Didn’t Brometheus already do that?
I vaguely remember.
Yeah, except no reason it was white.
Didn’t Brometheus already do that?
I vaguely remember.
xenomorph filesAlien Noir
Predator Confidential
Alien vs Prohibition
I’m in.
I'd see a movie where that Ancient Aliens guy is assaulted by a Bigchap alien in his safari style home.
They were really cooking when they introduced those creepy white aliens but they didn’t do anything with em
Soooooooo I think this is a bad take.Make something new and cool - people love it and become fans
Do something different with the sequel(s) - fans hate it, do more of what worked before!
Do more of what worked before - fans hate it, do something different!
The cycle of “fandoms”
I’m just in it to watch idiots in space get brutally murdered by an alien.
AVP:R ???there needs to be a movie where aliens attack a colony of a living place
Are you guys referring to the Neomorph from Covenant?
Yep… gotta be where the good reviews are coming fromKids who have never seen an Alien movie on anything but their phone and video games.
No self respecting A L I E N fan should like this film.Everyone else.
Skimmed through Reddit and saw a certain pic of that new guy you guys are talking about. That thing looks ten times better than that crap ugly pile of mucus in resurrection . It looks horrifying but then again I saw only a pic
I thought of you while watching this Wor. I knew you would not be pleased.Glad to have you aboard, JAWS.
Idk the Reddit alien fans kinda love it. Or rather they enjoy it.Don't worry, as I mention in my review a page or so back, we'll get the adrenaline junkie reviews at first, but mainstream people will think its pretty silly and forgettable... and Alien fans will ultimately hate it. Let the high wear off.