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Beware buyer/seller BRONXBEAST

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got this pm from IZA.

"they getting the money back why u doing this huh?havent u been paying attention?theres no justification for what he did,but your humiliating him publicly,is still a violation, and he cant even defend himself,the first one without sin should cast the first stone,..,it takes alot of courage to admit when u did a mistake,and he spoke to u,he was in the verge of hurting himself thats how guilty he feels,........have u ever did something in your life you wish u could take back,......he lost my trust,andhis moms trust but shes gonna get a heart attack if she sees thoes videos on youtube,shes tying the best she can to return the money,and just know that the money shes using is borrowed money so she will be in debt after this,so have some consideration,...."

This was my answer. Mind you im already pissed cause i have gotten similar massages everywhere i am. youtube myspace facebook here.:monkey4

I have consideration for my friends that got Screwed. thats the first thing second he was still trying to "sell" ^^^^ 2 days ago. i see how guilty he feels. Third I will always defend my fellow collectors from ^^^^^^^ scammers. you think the Pitufo alert is a joke??? Well it isnt! its meant to let collectors know where there is a scammer so they dont fall as prey. And you talk about Courage! Where the ^^^^ is he in all this?? he hasnt even had the balls to Apologize to the people he stole from.sounds more like a coward to me. There is no room in my friends for scamming, stealing, dirt bags. Yeah he use to be a Pitunator but he ^^^^ed that up when he Willingly Stole from My friends! So i dont feel bad whats so ever for making those videos. They will stay up. so people are warned. And again your Boyfriend is a 30 year old man. Lets not act like he didnt know what he was doing and what that consequences are for being a thief. even a 5 year old knows that. And dont use his problems either can doesnt justify ^^^^. Everybody has problems. Lets just hope the money gets returned. Cause ill be reporting to the community on whats happening.
What the hell is that 'sick' old lady doing on youtube?

And what the hell is with these douches piss poor english? Oh yeah, thats right, they are all the same person.
"they getting the money back why u doing this huh?havent u been paying attention?theres no justification for what he did,but your humiliating him publicly,is still a violation, and he cant even defend himself,the first one without sin should cast the first stone,..,it takes alot of courage to admit when u did a mistake,and he spoke to u,he was in the verge of hurting himself thats how guilty he feels,........have u ever did something in your life you wish u could take back,......he lost my trust,andhis moms trust but shes gonna get a heart attack if she sees thoes videos on youtube,shes tying the best she can to return the money,and just know that the money shes using is borrowed money so she will be in debt after this,so have some consideration,...."

You're going with the money order right WestsideChino? If so, I think most of us are wanting to wait and see what happens to you. You're kinda the guinea pig here. If all goes well, I'm sure the rest of us will do the same, but if things go bad...

I don't even want the Money Order..... This is all just another stalling method by this whole family! If you want to reopen the Paypal account, you will talk to then directly and explain why you need it open again, since you're "trying" to refund everyone their money.....Here's the latest emailings from the "GF" aka Bronxbeast wearing a wig and panties since all this stress has turned him into a tranny:

ChrisCJ99 said:
bxshortylosh01 said:
ChrisCJ99 said:
bxshortylosh01 said:
ChrisCJ99 said:
bxshortylosh01 said:
ChrisCJ99 said:
bxshortylosh01 said:
ChrisCJ99 said:
bxshortylosh01 said:
ChrisCJ99 said:
bxshortylosh01 said:
ChrisCJ99 said:
bxshortylosh01 said:
hi,are u one of the persons that got scammed by bronxbeast,?if you are im just letting you know that i informed his mother on this situation,shes old and sickbut willing to take care of this issue with out there being a need to go to police,she wants to give the money back to all of those that were scammed,she doesnt wanna see her only son in prison,.....whatever amount that he took will be the amount, you will get back ,im not talking in consideration of bronxbeast im talking on behalf of his mother,irma she informed me that all those scammed will get there money back and if they are interested in trade that can be considered,but note that paypal returns money also,so you might be getting double the money back,and if she gives you the 700.00 you would have to return the other half to paypal,thankyou for taking the time to read this and feel free to pass it on to the other victims
please be considerate with this poor lady that had nothing to do with it but is willing to go at all odds for her only son,this is the first time he ever did something like this,and she would die if she has to see him in jail please reconsider please for this poor lady,if you interested contact her at [email protected] thankyou

And who is this by the way?

izatia rodriguez,he used my paypal without my consent,and his mother wants to give back the money ,so im helping her

And a suggestion, I HIGHLY suggest that you cooperate with the claim I already made with Paypal, as opposed to just sending funds back to me "under the table". Everything is already documented, so the least you can do to save anything for your name is to cooperate with the claim I made with Paypal and just issue the refund before they take further legal action.

i have nothing to do with what he did,im just helping his mother, shes the one suffering atleast im offering to send you the money,i can make a money order and send it to you by wednesday or friday so you gonna have to be patient its memorial weekend ,and know that his mother is gonna be full of debt because of him,because she took a lone,....

I will only accept payment via Paypal. Although you say your account is suspended, YOU will need to contact Paypal directly and FIGURE out a way to send payment to EVERYONE that got scammed, including myself. So I will NOT accept a Money order, and you will send payment via paypal. That's the only option you have with me.

more likely you will get your money back threw paypal claim,they gave me back my account because i explained that i have nothing to do with what happened

Why should I have to wait for PAYPAL to fix the problem that YOU were involved with?? You offered to fix this by repaying me. So here's your chance. Give me my money.

give me your address,than,cause u already know how im sending the money,.....its going priority on tuesday so u should recieve it,....i wish i could do more but i cant

No, I will NOT give you my address. I've told you SEVERAL times that I will ONLY accept my money via Paypal. Stop aggravating me even more and just fix the problem already.

please give me til wednesday or thursday to figure out all this,...u think u are the only one aggrivated about this

Ok. Listen, we're all aggravated about this. Just do what's right, and as quickly as possible. I don't understand why the wrong doer isn't handling this HIMSELF.

i agree,please give me the address you want the moneyorder shipped to please know that it will be done tuesday via priority mail you should recieve it by thursday and i will be sending you trackking,for it,........and im sorry he did this and he couldnt be man enough to face this issue himself

How many times do I have to tell you that I do NOT want a money order??!! I've specifically instructed you to refund my money via Paypal. If you don't know how to do it, then call Paypal and ask for help with that.

I'm trying to help you make it easier for everyone and youre just making it more difficult. I've told you that I don't want to spend the time pursuing this legally, but since I have family in law and the FBI it will be very easy for me to press charges and make your lives more difficult. So last chance, return my money via paypal or this will escalate legally.
you tell him Chris!!!!! :rock:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock:rock

This all seems to be a big Stall to delay the inevitable!!!! Him getting arrested!!!!!
stealing is stealing in the end of the day no matter which way you look at it. Theres enough of these people out there attempting this on various auction sites and the internet in general. Its actually a very good thing that people have come so hard down and responded like they have to this.

I just had a guy in the uk(still trying to claw my money back) do this to me recently so i completely understand how frustrating this is to have this happen to you. Believe me most these scammers are very experienced at this and will attempt every trick in the book to stop you reporting them, getting your money back etc. Its a bit late in the day when you bascially stole thousands from people to be bringing out the sympathy act. I can't understand how these people actually think they will get away with it.

I have zero symphathy for people who do this and my advice is to make sure they get what they deserve which is a criminal record...simple as. If you let people away with this they'll simply get more emboldened change their user id, name address etc and pull another one on some other forum scamming some other people.

Thats why its important to report this person to the relevant authorities.

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I don't even want the Money Order..... This is all just another stalling method by this whole family! If you want to reopen the Paypal account, you will talk to then directly and explain why you need it open again, since you're "trying" to refund everyone their money.....Here's the latest emailings from the "GF" aka Bronxbeast wearing a wig and panties since all this stress has turned him into a tranny:

Good job Chris, those statements are just plain annoying... If it were me it would be escalated end of story which I think you are about to do anyways...

I hate that she keeps bringing up the mother into the factor, also that he is ill himself.

1) Mother has nothing to do with it, he's 30, past 18 u r in big trouble son because even ppl here that are 18 and below deal with us on the forums and do perfectly fine. They know what they are doing, plain and simple.

2) If it's he's ill, how in the heck did he scam several ppl on the boards abotu 2 days ago, please... he's perfectly fine and being a coward, if in the fact the other user with bx in the name is practically the same person back peddling and writing all these unnecessary bargin barn pleads...

3) The other bx user, is NOT in the position to force or keep asking if these ppl want a money order, by this point he should be prosecuted, in court, small claims, law being involved, collections, etc... He/she has a lot of gall on persistantly asking "please consider the money order and tracking etc... because his mother is ill and he' ill and only son crap" STOP WITH THAT, IT'S NOT THE PROBLEM AND IT'S NOT OUR PROBLEM, THE PROBLEM IS HE STOLE!!!!
I really feel like one of two things are going on:

  • He/she is trying to defraud us more by sending a fake money order or an empty box JUST to provide Paypal with a tracking number
  • Avoid Paypal altogether because He/She knows they are in for some serious legal trouble

My credit card company took their address and email, so I am assuming they are probably already feeling the heat.
Thanks for the link :rock

Here's yet ANOTHER one of the BS emails I got begging me to accept the Money Order method..... I said NOOOOO!!!! :mad:

even if i added 5 dollars in the money order?,i dont have paypal anymore,can u understand im trying to help you,just please think about it,i understand u dont believe me,but what can i do to get you to trust me?im not the one that did this to you,if you press charges im gonna pay for a crime i did not commit,because it was my name on paypal.........please rethink this,the money we using to return to you,was money borrowed to me and his mom,and we gonna have to pay it back to help u guys please understand that im only trying to help you,i can give u a tracking confirmation tomarrow on the moneyorder,...look before writing back think about it,.......
What the hell is that 'sick' old lady doing on youtube?

And what the hell is with these douches piss poor english? Oh yeah, thats right, they are all the same person.

If you can't tell they are written by the same person you need to get yourself checked. it is so obvious from the grammatical and punctuational errors to horrible sentence compilation.....lols

Now if this person is so interested in actually making what he did right, why would he pretend to be someone other than himself, even though his first account got banned? games......
I really feel like one of two things are going on:

  • He/she is trying to defraud us more by sending a fake money order or an empty box JUST to provide Paypal with a tracking number
  • Avoid Paypal altogether because He/She knows they are in for some serious legal trouble

My credit card company took their address and email, so I am assuming they are probably already feeling the heat.

I think you are right. "It" as I will call he/she/them now, seems to really want us to go with the money order thing. Its just option #1 that is preventing me from doing it. If it is really trying to help, then yes, I can understand how frustraing it is for it. But it need to prove itself to us. TRY reopening the Paypal account, SHOW a pic/scan of the supposed money order that it will send us. SOMETHING! It was also help if it learned proper English so we could read what it is typing.
If you can't tell they are written by the same person you need to get yourself checked. it is so obvious from the grammatical and punctuational errors to horrible sentence compilation.....lols

Now if this person is so interested in actually making what he did right, why would he pretend to be someone other than himself, even though his first account got banned? games......

The strange thing is there were these two accounts BEFORE BRONXbeast got banned. BX's username is the same as the name on the paypal account though. Its hard to decide if BX is the real BX or just BRONXbeast with two accounts. This whole thing is very confusing.

And I thought Harvey Dent had personality disorders :duh
The strange thing is there were these two accounts BEFORE BRONXbeast got banned. BX's username is the same as the name on the paypal account though. Its hard to decide if BX is the real BX or just BRONXbeast with two accounts. This whole thing is very confusing.

And I thought Harvey Dent had personality disorders :duh

IMO most people who make 2 or more accounts are doing it for reasons other than being legit.
Hello Izatia,

I just talked to Paypal's fraud department again (this is the third time) and they told me to NOT give you my address. They said that if your account was used fraudulently, then you should call them at 1-888-221-1161 and they will work with you to get those refund those people defrauded by your 'boyfriend.'

I will post this for the umpteenth time, Paypal says do not give the address. Let "Izatia" call Paypal. I am sure they want to get this fixed as well considering they are going to lose money from the credit card chargebacks.
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