Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Believe it or not, she's a mom.


Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Can't find better quality.

I would say Cap's 1st fight with Bucky takes spot #1, that fight was mind-blowing, then maybe the one against Batroc, then come the Watchmen fights, all of them.

God, those fight scenes look pretty embarrassing now. And Watchmen is one of two Snyder movies I like.
I guess if you like speed ramping and "whoomp!" sound effects you would be impressed.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I like the Watchmen fight scene OK. They were pretty well choreographed IMO, considering they weren't going for a "realistic Jason Bourne" style fighting like they were in the Winter Soldier. My only real issue is with the excessive, dramatic slow mo that Snyder's had an obsession with going back to 300. I would prefer them not to dramatically glorify the violence in that way. But I'll take it over excessive shaky cam.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The Ozymandias fight with Rorschach and Nite Owl is fine. So is the opening between Ozzy and the Comedian (the use of Unforgettable is a really nice touch). I don't like the prison one though, never have, never will. The choreography and fights are better than other superhero movies, I think. Better than the Batman movies, or MoS, or the Spider-Man flicks.

I don't get the current gripes about slow motion. I'm not saying on here , but I see that criticism elsewhere a lot. It can be effective when done right, I'd say Watchmen did it right more times than not. I've seen it thrown against the original LOTR films recently as well (along with the extreme close ups on characters' faces). It's like the fact that the slow motion technique is being utilized at all makes it bad.

I don't see how a sequence like this can be faulted, from 1:05 on. There is no other way to go about it and it fits the mood, just like Comedian's death (which feels like slow motion in the comic from panel to panel), and other slow motion scenes.

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Some slow-mo "speed ramping" is fine. Everything is shot at a high FPS and in editing speeded up and slowed down. It's the sheer amount of it that Snyder used that became a joke. Almost piss-take levels, like a SNL sketch. Every kick, jump or punch became a "whoosh". Yeah it's comic booky, but between Watchmen and 300 he killed the technique forever. It wasn't that cool to begin with, it's a throw back to his 90's music video directing, everyone was doing it back then. But I have to say he did use it quite beautifully at times in 300.

I still really like Watchmen, some of it is cheesy as hell (especially the make-up/prosthetics) but it feels like the graphic novel and the soundtrack is killer. The songs not the score. And I love Night Owl And Rorschach. They were perfect.

The Ozymandias fight with Rorschach and Nite Owl is fine. So is the opening between Ozzy and the Comedian (the use of Unforgettable is a really nice touch). I don't like the prison one though, never have, never will. The choreography and fights are better than other superhero movies, I think. Better than the Batman movies, or MoS, or the Spider-Man flicks.

I don't get the current gripes about slow motion. I'm not saying on here , but I see that criticism elsewhere a lot. It can be effective when done right, I'd say Watchmen did it right more times than not. I've seen it thrown against the original LOTR films recently as well (along with the extreme close ups on characters' faces). It's like the fact that the slow motion technique is being utilized at all makes it bad.

I don't see how a sequence like this can be faulted, from 1:05 on. There is no other way to go about it and it fits the mood, just like Comedian's death (which feels like slow motion in the comic from panel to panel), and other slow motion scenes.

That's not speed ramping really, just good use of high speed filming.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I totally forgot LOTR had some slow-motion, but it's fine. It's when they use it too much like in 300 that bothers me. The whole film was in slow motion...even the sex scene :lol It's ok to use slow-mo to emphasize certain things , but most of the action should be at normal speed, imo. It's action...and slow-mo is like the antithesis of action.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I still remember getting chills during the Bob Dylan montage.

That part where it shows lil' Rorschach at the door as one of his mother's clients rubs his hair is pretty sad. Watchmen actually gives me faith in BvS, while MoS ironically, does not. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The slow mo works in LOTR in that scene, but like Rory says it's apples and oranges. Snyder's use is excessive and even distracting. But as I recall Peter Jackson used it a bit more than he should have himself, presumably in an attempt to make other scenes seem that much more dramatic (like guys walking over a hill becomes slow-mo to show how bad-ass/epic they are or whatever). Once you use something too much it loses it's umph IMO, but I think Snyder just used it badly across the board.
Ummm... You guys are crazy!
In terms of slow-mo usage Snyder's work is high art compared to John Woo and Michael Bay.
Those two over-used slow-mo before it was cool.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I totally forgot LOTR had some slow-motion, but it's fine. It's when they use it too much like in 300 that bothers me. The whole film was in slow motion...even the sex scene :lol It's ok to use slow-mo to emphasize certain things , but most of the action should be at normal speed, imo. It's action...and slow-mo is like the antithesis of action.

****, you want to see SLOWMO, rent Antichrist.

Wasn't slowmo a drug in Judge Dredd. :lol