Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

****, you want to see SLOWMO, rent Antichrist.

Wasn't slowmo a drug in Judge Dredd. :lol

Yeah, but Dredd was clever :lol They somehow made sense of the slowmo. The Matrix did the same, but it was justified because they were in the Matrix, just like the characters breaking the laws of physics, but then every action movie after Matrix was doing the same thing, and characters could do the impossible without any explanation....and most of those films sucked because of it, imo.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

God, those fight scenes look pretty embarrassing now. And Watchmen is one of two Snyder movies I like.
I guess if you like speed ramping and "whoomp!" sound effects you would be impressed.
Hell no, they still look great, those fights still keep up with the likes of Captain America 2, even despite the fact that they're meant to look comicbooky and choreographed with power ranger poses and stuff unlike Cap's Bourne-esque fights, I don't remember any other comicbook movie fights that look nearly as good as WM's, not in Blade, X-men, Spiderman, Batman, or any of the MS movies previous to Cap 2... Maybe the "fight" between Thor's mom and Malekith, but it was too short and Malekith did nothing, Thor's mom pulled some badass moves though.

I blame Max Payne and Bullet Time.
Didn't that come after Matrix?

I like the Watchmen fight scene OK. They were pretty well choreographed IMO, considering they weren't going for a "realistic Jason Bourne" style fighting like they were in the Winter Soldier. My only real issue is with the excessive, dramatic slow mo that Snyder's had an obsession with going back to 300. I would prefer them not to dramatically glorify the violence in that way. But I'll take it over excessive shaky cam.

I liked the slow mo-speed up "technique", it was a way to accentuate some punches and kicks and looks pretty cool, I'd be ok with either approach, Bourne-esque fights or power ranger-esque, as long as they're cool.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

The game came up after the Matrix didn't it? I remember thinking it was the Matrix game when I 1st saw the Max Payne trailer.

Even Shrek had a slo-mo scene :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Even with slow mo, you still can't tell what the **** is going on.

Can't miss these, unfortunately, no matter the camera trickery.

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