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Beware buyer/seller BRONXBEAST

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Personally speaking I would never give out my address as these people are asking.
You never know what you might get through the post if this person is as 'sick' as these others are claiming.
Plus as has been mentioned they can send you an envelope saying they/he has sent you money when they havn't and then its your word against his/theirs.

Go the legal route, I know its frustrating and may take longer but there are a few of you so the authorities can get involved and get this guy. He is obviously scared at any further legal involvement, otherwise he wouldnt keep trying to contact you.

IMO I would ignore anything you get from anyone claiming to be him or a relative/girlfriend. Obviously the final decision is up to each of you that have been affected by this but this person has stolen your money, he is a thief and needs treating as such, do not give him/them any sneaky way out that they may find to avoid the legal ramifications of his actions.

Lets the police/authorities deal with him and get him, and you guys get your refund through your CC/paypal.

Those are just my thoughts though and what I would do, I would not give this guy any room for manouvre. He made his bed when he scammed the money.
x :peace

:lecture :lecture :lecture

:lol grave is dug, time for the body :rock
Personally speaking I would never give out my address as these people are asking.
You never know what you might get through the post if this person is as 'sick' as these others are claiming.
Plus as has been mentioned they can send you an envelope saying they/he has sent you money when they havn't and then its your word against his/theirs.

Go the legal route, I know its frustrating and may take longer but there are a few of you so the authorities can get involved and get this guy. He is obviously scared at any further legal involvement, otherwise he wouldnt keep trying to contact you.

IMO I would ignore anything you get from anyone claiming to be him or a relative/girlfriend. Obviously the final decision is up to each of you that have been affected by this but this person has stolen your money, he is a thief and needs treating as such, do not give him/them any sneaky way out that they may find to avoid the legal ramifications of his actions.

Lets the police/authorities deal with him and get him, and you guys get your refund through your CC/paypal.

Those are just my thoughts though and what I would do, I would not give this guy any room for manouvre. He made his bed when he scammed the money.
x :peace

Theres the problem. Paypal aint guaranteein us jack ****. Safest way to pay online :rotfl
This is the latest email i was sent in this saga of deceit. I believe that if we give this person, (most likely Bronxbeast) our addresses he will send us a an envelope of something other than a money order and have proof they shipped something to us with a tracking number-they will then be able to use this against us in a paypal claim.

Hopefully none of you have given this info. The way this person talks just seems too much like he did at first. They keep referring to their sick old mom and "im gonna send you a big fat envelope with a money order in it"- No thanks, ill let paypal handle it.

Don't forget the lesson we all learned from this -if it seems too good to be true....IT IS!

(This is the email i got from this person)

they banned me from forum,because they think i stoled from all of you,but i didnt know what he did,until yesterday,please know that you are really getting your money back,like i said it will be done by priority mail,via money order,im putting it in one of those priority mail envelopes on friday,please be patient i informed as many of the other victims as possible,but i got banned luckily i have 2 addresses to where to send the money,but i dont think i got yours,i need your address and name

bronxbeast;s mother borrowed money because i dared to tell her about the situation he put us threw, because she doesnt wanna see her only son in jail,and she didnt like what he did neither,so shes in over 2000 in debt ,and she feels its woth it just to see her son free,from this if it was upto me i wouldnt help but im doing it for her and because you and the others didnt deserve this,theres no justification for what he did,but shes innocent,and so am i they shouldnt be blaming me for what happened,he let me down too,i would of accused him of identity theft but i couldnt because i care about what will happen to his mom,and about myself,so please understand

i registered as iza after they banned me ,i need help to prove im not the scammer but im alone in this,i wish i could get help from all of you,i was another one of his victims,and so is his mom,please help me..................

I see this person really likes using comma's instead of periods?? :confused: :google
Why wait till Friday if they were going to return the money? These guys are obviously stalling. At first I believed a little bit that maybe they were going to return the money, but now I can't believe a single thing this person attempts to write.
Theres the problem. Paypal aint guaranteein us jack ****. Safest way to pay online :rotfl

I know there are no guarantees with paypal which is why a lot of people tend to back it up with the added protection of a credit card. Although with the recent amount of online fraud transactions we've seen through etailers lately even that is not safe, but you have to try.

In this situation unfortunately no-one will guarantee anything, so it is up to the individual if they want to risk giving addresses out to (possibly) receive an empty envelope, or worse.

IMO primarily to try get your money back through a claim with paypal and/or your CC immediately, AND use the authorities, take EVERY legal avenue you can to get your funds back and prosecute to the fullest extent possible.
Its what I would do anyway
x :peace
Why wait till Friday if they were going to return the money? These guys are obviously stalling. At first I believed a little bit that maybe they were going to return the money, but now I can't believe a single thing this person attempts to write.

Paypal claims are made, police reports filed. Stalling will do no good anyway. If they dont send it thats just one more lie from them.

Its not as if "hey look I posted on Freaks that I was gonna pay Friday!" Is gonna be any form of evidence in their favor.
Just got this:

iza said:
i dont have paypal,can i mail u the money order priority mail,with a tracking number,and if anydoubts u can comunicate with me threw the phone,and my email is [email protected]

and im sorry for what this ^^^^^^^ did to all of us,u wasnt the only one he lied to

I told "it" that I'll only take paypal right now. Not falling for any more of "its" crap!
We could ask them to scan the money order showing the amount and our name before they mail it, :)

I doubt it they would have a scanner though.


Plus they probably wouldn't do that without having our addresses first. Plus, there is no guarantee they'd mail it to us. They could just keep it for themselves and use that scan as futher proof against our claims.
This is the latest email with my response: (they really need to get an EDUMACATION.....)

bxshortylosh01 said:
ChrisCJ99 said:
bxshortylosh01 said:
ChrisCJ99 said:
bxshortylosh01 said:
hi,are u one of the persons that got scammed by bronxbeast,?if you are im just letting you know that i informed his mother on this situation,shes old and sickbut willing to take care of this issue with out there being a need to go to police,she wants to give the money back to all of those that were scammed,she doesnt wanna see her only son in prison,.....whatever amount that he took will be the amount, you will get back ,im not talking in consideration of bronxbeast im talking on behalf of his mother,irma she informed me that all those scammed will get there money back and if they are interested in trade that can be considered,but note that paypal returns money also,so you might be getting double the money back,and if she gives you the 700.00 you would have to return the other half to paypal,thankyou for taking the time to read this and feel free to pass it on to the other victims
please be considerate with this poor lady that had nothing to do with it but is willing to go at all odds for her only son,this is the first time he ever did something like this,and she would die if she has to see him in jail please reconsider please for this poor lady,if you interested contact her at [email protected] thankyou

And who is this by the way?

izatia rodriguez,he used my paypal without my consent,and his mother wants to give back the money ,so im helping her

And a suggestion, I HIGHLY suggest that you cooperate with the claim I already made with Paypal, as opposed to just sending funds back to me "under the table". Everything is already documented, so the least you can do to save anything for your name is to cooperate with the claim I made with Paypal and just issue the refund before they take further legal action.

i have nothing to do with what he did,im just helping his mother, shes the one suffering atleast im offering to send you the money,i can make a money order and send it to you by wednesday or friday so you gonna have to be patient its memorial weekend ,and know that his mother is gonna be full of debt because of him,because she took a lone,....

I will only accept payment via Paypal. Although you say your account is suspended, YOU will need to contact Paypal directly and FIGURE out a way to send payment to EVERYONE that got scammed, including myself. So I will NOT accept a Money order, and you will send payment via paypal. That's the only option you have with me.
We could ask them to scan the money order showing the amount and our name before they mail it, :)

I doubt it they would have a scanner though.


lol you can get a scanner/printer/fax for 50 bucks. He walked away with 2000...
come on guys,have a think about it.he will never refund any of yous who got ripped off by this prick.if his mam suddenly got a loan that quick why didnt he not just ask her for the money instead of doing the dirty on the genuine people on this forum.i"ve followed every single word said in this post and i think people are starting to lose touch of reality.this ^^^^^**r is a total scammer,if he gets away with it this time what says he wont come back to the forum and do it again under a different name.as for his mam and gf who"s to say there not in with the scam aswell.hope you guys get your money back and do every single thing possible to put these ^^^^^**rs away as theres probably a few of them doing it.
This is the latest email with my response: (they really need to get an EDUMACATION.....)

I will only accept payment via Paypal. Although you say your account is suspended, YOU will need to contact Paypal directly and FIGURE out a way to send payment to EVERYONE that got scammed, including myself. So I will NOT accept a Money order, and you will send payment via paypal. That's the only option you have with me.

If I was this kid's mom, I'd let him go to jail for a little while and learn a lesson, rather than take out a loan to pay for his mistakes and put yourself in trouble. Again, I don't believe this story either.
And here's the response I got MINUTES later:

I will only accept payment via Paypal. Although you say your account is suspended, YOU will need to contact Paypal directly and FIGURE out a way to send payment to EVERYONE that got scammed, including myself. So I will NOT accept a Money order, and you will send payment via paypal. That's the only option you have with me.

more likely you will get your money back threw paypal claim,they gave me back my account because i explained that i have nothing to do with what happened

So now I'M the one who has to wait for PAYPAL to fix this???? F that.... You offered to fix this by repaying everyone?? So then DO IT!!! :mad:
I have reinstated bxshort01 and will not ban iza in the hopes that they really do want to make restitution.

I don't have any formal recommendations on how those involved should proceed. It's a complex problem and you'll have to use your own judgment.
And here's the response I got MINUTES later:

I will only accept payment via Paypal. Although you say your account is suspended, YOU will need to contact Paypal directly and FIGURE out a way to send payment to EVERYONE that got scammed, including myself. So I will NOT accept a Money order, and you will send payment via paypal. That's the only option you have with me.

more likely you will get your money back threw paypal claim,they gave me back my account because i explained that i have nothing to do with what happened

So now I'M the one who has to wait for PAYPAL to fix this???? F that.... You offered to fix this by repaying everyone?? So then DO IT!!! :mad:

I for one hope her account has been reopened so she can send us the money. Until we have proof she/they will come through with money orders, it seems too risky that any attempt outside of paypal could backfire on us.
I have reinstated bxshort01 and will not ban iza in the hopes that they really do want to make restitution.

I don't have any formal recommendations on how those involved should proceed. It's a complex problem and you'll have to use your own judgment.

That is a good move Dave. At least these two, or the same person, are attempting to try and solve the problem. Whether they follow through or not is the only question. And banning them only removes a method of communication between us. Hopefully all goes welll this this. :eek:
Well she is claiming that she "doesn't know how to" pay people via Paypal. What a buncha BS!!!! If you have the money to make money orders, why CAN'T you just pay everyone back through Paypal?????? I call BS...
Well she is claiming that she "doesn't know how to" pay people via Paypal. What a buncha BS!!!! If you have the money to make money orders, why CAN'T you just pay everyone back through Paypal?????? I call BS...

Oh yeah. We should all be highly skeptical of a promise to pay in any way/shape/form.

Ugggghhh. I hate drama guys.
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