Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (March 24th, 2016)

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

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Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

He did detective work in all the films.

In Batman Begins he intercepts a drug shipment and provides Rachel Dawes with evidence (photos and files) to indict Falcone, empowering the honest Sgt. James Gordon and the Gotham police to arrest the previously untouchable criminal.

He figure out how the villains were going to use the poison water and the microwave emitter to destroy the city.

Batman fought the entire criminal underworld, impossible if it was just using fisticuffs and no investigation.

It was his marked bills and tracking that were used in TDK.

Bruce used his 'detective skills' to find out it was Lao who was laundering the money in TDK (we only see the culmination scene where all he wanted was to look at his books/records up close to be 100% sure... the meeting where Bruce fell asleep).

He found the fingerprint from the shattered bullet.

He found out about and OBTAINED the "clean slate" in the TDKR, something that a pro thief was after for so long and the criminal underworld thought was only a myth.

He found out Selina's identity and what she was REALLY after (his finger prints, not the necklace)... even with the fancy computer it's still not an easy task.

He shows his knowledge of forensics by naming what Selina used and WHY she used the certain dust powders just by looking at it.

He use the sonar technology to find the joker's location in a city with millions of people and he figure out there was a cop in the same vehicle with Gordon when the Joker was going to blowup a hospital.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

He found the fingerprint from the shattered bullet.

He found out about and OBTAINED the "clean slate" in the TDKR, something that a pro thief was after for so long and the criminal underworld thought was only a myth.

Magic devices, magic detective work.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Magic devices, magic detective work.

That's what he does. Even in the 60's he a computer that did most of the work....or Robin, to figure out the Riddler's Riddles :lol


In the Animated Series he had the huge batcomputer, which he used to analyze everything. :lol Batman is no Sherlock Holmes, although the new Sherlock probably uses computers too, not sure :lol
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'll be honest when I say that, as much as I love the crazy villains like Killer Croc and Clayface and hope they get their due, part of me would love it if we basically got a low key "Gone Baby, Gone" type of movie where it's just two and a half hours of Batfleck tracking down a girl that the Mad Hatter abducted or something.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'm not the one wearing hockey pads! Love that line in that gravelly voice!

If only I knew what he actually said when he delivered it. It was years later that someone here pointed out that he said "pads" (I always thought it was "pants" which seemed weirdly specific when the guys were decked out from head to toe.)
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

That's why I think DC really needs to just stop with their embargo ******** and greenlight a Batman TV Show already. Batman is the ultimate long form superhero. It's a lot harder to find that balance in a two and a half hour movie than a twenty three hour television show. I think the way people view the animated series is testament to that. You have some that are straightforward mysteries, some that are about the heroics, etc.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

If only I knew what he actually said when he delivered it. It was years later that someone here pointed out that he said "pads" (I always thought it was "pants" which seemed weirdly specific when the guys were decked out from head to toe.)

My favorite line was, "Your peanut butter will chill forever!!" :lol

Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Unbelievable how ****ing ridiculous he sounds there... It's like the man can even breathe!

I mean, really!

Keaton owns Bale as Batman! - YouTube

Well, he couldn't breathe in that scene. He had just fought the Joker, the swat team, two dogs, and after the joker fell, he captures/saves him with the rope and he pulled him up 30- 50 feet?...So he was out of breath actually.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

I'll be honest when I say that, as much as I love the crazy villains like Killer Croc and Clayface and hope they get their due, part of me would love it if we basically got a low key "Gone Baby, Gone" type of movie where it's just two and a half hours of Batfleck tracking down a girl that the Mad Hatter abducted or something.

Yup, sometimes less is more.
Re: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

As good as Batman is, he ain't got nothing on this guy.

I've been watching a fair amount of Columbo recently, and what I've observed is that he figures the cases out, right at the moment that he meets the criminal. Otherwise, it makes no sense that he would start snooping around for certain things, lulling the offender into a false sense of security, and the baiting them so that they get angry with him so early on. That's a skill I doubt any other detective in the history of fiction had as well refined as Columbo. It wasn't that he was a great master of deduction (in fact, half the times he has to trick the offender into admitting he committed the murder at the end! Which is weird b/c I'm not sure how that holds up in a court of law :lol), he just had an unmatched sense of intuition.

I'll be honest when I say that, as much as I love the crazy villains like Killer Croc and Clayface and hope they get their due, part of me would love it if we basically got a low key "Gone Baby, Gone" type of movie where it's just two and a half hours of Batfleck tracking down a girl that the Mad Hatter abducted or something.
I would love that, as well. Assuming it was well made. Won't happen in 100 years, though.

If only I knew what he actually said when he delivered it. It was years later that someone here pointed out that he said "pads" (I always thought it was "pants" which seemed weirdly specific when the guys were decked out from head to toe.)
He did actually say "hockey pants."