Well I would, except I just sold my 360
Sounds like we need to meet in the middle and get it for pc!![]()

Well I would, except I just sold my 360
Sounds like we need to meet in the middle and get it for pc!![]()
Well I would, except I just sold my 360
Sounds like we need to meet in the middle and get it for pc!![]()
Beta is supposed to get you excited for a game right? Well it officially killed my desire to ever play this game online. I tried to play the beta yesterday and could barely walk two steps before I just fell over dead. No noise or any indication that I was being shot. Just dead.
Now you people can call me a bad player or whatever but it just isn't fun. I'd rather play Call of Duty's multiplayer flaws and all. I guess it's just a matter of taste and Battlefield's beta left a bad one in my mouth.
I'm also aware of a glitch in the beta where players take more damage when they're moving. Yeah. Well, that's not suppose to happen either and it was a rampant enough problem that I'm sure Dice heard about it constantly. I gotta have faith these huge issues will be addressed quickly. Those are game breaking, so I'm sure it's top priority for them.
That's possible, I've killed people when they were moving with one shot. It was a sniper rifle, but I didn't hit them in the head.
Yeah, it was an overall damage glitch so it wouldn't have mattered which weapon you used. Figures. A bug that further rewards those jackholes who lay prone in a bush all game.
Did you just call me a ********?!?!?!
But according to the Beta Updates on EA/Dice's blog all the issues are being fixed.
Update 1:
Update 2:
I'd really like them to address not being able to play with your friends/squad, and their reason for it. It is impossible to be all in one squad, when it should put you straight in as one.
Yea, I'm sure that they will. That was the worst part of the beta for me, not being able to squad up with my friends.
At least you've got friends who play thisThe squad problems will be gone at launch, I'm sure. They also never released a list of all the fixes theyd made before the beta even launched. They said that because of how old the build was by the time it launched, a lot of stuff had been fixed, but didn't go into detail.
Most of my "friends" are people I met on Xbox Live
Yeah, the beta was definitely an old build. I can't wait to play the entire game.
I dont even have Live "friends" that play this. I do actually have a couple but we're never on at the same time. It seems like you need a huge group of people if you want to be able to play with "friends" on any kind of regular basis. I usually don't mind too much for other games, but it's almost a must in Battlefield. Playing with randoms can be maddening.
Oh yeah. I hate getting squaded up with some guy who does nothing but sit in the very back and spot people. You have to spawn on his ass every time too.
Gotta love the "spotters" Such team players. Ive noticed that nubs love to be the long range spotting recon. I dont know what it is about recon, but the nubs find that class irresistible. Maybe they feel safer or something. It sure beats putting yourself at risk jus to help the team win, that's for sure.
It wouldn't be so bad if the match making was better. It always seems like you're on the rookie team of scrubs who don't know or care about winning and you're playing against the Battlefield all-stars who know every trick on how to win and are willing to do whatever it takes to do so. Once in a while I'm on that good team and while it's nice to win for a change, the blow outs arent all that fun no matter which team you're on.
I'll keep posting my gamertag and if anybody on here wants to play to have fun AND to try and win, please add me.