Betelgeuse.. Betelgeuse... Betelgeuse!!

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Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

Can't believe I just saw this...

Ol' Beetlejuice is on the personal top 10 list, so I have to keep a close eye on this thread.
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

I wouldn't get your hopes up, only 10 of these are being made. Its going to get nasty :lol
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

This will triple in value instantly because of it's limited nature. I hope true fans bag this and not opportunists.
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

Hey wait a moment!! All have the oportunity of buy this figue!! if some one have the interest and the money, I don't care if is a real fan or not!! LOL
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

Hey wait a moment!! All have the oportunity of buy this figue!! if some one have the interest and the money, I don't care if is a real fan or not!! LOL


Well I have the interest and the money, so you can put me at number one on your list then please :monkey3 :lol
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

And me at number 2 can't wait to see updated pics of the outfit and accesories
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

sorry amigo no list this time, the first to pay the first to get! more details very very soon
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

Look forward to seeing the completed figure.
No chance in hell of getting one but thats ok just like to see quality figures being made that ar'nt being made by the so called big boys in the game.
They will probably catch up in a few years :)
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

Well I can assure you I fit all 3 of those categories. I've seriously been trying to get a Beetlejuice project off the ground for ages.

You are a true artist man!
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

Wow it's a sign! :lol I feel asleep watching this last night and the thread sees action suddenly.

Real fan of the movie, real fan of Beto's work and COLD HARD CASH RIGHT HERE!!!!

let...Me...IN!!! :gah: :panic:
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

Wow it's a sign! :lol I feel asleep watching this last night and the thread sees action suddenly.

Real fan of the movie, real fan of Beto's work and COLD HARD CASH RIGHT HERE!!!!

let...Me...IN!!! :gah: :panic:

Its gonna be first come first served :panic:

How much do I need to have at the ready? Anyone can let me in on how much his figures run for?
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

I'm going for this HOW MUCH I need Master Beto? And when?
Re: BEETLEJUICE Paint/hair test UPDATE by betomatali

This is going to reach a level of ugly worthy of Beetlejuice's undead mug.