I love BvS, but I don't think it's "deep and intellectual". I liked seeing Batman beat a bunch of dudes up and fight Superman.

The story was definitely muddled in the theatrical though. Ultimate is the only way to watch it.
Heck, I didn't notice that Day of the Dead thing until just now...
Eh, I read in a promotional magazine for BvS before it released that Lex hates Supes because he's a "paradox".
It sort of ties into when he goes off on that rant at the party about the "bittersweet pain among men is having knowledge with no power, because it's paradoxical", and the "if God is all powerful, then he cannot be all good, and if he is all good then he cannot be all powerful"; which is why he wanted Superman to kill Batman, so he'd get blood on his hands and prove he wasn't this "perfect being".
As for the second thing, they probably just thought "they were hunters..." was a cool line.