You're technically correct, but I think it's fair to say another confrontation between them violates the spirit if not the letter of the law, as it were.on the Kenobi note, I am perplexed how people seem to think there is some line in any of the SW films that specifically prevents Obi and Anakin meeting multiple times after He became Vader?
Its all very ambiguous talk, about “last time” and “not felt since”.
That's one piece of a multi-faceted problem, but it's too broad a generalization in my opinion when the real issue is sloppy execution and a lack of respect for established characters and their legacies, but either you're with me on that or not, so I won't try to change anyone's mind.Thats the head cannon stuff that keeps turning off fans to alot of what Dis is doing. They cannot let go of the ideas in their heads they have made up over the decades.
Superman has many connections with Star Wars.
Did you know that Lex Luthor's control panel is the same control panel as the Death Star control panels...?
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Yep, unfortunately is can go bad also. Sometimes those random streams of thought can be too anonymous and unfiltered and we forget that others on this very forum are dealing with real things or have people in their lives struggling with issues that are made fun of or dismissed as woke or not “alpha” what ever that means.
So while the anonymous nature of the net allows unfiltered content and thoughts, that very same anonymity can foster a callous non community spirit.
We need less us versus them, and more US.
Not me. But I do *watch* a lot of junk (just saw Matrix 4).We are already united, in collecting as much literal junk as possible!
I meditate on the inevitability of death every day.Arguing about kitchen droids distracts us all from the implacable approaching old age and death.
I think the whole series -- all 8-10 episodes -- should be an endless lightsaber duel between Vader and Kenobi.
Like that endless showdown between cartoon Anakin and Asajj, it just goes on and on, moving from one environment to the next. Whoosh! Whoosh! BAM!!! For 40 minutes at a time.
Until everyone here has had a bloody 'nuff and screams for some genuine story.
Because so far, no Disney Star Wars live-action TV show has added much to the Galaxy far, far away in the way of storylines that impact the fate of that Galaxy. Only the promise of the Rise of Mandalore has been hinted at in S2 of Mando.
I'm not a huge canon person unless it's a bad retcon. The reason I'm turned off Disney Star Wars is because I think it's subpar and it is just a cash grab - Disney doesn't give a crap about its legacy.on the Kenobi note, I am perplexed how people seem to think there is some line in any of the SW films that specifically prevents Obi and Anakin meeting multiple times after He became Vader?
Its all very ambiguous talk, about “last time” and “not felt since”.
Just because you assumed all this time they were referencing to a specific time, does not mean its correct. Thats the head cannon stuff that keeps turning off fans to alot of what Dis is doing. They cannot let go of the ideas in their heads they have made up over the decades. Or they simpley like there imaginary storyline better.
I can say, Last time I posted here I was but a learner, now I am the master….
When exactly did I last post?
The last time you READ a post I did?
The last time I actually posted anywhere on this forum?
Without the post counter and timer, and the ability to read every thread, you would have no idea when the “last time” was….you would only know the last time YOU saw my post somewhere.
Its very very possible to have Obi and Vader meet and fight again without disrupting anything every said in the films.
It all works perfectly fine if the met and dueled after Anakin became Vader, sometime in the past from ANH.
Granted the closer you get to ANH the more silly it will become. but if this show is set when Luke was a child, and ten years have passed since Obi met Vader off world in a battle with inquisitors … fits fine.
Especially if we see a Vader in suit whom is still polishing his powers and becoming more and more Darth like every minute against a in his prime Obi, who just beat Anakins ass several years before.
Honestly, I think the only way SW get iriginal again is to time jump backward to the Sith Wars.
Man the PT is the best part of Star Wars.I didn't like the PT either other than ROTS.