because of this argument they no longer say Global Warming (though it is still technically correct) it is now just know as Climate Change.
It is technically accurate, on both counts. Over the past century, the best anyone can tell is that the mean global temperature has risen 1 degree. Even though the majority of that happened before 1940, prior to the majority of the century's industrial pollution, it's still supposedly on account of human activity.
One degree is apparently sufficient to alter the fundamental weather patterns of the planet. What's not as obvious is that the planet has it's own homeostatic functions. Increased temperatures equate to increased condensation of oceans, which cause greater volumes of water vapor (and CO2) to enter the atmosphere, creating greater cloud cover which blocks sunlight, allowing the planet to cool.
More honest scientists have stated that precipitation systems are the least understood atmospheric phenomenon, but they do know enough to say that warming will be followed by cooling.
Yeah, I love how folks who want to deny there are issues with the planet because of huge snow falls. Call it what you want but if we don't figure out ____ out things will get bad in the future for someone. I'd prefer that not to happen but thats just me I tend to actually care about others.
What issues? The climate has changed? Permanently? Has it ever happened before? Is this a sign of exponential change to come? Do we have catastrophes to fear? How do you know? Are you an atmospheric physicist? Meterologist? Do you have any scientific basis whatsoever to determine the validity of these claims? Are the people who do have the credentials being honest? Or do they have ulterior motives in claiming that human industrial activity must be heavily curtailed, and at the expense of millions who depend on that activity for their daily bread?
If you care about people, then stop buying into science that you don't understand because you give credence to politicans who want to use the fear engendered by the propagation of those ideas to their advantage.
Unless they're the 'others' you care about. They certainly stand to make out like bandits if they are allowed to have their way.
I totally agree with you. When I was younger, it would snow around Thanksgiving and there would be snow on the ground until March. Now we go long stretches of above freezing weather to what we're getting now. People forget or don't know what it used to be like. It has only been below zero once this winter so far. That's way unusual for us here in Ohio.
December 2007, we had our first snow just after Thanksgiving, and then proceeded to get 10 storms before Christmas. Over the rest of the season, it snowed 2-6 inches every 3-4 days.
Anecdotal evidence works both ways. Stories about snow now have as little to do with 'climate change' as stories about snow from the 90's, 80's, 70's, etc. This storm is the biggest since the 50's. What does that prove?
Zilch. Weather changes. So does climate. The sky isn't falling: it's just snow.