Oh man! Build a budget PC! You're missing out. =(
I love gaming on consoles. The 360 controller is fantastic. It just melts into your hands. I like chilling in my recliner and playing on my plasma. I can't go back to PC now. I'm spoiled by the ease and comfort of console gaming.
I love gaming on consoles. The 360 controller is fantastic. It just melts into your hands. I like chilling in my recliner and playing on my plasma. I can't go back to PC now. I'm spoiled by the ease and comfort of console gaming.
You can connect a 360 controller to the PC
You can connect a 360 controller to the PC
I am too, but my inability to get on a good team is driving me banana sandwich.
I finally got the G36C! That's an amazing rifle. =D
It seems decent, but I'm actually having better luck with the M4A1 and the A-91...when I'm not getting shot in the back cause my teams blows.
Yes it is ! Especially with the heavy barrel.
Do people even play as teams on this game anymore ? I spend my games changing squads because people in general don't know how to play this game properly.
I haven't really squad hopped in BF3.
I wish I could say the same. 80% of people just don't know how to play this game. If they did, they wouldn't just take a 4 man vehicle on spawn and take off alone when people are running to get on. They also wouldn't all seperate their own ways. It wasn't this bad in BC2 although there was a lot of people like that. Just not as many. Can't wait until the new CoD comes out because I have a feeling all the CoD kids are playing this game until theirs comes out, and this doesn't play the same. They will flock back soon![]()
You know it's funny, I've always been a bit of a lone wolf when I play. And that's cause I jump and move around from area to area on conquest.
I know that the whole BF series has been focused on supportive team efforts through the whole squads structure but I have the tendency to go my separate way and when I am with my squad I often find myself separated or deserted during the heat of battle.
At most; I stick with the team in general (usually in the form of a mob) and when I'm with team or squad mates I do supply ammo and med packs, revive the fallen, and repair vehicles. That's a must for the team to win the round.
But if the situation is hopeless and pretty much a Mexican standoff then I'm going to find another skirmish on the map.
I also have a tendency to switch kits mid battle; if a medic who is next to me dies, I'll take his kit and revive him with his equipment. That or the enemy's which I did a lot of in BC2; I don't think you can do that in BF3. xD
To me it still sounds like you're playing as a team if you do all that.
I still got that dark COD MW side; there was a long gap between BF 2 and 3; and that was filled with MW and MW2. I didn't pick up BC2 till my friend pushed me to play that.
I couldn't shoot for ____ in BF2.
I could shoot better in BC2 than BF3...I have over 600 hours and 30,000+ kills in that one.
I use an EOTech with 2x Scope in real life and it's amazing and should've been in BF3. I can't see why they didn't, it's realistic as soldiers use these all the time.
I was amazed when I saw this in the MW3 trailer; I thought it was some made up bull____ till I Google'd it. Same with the guys' helmet too.
It's crazy how military gear changes so quickly nowadays. There's always some new sight, some new piece of gear and or helmet system, et cetera.
There's a few soldiers who have a RDS installed on their eyepiece to have it line up with their crosshairs to make sure they shoot straight. And they are using green-crosshaired RDS and EOTechs during daylight instead of the standard issue red, as it's way more friendly to both eye and surroundings.
While Battlefield 3 did a pretty good job with the guns and their mods, they didn't seem to be using modern attachments but more old school.