Big Brother 13: Dynamic Duos

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I like it!

I think its hilarious how everyone is such hypocrites. Jordan and Rachel keep saying how everyone followed Dani. Yet they followed Jeff around like lost puppies the whole time. Personally I'm glad Jeff is gone. It was horrible watching people be afraid of Him and just do what he wanted. Hope Adam and Shelly go next.
I loved Jeff because he actually played. Jordan followed him around because he was her boyfriend and let's be honest in their own season she did the same thing. Rachel and Brenden's relationship on the show was very similar and had Evil ____ been around I guarantee you that Dani would have been a happy puppy dog tail walking around behind him with no issues.

I want Shelly out so I'm hoping she goes next just because I think she is stupid _____ and a flip-flopping fool but realistically there aren't very many likable people left. Rachel isn't, Kalia isn't, Shelly isn't. Adam is kind of a waste to the point I forget he is there. Jordan is likable but less so without Jeff to play off of and Porsche doesn't really have a personality really having been mute for almost 50 days.

This season started off boring, ramped up for a small amount and now is starting to become a little tiresome. I'm no longer rooting for a winner but instead rooting for certain folks to go.
As much as I love Jeff and Jordan, it amazes me how personal people take things when it's just a game. You elimanate people who you think have a bigger chance of beating you. Period. Rachel is the same way when it came to people voting out Brendouche. It's a game people, play it! yes, people lie to get further in the game, they all do it, so quick with the hypocrasy.

Yeah we all get that. But it's just that some people are more likeable then others, and others are not. And yes it's a game. But when half the people aren't even playing the game and just show up to make a vote, it does kind of suck for those that work their ass off in competitions, strategy and alliances.
And some people like to play with competition as well. Some people get fueled by that and pushed to play when they have respectable competition. And those who suck, well yeah of course they are going to vote off the strongest. That's their game style. Even though I personally think it is weak and I do personally myself enjoy a more competitive game, in anything I do.
Sure it's 'just a game', but you have to remember that they're LIVING this game 24/7. So yeah, I'm sure that line gets blurred and some game moves get taken personally. I'd be hard not to.
I just want to see someone who played win. Kalia and especially Adam and Porsche were total washouts and incredibly annoying whenever they did open their mouths.

I think the Golden Key was a big misstep because it gave people a free ride for too long and let people get comfortable not playing.
I just want to see someone who played win. Kalia and especially Adam and Porsche were total washouts and incredibly annoying whenever they did open their mouths.

I think the Golden Key was a big misstep because it gave people a free ride for too long and let people get comfortable not playing.


Want Rachel or Jordan to win, as much as Rachl sucks, she plays the game well enough
I really hope Rachel doesn't win. She's just so annoying even though she's playing, but I guess this shouldn't be a popularity contest. I see everyone's point on giving the money to someone who actually plays, but Rachel? come on, yuck.
Rachel won't win, Jordan might not either. The second someone can, they will sink one or both as they are the only real threats left. Between Kalia, Porsche, Adam and Shelly it seems obvious money to get the two vets as soon as possible. So if a Newbie heads out this week then I fully expect one of those two if not both to be on the block next week. Jordan chokes in HOH competitions and Rachel has been sidelined as much as possible so even if she wins, that keeps her going one week at most.
This was so rigged. I mean come on the POV was a hold onto to a stuffed imitation of your partner the longest. Even pregnant Rachel could beat the rest of the house at that. Jordan should be going home this week and the only one who deserves to win Shelly will instead.
How does Shelly deserve to win? She's a flip flopper who doesn't have the guts to own her own decisions. She's as useless as Porche as far as I'm concerned. The only ones playing to win were Jeff, Brandon, and Danielle. Of course they're all gone now so this is what you've got left.
How does Shelly deserve to win? She's a flip flopper who doesn't have the guts to own her own decisions. She's as useless as Porche as far as I'm concerned. The only ones playing to win were Jeff, Brandon, and Danielle. Of course they're all gone now so this is what you've got left.

Shelly so deserves to win because she has played the game by always keeping her options open. I think floating is a great strategy as long as you dont make yourself look like you are doing. There is more to Big Brother than just winning comps. She has built relationships with everyone. She was really the one responsible for Jeff going last week and she almost had Rachel flip and keep Dani in the game last week as well. She might not have won a single comp the whole time she was there but she has played the social game and would not be going home this week unless production had a twist designed to keep Rachel and Jordan safe. That is very annoying.
Floating is a strategy for people who suck at these games. Weak players basically that should be the first people to go if people would smarten up. She's not even playing a social game she just flip flops and is a pawn for whatever group is waning to make a move that week. Hopefully her behind gets sent out this week. IMO she's a useless life form in that house.
Shelly isn't a floater. She is a piece of crap. She ran to Jeff and Jordan over and over and said "I am with you until the end." She ran to them and said "Don't work with Rachel, I hate her." She wasn't in the middle. Porsche was a floater. Adam is a floater. To the point where even the folks in the house have no clue what side either of them are on. One week Porsche is hugging Dani, the next she is laughing with Jeff. Adam is following Jeff around one week, the next smoking next to Dani. You had no clue where they would lie. It wasn't until the very end that either of them chose a side, especially considering that Porsche had the POV used on her by Jeff and didn't do the same. She chose a side. Adam hesitated for a moment in the diary room but he chose. Shelly cried to both Jeff and Jordan and said "I have been with you since Day One." Then when Dani plants a seed in her head, she completely stabs them in the back because its best for her game. Hell she even ran to Rachel and made it look like Jeff threw the challenge to get Brenden out on his own even though that was a decision pushed forth by Dani and their entire alliance.

Shelly could win but if she wins it's not because she is a floater it's because she is a dirtbag and there have been a ton of Reality TV winner who were dirtbags and backstabbed a ton of folks but at least they owned up to it. Shelly can't even own the moves she makes and still tries to take the moral high ground.
Thats true. Which makes the whole I'm trying to set a good example for my daughter even more laughable. :lol
They all say that. Remember Russell from Survivor said he was giving an example to his kids even though he was the most popular dirtbag in Survivor history? It's bull____ they tell themselves while in the game so they don't focus on how bad they must look. Shelly even rant to Jeff and said "I just want to make sure we are good, us three you, Jordan and Me until Final three" only two weeks ago and then last Thursday is screaming at Jordan that she isn't going to play Jeff's game and that she didn't owe him anything.

Jeff got completely backstabbed which is why he blew up and which is why he was so angry because she flipped without even flinching. In the end it's a game but I'd have more respect for Shelly if she simply said "Yup, I did it, I had to because you would beat me." instead of saying that she is still loyal to Jordan for the phonecall and that Jeff was using her.
I'm with ya. Own your stuff and be adult about it. Crybabies like Shelly just really annoy me with the whole double standard act.