Broke and happy

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Now this is what I’m trying to see!
as pointed out Kenobi saw anakin referred to as vader in the holo tapes and Yoda mentioned he was now darth vaderThe opening montage seemed to suggest he wasn't Darth Vader till he donned the armour.
Prowse was a giant and a bodybuilder in his youth ..this guy trained Arnold ..as much as they try , they have to get someone who is at least a physical stature of Prowse so the RO Vader body actor was a guy that always played big type monster or alien like characters.He was and the one thing I noticed even more than last epsiside is, Hayden is too short to play Vader. The presence of Vader from the OT and R1 is missing. Vader storming into the scene in anger, just looked awkward in this episode. The appeal of Star Wars is quickly waning with BOBF and some of these laughable moments in Kenobi.
The snowspeeder rescue was SUPER eye rolling, lol. These two idiots who've never been in combat ("we're not soldiers!") show up and just blow away a squad of Stormies, face NO resistance of any kind, have goofy actors piloting them that look like total dorks in their helmets...I mean they showed rows of TIE's in that hangar and none of them get scrambled? It's not like the speeders have hyperdrives, the TIE's could have easily overtaken them. Think back to Eadu in RO. Proximity alarms went off as soon as the X-Wings appeared, a bunch of TIE's got in the air, took out several of the Rebels, etc. Plus I'm pretty sure that air speeders can't fly in space!? But they left the atmosphere and docked with the ship in orbit? I'm pretty sure that's just wrong.
Holy crap I need that in my life asap lolI was thinking the same thing about the snowspeeders! They definitely can't fly into orbit. I also laughed that they only showed the pilot when it took off and didn't try to show the comical/impossible picture of the other 3 all piled into the back seat.
Well, she did just previously fail at probing Leia's mind a bit earlier (the "Is this a staring contest?" scene), so perhaps her confidence had taken a hit lol.It's hilarious to watch because she can literally probe Tala's mind if she wanted to to get answers but apparently she forgot to do that. The writers portray her like Kylo Ren a lot, angry, screaming, insane and not really doing things with foresight. It makes for a dumb and annoying character but you can get away with it if she's consistently doing that. You can't also have her put a tracker on the droid JUST IN CASE 10 year old Leia escapes the facility. She can't be both incredibly clever and incredibly dumb at the same time and this show does it so many times. The writers for this show forget what the characters can do scene to scene. It also seems they're trying to connect to the sequels (with the dead Jedi tomb for Palpatine clones) when they can't even keep canon with the original Star Wars movie. Thanks Lucasfilm Story Group!
Oh and btw everyone's complaints about Vader letting Kenobi get away were confirmed. Literally just completely ignored, with no greater plan for him. This show has quickly gone from 'huh this isn't actually that bad' to 'my goodness how did someone approve this' very quickly. It's been a steady decline for me after episode 1. Should have just been Kenobi on Tatooine dealing with minute problems imo.
I was literally just thinking this morning how tight of a fit that back seat was for Dak but no so much that two grown adults and a child can't fit, lol. Would have been a fun ride for Kenobi if Leia wasn't there...I was thinking the same thing about the snowspeeders! They definitely can't fly into orbit. I also laughed that they only showed the pilot when it took off and didn't try to show the comical/impossible picture of the other 3 all piled into the back seat.
Yeah they've really made a point to say that the Inquisitors are capable of finding not just Jedi but anyone who is Force sensitive even if they don't know how to use their powers. Like you said though it will be very exciting to see how they perfectly explain why Leia will be left alone for the next 10 years since we know that they're super on point when it comes to continuity, lol.Well, she did just previously fail at probing Leia's mind a bit earlier (the "Is this a staring contest?" scene), so perhaps her confidence had taken a hit lol.
BTW, shouldn't Reva now be thinking that Leia is potentially strong in the Force given her ability to resist her mind probe? I'm thinking Reva will now die soon (or convert to the Rebel cause), otherwise Leia will be on the Sith hit list from this point on. Since we know she goes on to live a very public life, I'm guessing for continuity's sake that no one finds this out until we all did in the OT. Right? RIGHT?
Four episodes in and she finally kills a good guy (unless what's his name ejected and swam to safety, lol.)Without reading spoilers I already figured out Reva’s arc.
I’m not joking btw.
She is a rebel spy from the beginning of her story after O66 you can just tell now.
Of course she will die.
IMO he actually looked like a Jedi again in this episode..he had the familiar ROTS shirt and the belt was on the outside , now granted he probably changed his attire a bit after the Bacta tank recovery…but he looked like ROTS Obi with the exception of the pants and boots..looks like he still had the Rey like style leggings for whatever reason but it’s nice to see him look like a true Jedi againThis episode is ok. I like it better than the last. Obi Wan is getting back on to speed. One thing that would have made this better is if had run into at least 1 Inquisitor and had to fight him maybe resulting to
the water crashing through the tunnel that drowned the rest of the troopers.
IMO he actually looked like a Jedi again in this episode..he had the familiar ROTS shirt and the belt was on the outside , now granted he probably changed his attire a bit after the Bacta tank recovery…but he looked like ROTS Obi with the exception of the pants and boots..looks like he still had the Rey like style leggings for whatever reason but it’s nice to see him look like a true Jedi again![]()
Looks good to be fair.Because I'm an easily pleased simpleton I love the new Retro Kenner Vader with soft goods cape and separate lightsaber.I would have loved such an upgrade back in the 80's. Kenobi will be mine as well.