So not only is this going to undo the Vader/Kenobi fight on the Death Star, which we al knew, it's also gonna mess with Luke's backstory. The first time Luke (and the audience) ever lays eyes on a lightsaber in that timeless scene in Obi Wan's hut is now forever ruined by Disney. Instead of marveling at an amazing relic of an era gone by, 20 year old Luke should immediately piss his pants with PTSD when he hears and sees a "laser sword" and is instantly reminded of the time a stranger held one up to his face when he was a ten year old kid. Effing stupid beyond words. And we were all 100% right about Reva cause of course we were. Sure, this "source" could all be BS, but since it's not coming from that plastic headed doofus on youtube, it's probably accurate.
Either way, I already knew years ago this could never possibly be "canon" for me. I might hate-watch it (for free) but it depends on how big a waste of time it is. I never made it all the way through Rogue One or Solo, so if it's boring, I'm not gonna force myself to watch something I hate.