testament of Dr. Thomas Wayne. To my son Bruce. I never cared much for you but Alfred insisted we keep you around. Please destroy my Legacy and damage the city as much as possible before you abscond to a foreign land to have fugitive sex with murderers."