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Beware buyer/seller BRONXBEAST

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If she truly got her account reinstated, she can get our addresses on there. If she (them, it, they, thou) really wish to correct it, that is the step she should take. Or to simply use paypal. If you don't honestly know how, look it up in the web.
Had a lot of catching up to do while I was at Kit's house. Things got very interesting I see. I wish you all the best and hope things work out. :duff
I received a PM saying that her paypal account has NOT been reinstated. Which makes sense - they won't do anything for at least 3 days probably. But after all these claims I doubt that an account would be reinstated so quickly - nothing I've ever heard about paypal would support that.

So I guess the best thing we could all do that were taken by this scam is to file with CC and paypal and wait. If this person sends us the money great, if not maybe paypal will. I for one will not send my address again if they dont still have it already. This whole situation is just very strange and drawn out.
Well she is claiming that she "doesn't know how to" pay people via Paypal. What a buncha BS!!!! If you have the money to make money orders, why CAN'T you just pay everyone back through Paypal?????? I call BS...

How can someone have a paypal account and NOT know how to send payment to people?
She forwarded this email to me that states her account was in fact closed. That would explain why she needs our info if a refund is to be given. She had mentioned to me that she tried reinstating her paypal account but paypal would not allow her. I should now from experience that sometimes paypal can be a prick when it comes to reinstating your account once it has been closed.

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You're going with the money order right WestsideChino? If so, I think most of us are wanting to wait and see what happens to you. You're kinda the guinea pig here. If all goes well, I'm sure the rest of us will do the same, but if things go bad...
Indeed, Im with Buttmunch (Never thought I'd say that one) I'm gonna wait and see how you fair Chino - Best of luck, but I think you might be far too trusting. This could all just be an elaborate scheme, and that's more and more what I'm thinking.
Im going to give it a try according to her i should get my money back by end of next week. If i do great if i dont i still have my claim with my cc company going. I also told her that if this is part of her scam i would take legal action and even get ahold of the FBI if necessary. I will let you guys know how it goes.
Ok, "new" information. BXSHORTY and IZA have both contacted me through PM wanting to send me a money order. I just got off the phone with Paypal (talked to Jacob) and he gave me great information:

  • He recommended that I start a chargeback with my credit card and told me that my account will NOT be closed.
  • He said DO NOT give this person your address or phone number. They can send you either a fake money order or simply an EMPTY envelope. Since there is a tracking number, Bronxbeast can then tell Paypal that he sent us a money order and that will just drag this out ALOT longer.
  • He admitted that Paypal probably wouldn't be able to recover the funds, BUT he does have enough information to send this person (or his girlfriend) to collections.
  • https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx DOES work. He again recommended everyone posting to that because, since this person is in the country, the FBI WILL investigate. Even if it takes them a few months.
  • I am on the phone with my credit card right now providing them with his address, multiple emails, and such. :D

*fricking idiot actually sent me a friend request!

Finally someone who's thinking clearly.
If anything I am happy to know that with our differences we can all band together against this crap and just plain out look out for each other. :rock
I think I will go the money order route as well. I went into this transaction with doubts and hesitation being weary since the first e-mail he sent me. Once I saw how he butchered the English language I kind of knew it was a fake.

Since it was only $25 I decided to go for it, I either ended up with a cheap Salacious Crumb or I lost $25.

Since I pretty much consider those $25 lost as they come from my Paypal balance, I will go with the money order.

She was offering me a figure in exchange but kept going back on her word, saying how it is worth much more than $25, then she would say she'll give it to me, then she would say I have to be fair, etc, etc.

I said screw it, I am wasting too much time and energy and giving these cretins too much importance. Just give me my money and that is it.

I will let you all know how it goes. Either I get my money order, an empty envelope or a turd inside :rotfl .

i cannot blame both on you guys , it`s your money ( no matter the total amount ), you worked hard for that money to use them later for your purchases or whatever you may want to make use of them .This used your love for stealing your money . At this point you must be prepared for everything . So far none of them ( bronx,bx, iza ) has showed any real evidence that they will do the best for getting your money back .We all hope here the best to come out from this . The plot thickens...
*He recommended that I start a chargeback with my credit card and told me that my account will NOT be closed.

*He said DO NOT give this person your address or phone number. They can send you either a fake money order or simply an EMPTY envelope. Since there is a tracking number, Bronxbeast can then tell Paypal that he sent us a money order and that will just drag this out ALOT longer.

Be careful guys. with this whole Money order thing. i dont want to see you get screwed again!
And it is obvious that he is reading this thread and knows that he can ship something with a tracking and get off.
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