Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Which can only mean one thing! BVS will be a huge critical and commercial success and an instant classic that will be remembered for generations just like the ASM2!!

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I watched man of steel for the 2nd time last night, and while I don't think it's the best film by any stretch and the destruction at the end is utterly ridiculous and stupid Clark turns up at the end with a cheesy grin like nothing has happened it's kinda cool to now know that there is a batman in this universe when watching it.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I watched man of steel for the 2nd time last night, and while I don't think it's the best film by any stretch and the destruction at the end is utterly ridiculous and stupid Clark turns up at the end with a cheesy grin like nothing has happened it's kinda cool to now know that there is a batman in this universe when watching it.

And a Wonder Woman, and an Aquaman?

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Man it's gonna be hard for you guys when the movie is gonna be awesome and make billions :)
Or maybe not...
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well on the bright side, if the sales (or lack thereof) of Man of Steel Hot Toys figures is any indication, in a couple of years we might have access to some uber cheap Hot Toys Batman and Wonder Woman figures! Unfortunately, I probably won't have any interest in buying them even at huge discounts. C'mon, Linda Carter figure!
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well on the bright side, if the sales (or lack thereof) of Man of Steel Hot Toys figures is any indication, in a couple of years we might have access to some uber cheap Hot Toys Batman and Wonder Woman figures! Unfortunately, I probably won't have any interest in buying them even at huge discounts. C'mon, Linda Carter figure!

I'd buy Linda Carter in a heartbeat, this Xena chick in "slightly subdued" colored gladiator garb? Bleaugh.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Well on the bright side, if the sales (or lack thereof) of Man of Steel Hot Toys figures is any indication, in a couple of years we might have access to some uber cheap Hot Toys Batman and Wonder Woman figures! Unfortunately, I probably won't have any interest in buying them even at huge discounts. C'mon, Linda Carter figure!

Come on even if the movie sucks, that Batfleck looks great.
And the armored version too :)
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, but even if it does look pretty cool as a figure, do I want a reminder of a bastardization of characters and stories I care about on the shelf? In full disclosure, I did have Origins Wolverine on display for a few years now, but 1) there aren't lots of other decent 1/6 scale Wolvie options; 2) he closely resembles the Wolvie from X-Men 1; and 3) I only dislike Origins for being a crappy film, not for crapping on everything I cared about regarding the character, and setting a disturbing precedent for future films. With Batman, we've got countless Nolan figures, Keaton, West, SSC's figure, and even the Arkham City version coming in the pipeline, so I'm pretty good with the other options out there to meet my Bat-fix. And if WB/DC does to Batman what it did to Superman in Man of Steel, then I'll want that as far away from my display as possible.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, but even if it does look pretty cool as a figure, do I want a reminder of a bastardization of characters and stories I care about on the shelf? In full disclosure, I did have Origins Wolverine on display for a few years now, but 1) there aren't lots of other decent 1/6 scale Wolvie options; 2) he closely resembles the Wolvie from X-Men 1; and 3) I only dislike Origins for being a crappy film, not for crapping on everything I cared about regarding the character, and setting a disturbing precedent for future films. With Batman, we've got countless Nolan figures, Keaton, West, SSC's figure, and even the Arkham City version coming in the pipeline, so I'm pretty good with the other options out there to meet my Bat-fix. And if WB/DC does to Batman what it did to Superman in Man of Steel, then I'll want that as far away from my display as possible.

I can see where you are coming from.
I usually buy figures only because of their design.
If the movie is good fine, if not, don't care.
Hated harlock and Appleseed but I'm getting the figures because I love the designs themselves.
Also got some metal gear halo figures but never played the games.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah, but even if it does look pretty cool as a figure, do I want a reminder of a bastardization of characters and stories I care about on the shelf? In full disclosure, I did have Origins Wolverine on display for a few years now, but 1) there aren't lots of other decent 1/6 scale Wolvie options; 2) he closely resembles the Wolvie from X-Men 1; and 3) I only dislike Origins for being a crappy film, not for crapping on everything I cared about regarding the character, and setting a disturbing precedent for future films. With Batman, we've got countless Nolan figures, Keaton, West, SSC's figure, and even the Arkham City version coming in the pipeline, so I'm pretty good with the other options out there to meet my Bat-fix. And if WB/DC does to Batman what it did to Superman in Man of Steel, then I'll want that as far away from my display as possible.

I agree. I bought both HT Man of Steel figures (Hopeman and Gladiator, not Zob) because they were pretty great figures. Do I have them on display anymore? Nope, just Christopher Reeve with a detolf shelf all of his own surrounded by crystals. Because he's worth it.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I agree. I bought both HT Man of Steel figures (Hopeman and Gladiator, not Zob) because they were pretty great figures. Do I have them on display anymore? Nope, just Christopher Reeve with a detolf shelf all of his own surrounded by crystals. Because he's worth it.

Same. Couldn't stand the sight of Hopeman.

Sold it with zero regret. Reeve's the man.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I agree. I bought both HT Man of Steel figures (Hopeman and Gladiator, not Zob) because they were pretty great figures. Do I have them on display anymore? Nope, just Christopher Reeve with a detolf shelf all of his own surrounded by crystals. Because he's worth it.

Frankly, he's all you need.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I am so scared for this movie. After Marvel's announcement DC has a lot of catching up to do. If this bombs or comes across as depressing as Man of Steel was I think it will be all over for DC. They have a long road ahead of them right now I hope they can do it.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I am so scared for this movie. After Marvel's announcement DC has a lot of catching up to do. If this bombs or comes across as depressing as Man of Steel was I think it will be all over for DC. They have a long road ahead of them right now I hope they can do it.

It has to be depressing, Batman is in it :lol

This is footage of DC/WB after Marvel's announcement :monkey3

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

People said probably the same thing with Shummachers bats.
We got reboots and sucess.
Who cares? Just enjoy or not the movies you get.
Sounds like some are dc or Marvel shareholders here sometimes.
Once again piitting them against each other when its clear that they dont have the same approach.
Wich is once more great because who wants to see the same thing.

Just read this from a friend who works the previz for Marvel :

You know when soldiers kept going into battle, and were bludgeoned and bludgeoned, until they developed the thousand yard stare, and went and did their duty robotically without any enthusiasm? That's my reaction to the new Marvel Movie Line up.

You know what's funny? In "Avengers", Whedon gave us the LAMEST bunch of civilians on the street, acting badly, in the bog-standard medium long-shot group assemblage as seen in TV shows. The whole thing looked like a tiny area of live action, with effects work going on all around it. Then came "Man Of Steel", and buildings are coming down, and people are screaming, and it's terrifying. And here we are with "Age Of Ultron"...and it's like "Man Of Steel" never happened, and it looks like TV actors have just hit their marks all over again. Sigh...

I love "Dr Strange", so I'm bracing myself for that letdown. "Civil War" will doubtless be interesting. I'd love it if Whedon were NOT doing that. "Black Panther" I've always found a boring character, so I'll be skipping that. "Captain Marvel" I like the comic book, but I've no real interest in the movie unless something amazing happens in director or actor attachments. All the rest...looks like more of the same. Zero interest in "Guardians". Hope to god the next Thor is better than the last one, because I love Thor and I already have a bad feeling about that. Next "Avengers" I can see Marvel are going for the "Harry Potter" two part whammy.

This is too many movies, too fast, with too little diversity.