Shatterer of Dreams
Super Freak
well just remember that it'll cost more now that you have to cross an ocean.......
At the heart of the problem, however, is simply that many Texas power plants broke down because they’re not designed to handle lengthy cold spells.
Allan Koenig, director of communications for Dallas-based Luminant, the state’s largest power plant operator, said wet weather followed by more than a day of very cold weather can lead to exposed pipes and other equipment at Texas power plants freezing. Unlike states like Illinois or New York where lengthy cold weather is expected, Texas power plants don’t have all of their equipment insulated or protected in the same way.
Indeed Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst told the Associated Press that water pipes at two plants, Luminant’s Oak Grove coal-fired plant in Robertson County and Austin Energy’s natural gas fired Sand Hill plant, forced the operators to shut down.
This problem isn’t specific to natural gas or coal fired plants, but natural gas plants may be subject to another cold weather peril: during extreme cold the small amounts of water that are in pipeline natural gas may separate and freeze in valves.
It appears most of the power plant outages were in the northern part of the state where the cold weather hit more than day before it arrived in the Houston area.
NRG Energy, the state’s second-largest power plant operator with most of its units near Houston, reported all of its major plants remained online, and at at one point this morning it was handling up to 15.5 percent of the state’s total load.
Koenig said Luminant, which has most of its plants in North Texas, had a larger number of plants offline due to the cold.
No, people here forget how to drive every time it snows.![]()
that's here too![]()
This really happened today in Illinois:
Damn you, snow. Damn you.
edit: video!
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Drives me nuts. Of course then you have folks who should know its not safe to go out that still do.
This really happened today in Illinois:
Damn you, snow. Damn you.
edit: video!
<IFRAME class=youtube-player title="YouTube video player" height=390 src="" frameBorder=0 width=640 type="text/html" allowFullScreen></IFRAME>
Drives me nuts. Of course then you have folks who should know its not safe to go out that still do.
Still holding out on this one? I don't think it has "everything to do" with humans, but "nothing to do with us" is as archaic a belief as the earth is flat.
ProgMatinee said:Basically that argument is that cars or factories don't produce things like smog, which anyone that lives in any major city knows is real.
ProgMatinee said:If your argument is that a divine being or higher power has built in adequate compensation for humans or simply that its manifest destiny for humans to use the earth as it pleases, thats fine too, though it is a bit egocentric, similar to the belief that the earth is the center of the universe.
ProgMatinee said:The truth is that humans in general have created a landscape that is making galactic changes less bareable.
ProgMatinee said:A person that stands outside in 1 spot for 365 days will experience changes resultant to natural changes of seasons. Sun, shade, night, rain, snow, etc. Same thing with the earth over the course of millenias. But if the person rips holes into their protective clothing knowing the various changes the spot he is standing on experiences, he cannot blame the spot for changing on him and claim that his ripping holes in his garmets had nothing to due with his sunburn or frostbite.![]()
ProgMatinee said:Now, its fine to say, "the rewards outweighed the risks" or "God destined human progress and that is what we did", but its laughable to say that there were absolutely zero result to any action humans have taken.