Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Khev, you're doing it wrong.


Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That's why I think DC really needs to just stop with their embargo ******** and greenlight a Batman TV Show already. Batman is the ultimate long form superhero. It's a lot harder to find that balance in a two and a half hour movie than a twenty three hour television show. I think the way people view the animated series is testament to that. You have some that are straightforward mysteries, some that are about the heroics, etc.
It's probably a great way to kill his appeal quickly enough too.

Folks will be sick of the sight of him if he's in their face everywhere they turn. :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Bale shall henceforth be known as BatMoses. He could be known as any schizophrenic.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Its funny that in all three movies the extent of his world's greatest detective skills are just him using that voice to scream "where is it/he/she" at people. :lol

I don't know where people get that notion that he wasn't a good detective in the Nolan trilogy from, you see him dusting for fingerprints and cross referencing them in a police whatever database, you see him recreating a gun shot to reconstruct a 3D model of a bullet, reprogramming the bat, reprogramming Fox' sonar to find the Joker etc etc...

Even the in the comics Batman stops and asks simple questions to criminals every now and then... :huh:

EDIT: Nvm I see Prince already covered that.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Bale Batman wasn't smooth. He interrogated the same way in all three movies like he was desperate and frustrated, yelling at the top of his lungs like an angry child.

This is what Batman does,

He plays to different types of personalities, ****s with your head, not just shouting "I don't need help", "where izzz the trigger", "where are they", "where izzz the detonator", "who are you working for", etc. like a retard who isn't getting his way to everyone he comes across. I still love the first two movies and dig Bale, but his Batman really is a bore. He's pretty much one dimensional and uses his fists and elbows mostly. He doesn't talk well, sounds ridiculous and only has a few moments where he shines (as Batman). His Bruce Wayne? Very good, till TDKR.

There's a reason these traits are exaggerated for the Bale Batman with the memes and videos. He's a bit of a block head, a lot of noise and punching. One dimensional.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

To be fair, you have to take the situation he was in into consideration. In most of those situations you mentioned, he was running out of time, so he didn't have time to smile and be all smooth. Either a bomb was going off or people were in danger. He was also smart enough not to interrogate the crazy guy Harvey Dent was interrogating, because Batman figured out that he was crazy and useless. Still, nothing beats BTAS...that's the standard.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Bale Batman wasn't smooth. He interrogated the same way in all three movies like he was desperate and frustrated, yelling at the top of his lungs like an angry child.

This is what Batman does,

He plays to different types of personalities, ****s with your head, not just shouting "I don't need help", "where izzz the trigger", "where are they", "where izzz the detonator", "who are you working for", etc. like a retard who isn't getting his way to everyone he comes across. I still love the first two movies and dig Bale, but his Batman really is a bore. He's pretty much one dimensional and uses his fists and elbows mostly. He doesn't talk well, sounds ridiculous and only has a few moments where he shines (as Batman). His Bruce Wayne? Very good, till TDKR.

There's a reason these traits are exaggerated for the Bale Batman with the memes and videos. He's a bit of a block head, a lot of noise and punching. One dimensional.

In a nut shell

Sent from the Cockpit of the Millenium Falcon
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah Bale's Batman is dull, no argument there, and not to say the TAS Batman was dull, by no means he was, but that Batman also got around to grab people by the neck of their shirt and yell questions to them, and most of his detective work is magic detective work made by magic devices, and lets not forget TAS Batman got beaten by lowest level thugs A LOT, not to mention that he couldn't fix his own car, etc etc.

Personality-wise TAS Batman is definitive, but skills-wise he's got nothing on the comics or the Arkham-verse.

Imo Nolan Batman isn't definitive on anything, but he wasn't a bad detective.... ****** fighter? Sure :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Yeah Bale's Batman is dull, no argument there, and not to say the TAS Batman was dull, by no means he was, but that Batman also got around to grab people by the neck of their shirt and yell questions to them, and most of his detective work is magic detective work made by magic devices, and lets not forget TAS Batman got beaten by lowest level thugs A LOT, not to mention that he couldn't fix his own car, etc etc.

Personality-wise TAS Batman is definitive, but skills-wise he's got nothing on the comics or the Arkham-verse.

Imo Nolan Batman isn't definitive on anything, but he wasn't a bad detective.... ****** fighter? Sure :lol

:exactly: His car broke down and he had to call Fox to fix it :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I like the Thomas Schiff scene where Batman has memorized pretty much every Arkham patient. I like that he knows all the cops as he's driving around trying to protect Reese. I like the sadistic "I'm counting on it" alley way scene. I like the proactive, calm, cool and collected "beautiful, isn't it" Batman during the last act of Dark Knight. I like how he chats with Gordon and Rachel in Begins (it's like he has his own separate Batman persona for them too).

There's no denying that he looks, sounds and acts like an idiot in other scenes though. "Where are they!?!" is fine because hey, his girl was in danger and he was frustrated, but other times? Not really. He yells at Flass, he yells at Scarecrow, he yells at Maroni, he yells at Bane, etc. etc. It's the same MO. If he doesn't get an answer, he punches them. Not very compelling on repeat viewings. The thing that stinks is, he's pretty much at the height of his game after defeating the Joker. Even if he sounds dumb, he still seems like "Batman in his prime" (finally). Then when we see him next, he sucks and makes the same mistakes Begins Batman would make, if not more blunders! Bit of a buzz kill really.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

BTAS - longform storytelling.

Nolan Trilogy - shortform storytelling.

Could Nolan have thrown in some more detectivey scenes à la Keaton and Smilex? Meh.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Bruce with his glasses, drinking coffee around his lab after cracking the Joker poison like a boss while Alfred mags him about his sex life.