Stealth V3teran
Super Freak
got mine finally put inside a case
just a quick phone pic
got mine finally put inside a casejust a quick phone pic
Nice pic Stealth. The up lighting really works IMO.
got mine finally put inside a casejust a quick phone pic
When I first got my Big Chap he had a chip in the dome, and had a severe foot hover. Got my replacement, and it was perfect. A few days later, and a long story short, he made an abrupt "meeting" with the floor. Most of his right fingers were broken, and in multiple places. A couple nails off the left hand and feet were broken off. A chip came off the circular edge of his upper left back pipe, and I couldn't find it. All of the other pieces I managed to scavenge.
Contacted, and had him fixed by, Kaijuboy.
Also had him add drool, smooth out the dome seam in the back, and repaint the chestburster. I finally have my trilogy all together.
this question is for anyone who has this statue, does anyone have any qc issues with paint or anything? wanting to order this but im wondering how it is.
just thought i'd ask also does everyone in here know that a company called Super7 is making ALIEN movie action figures that are the exact same molds from kenner that kenner never used it goes up for preorder in january i think they are also making ALIEN glasses that look like the old fast food glasses from long ago
just thought i'd ask also does everyone in here know that a company called Super7 is making ALIEN movie action figures that are the exact same molds from kenner that kenner never used it goes up for preorder in january i think they are also making ALIEN glasses that look like the old fast food glasses from long ago
Pics?? Link!!!
this question is for anyone who has this statue, does anyone have any qc issues with paint or anything? wanting to order this but im wondering how it is.
Yeah im still debating getting it or not the base seems too disconnected from the statue itself to me as the base it a light blue tigerstripe if it were black i'd have already bought this but the color on the base =and im also worried that this will be one of the last pieces made by sideshow for the first alien. So im still torn lol