Broke and happy
Why? I could care less about your k/d and I'm sure I'm not alone. The only person who might care about mine is me and even I don't.

Why? I could care less about your k/d and I'm sure I'm not alone. The only person who might care about mine is me and even I don't.
Why? I could care less about your k/d and I'm sure I'm not alone. The only person who might care about mine is me and even I don't.
Yeah, exactly. Nobody'd care. I'm just raising it for the fun of it. Well, it's fun for me at least.
I guess that's where I'm different. I wouldn't have any fun if I cared about it.
Q1: Anything that can lockon can use the SOFLAM targeting. That includes Javelin launchers and homing missiles from vehicles. The targeting is especially useful for the Javelin launcher as the missile will come straight down on the target. The SOFLAM allows homing locks without line of sight. It doesn't change the amount of time to get a lock onto a target.
Q2: Those specific dog tags are unlocked by getting enough ribbons to unlock the medal. Having 50 rush winner ribbons will yield the dog tag and medal. Getting 50 carbine ribbons (7 kills in a game with a carbine) unlocks the dog tog and medal. And so on and so forth. I don't know how often the number is updated on the dog tag.
Why? I could care less about your k/d and I'm sure I'm not alone. The only person who might care about mine is me and even I don't.
Im addicted to this game.....
I am too, but my inability to get on a good team is driving me banana sandwich.
Cheers, at the moment i'm going for Assualt Rifle ribbons for the Dogtag.
Join the winning team!
I would only be contributing to the problem.
I finally got the G36C! That's an amazing rifle. =D
It seems decent, but I'm actually having better luck with the M4A1 and the A-91...when I'm not getting shot in the back cause my teams blows.
Watch your 6! Are you on console or PC?
360. I have a feeling that bad players are less present on PC, but that's not an option for me right now.
Would if I could. I've got friends that play, but they're never on when I am. I have weird hours. Usually forces me to play with randoms. Makes for some very inconsistent gaming, but mostly it sucks.Yeah but PC gaming is notorious for hackers despite hack detection like punk-buster; but I haven't encountered hacks yet but I'm sure they will come.
Play with your friends. Even though you lose; you'll at least have someone watching you and vice-versa.
Would if I could. I've got friends that play, but they're never on when I am. I have weird hours. Usually forces me to play with randoms. Makes for some very inconsistent gaming, but mostly it sucks.
I feel you. Yeah, I bet people camp because controlling and shooting isn't as easy as it is with a keyboard and mouse; but hey, they're releasing peripherals so that the console can have that a similar setup.
Nah, people camp because they're losers. They can control the game just fine. They're just afraid of a fight. Their ______s hurt. I hate them like cancer.
That got edited? Are we children? Worried about our delicate sensibilities? What gives this forum? BTW I said their ladies holes hurt. Too naughty for SSF I guess.
How big are the games? 16 vs. 16? Can you guys go 32 vs. 32?