Bertie 12" Robots $299 each

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Classic!!! I love this pic!!! :rock :rock :rock


Thats all for now. Once my fancy camera comes back from the shop, I will take some proper setup ones!

Fun figure :D


Thats all for now. Once my fancy camera comes back from the shop, I will take some proper setup ones!

Fun figure :D

Hope mine comes tomorrow. Could I ask what photo equipment you use? I'll admit to being useless when it comes to photography, but I'd love to learn.
I use a Samsung L100 right now. I'm sure you pro photographers will laugh at that, but it's a pretty nice little camera.

Also: Black and green = one of the most underrated and underused color schemes, period.
SOOOOOO pissed I passed on this one! Noir kills the ^^^^ out of Nom! The white shirt kinda screwed it for me! I wish Ashley would have posted pics like MM's and I would have been all over it!!!! Please, someone sell me their extra!! I know someone has one!!!!
SOOOOOO pissed I passed on this one! Noir kills the ^^^^ out of Nom! The white shirt kinda screwed it for me! I wish Ashley would have posted pics like MM's and I would have been all over it!!!! Please, someone sell me their extra!! I know someone has one!!!!

Yeah they really should post better pics of upcoming releases! We never got a clear shot of Noir or Nom de Plume! Not that they would not sell out even though no one saw a good enough pic.
I am sooo glad I ordered this. Thanks for the pics!!

Its a cool figure. Light on accessories and packaging, but its got character. If anything you can always sell it at 200%+ profit!

Hope mine comes tomorrow. Could I ask what photo equipment you use? I'll admit to being useless when it comes to photography, but I'd love to learn.
I use a Samsung L100 right now. I'm sure you pro photographers will laugh at that, but it's a pretty nice little camera.

Also: Black and green = one of the most underrated and underused color schemes, period.

I agree on the black and green. Im designing my website with that color scheme.

These were shot handheld with a 40D, the lenses used were the 10-22mm and 60mm macro, and a 580ex flash. All canon stuff. But dont let all that model numbers and parts scare you off of photography. The camera doesnt matter. I shoot with many different types of camera, even cheapo $20 ones. So dont worry about that. Once your interest is strong enough, you will know when to upgrade your gear. I'd be happy to point you to some forums and resources on photography. Theres many great shooters here on this board as well. Just ask questions!
Hey Master Monkey, did you receive any shipping notice from Bambaland Store, or did he just arrive at your door?

No, but I should just get a phone call. Im local to 3A toys. I live in Hong Kong. :D

Just shoot them an email. They usually respond in a day or two. But its a national holiday over here so they may take longer since no one is at work.
Damnit. I may have to bite the bullit and pay out of my nose for one of these then.

You may be right about that!!! :horror

Noir de Plumes on eBay
2 days 22 hours left - currently at $435

6 days left - currently at $255|66:2|65:12|240:1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

Nom de Plume
4 days 18 hours left - currently at $250|66:2|65:12|240:1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14

...and yet, there is a Les Mort BIN at less than the original retail??? :google
All you asshats with Noir, congrats, just know that we are now mortal enemies!! Lucky SOBs!!!
Oh Zachary, sweet little gots ta be on yo game son!!! I'll send you a pic of my Noir holding up a paper with your name on it. K? :lol J/K

You notice that the Deep Powder has some writing on it's right side that kinda looks like your name?