We should just kill the humans. You know if we don't, all the animals will die...
Yeah, you can. Studies are done all the time that point out things don't happen, cant happen, etc that are all negative. Hell, we have tests that prove people are negative for say HIV, Cancer, etc. I don't know the Sun won't but that could happen.
That's because the existence of those entities has been proven to exist: global warming caused by carbon emissions has not. I cannot prove that there are no negative long term effects of burning oil; all I can do is evaluate claims that it does have a negative effect, and none of the claims I've seen yet have proven to be true (rendering them mere supposition).
The Josh said:
Thats why we work on them until they become something. We don't live our lives just using ____ that HAS been proven bad for the earth. At the very least its bad for you and I to breathe in, to drink, etc. Lets find ways around that shall we?
So work on them. When they're worth a damn, I'm sure people will be ahppy to use them.
They aren't now, so people don't. Don't advocate holding a gun to their head so that they will.
The Josh said:
How has the money been stolen?
Taxation is theft. Not everyone pays them (or consumes them) as happily as you do.
The Josh said:
Just like money has been used to drill oil wells like the one that screwed up the SE part of the US. Road works both ways.
Indeed it does. That accident would never have ebcome the problem it did if they had been allowed to drill closer to land, where the break could be fixed before it dumped all of that crude into the Gulf.
However, what's the status of that region now? Uninhabitable for man or beast?
The Josh said:
I look at going green and making things better the same way I look at Smoking being shown the door at places I eat and drink. I shouldn't have to suffer because you want to be an idiot and smoke.
I am too, and I'm seeing the same fascist stripes.
You don't own the bars and restaurants of the country, and you have no right to dictate what behavior they will permit inside their doors. You are a guest, and if they do not extend the amenity of a smoke-free environment to you, you are free to leave.
It would have been civil for you to extend the same coutesy to them, but apparently, being the customer gives you the right to force them to obey your preferences.
Good thing you don't hate Jews, huh? (Just kiddin'.

The Josh said:
Surprising considering how much you seem to support staying the course there. Must work in a field that really needs fossil fuels to be successful.
So do you work for a green energy concern?
The Josh said:
I'm just going on everything I've ever read or seen. At the rate we use oil based on what studies have been shown I just don't doubt we'll run out.
Ok. The same studies in the past have been wrong. Why are these ones right? There is a great deal of evidence to the contrary that 1) oil is renewable, and 2) it is not a 'fossil' fuel, created by past organic decomposition.
The Josh said:
Because they should have as much right to live where they are at as anyone as far as I'm concerned.
If you can construct a valid argument that animals have rights, I'd gladly hear it.
The Josh said:
Should we just kill them off and move them to places they can't survive just so we can get some oil?
You say 'get some oil' like it's toys or desserts. What it actually means to 'get some oil' is to get the primary source of energy that will feed, clothe, house and heat this entire country, and countless more.
Do you have a problem with humans living?
The Josh said:
Yes, I believe their lives are ours to make sure they are around for years to come.
That's your business if you so choose.
The Josh said:
Why do you believe they're not?
Because their lives are their own to live.
The Josh said:
Its as reciprocated as can be I believe. Are we not the species on the planet with the ability to make smart decisions and ones that are for the better of those who can't be it a person or animal.
My life is not their responsibility, and their is not mine.
The Josh said:
I consider my pets a part of my family and would do anything for them. Guess we can't say the same about you.
Your pets are the entire animal population of the globe? No, we can't say the same for me. The two dogs and one cat who live in my house are on the bottom of the totem pole, and if it came down to me or them (or my mom or them, or my niece or them, or my sister or them) they would lose.
The Josh said:
It hasn't yet but we have through expansion into areas as the world pop grows out of control.
You have something against more people being alive?
The Josh said:
Not to mention oil spills have killed thousands of animals because of its spills wrecking areas for years and messing up the economy in say areas like the SE (shrimping).
The Gulf coast has already started shipping shrimp again. BP paid them $20 billion for their trouble, even though the accident was not their fault.
The Josh said:
Are we a people that are willing to kill off animals because we HAVE to have oil?
If it's us or them, yes.
The Josh said:
Is it that precious we're willing to sell our souls for it?
Are the animals so precious that you are willing to sell your life, and the lives of all of the other people dependent on oil for their sake?
The Josh said:
Oil is obselete as a main fuel source.
Nope. It is still the best source there is, and is only a problem on account of the artificial limitations imposed on its production by people with an irrational (though not naive) bias against its use.
The Josh said:
Hopefully the world will find a way through these new techs so we don't have to depend upon oil so freaking much.
Is it the dependence that bothers you? Or the oil?
The Josh said:
If oil is so easy to get and not that big of a deal. Why are we paying $3+ a gallon for gas?
Taxes. Enviromental regulation. Prohibitions on drilling. Middle Eastern nationalization of our oil in the 1950's, and subsequent monopolization.
The Josh said:
It was around 1.50 not 10 years ago and oil companies are making 30 BILLION dollars while the economies of the world sink to ____.
The harder it is to produce gas, the more expensive it will be. Oh noes. 30 billion in profits. Good thing too. They go under and it's back to chasing food, except now, you'll be competing over far less with a bunch of Midwestern rednecks.
Also, what percentage of the oil companies income is profit, I wonder...
The Josh said:
Yeah, those guys are doing great and so are their supporters. Plus while they may not need guns they've done their dirty work in other ways.
Marxist drivel. Move to Cuba. Tell the citizens of Eden I said hi and I hope they're enjoying life in their utopia.