This sold out quicker than I thought it would. Wish I would have got it back when it had free shipping around xmas
Why is the price on this so high?? Even for the regular. I want one but I can't find any for reasonable prices.. The cheapest regular version on eBay is 425 shipped. Crazy!
I have an Exclusive if interested.
Why is the price on this so high?? Even for the regular. I want one but I can't find any for reasonable prices.. The cheapest regular version on eBay is 425 shipped. Crazy!
Because I think it's very underrated, to me it's my favorite Alien statue.
I think I will hold off on the dog and resurrection.. Unless I find them for great prices. I want to save up and eventually get the big chap and alien warrior maquettes. That would be awesome..
Big chap alien is very cool! Btw what was retail on that big chap maquette? I got mine for 600.00 shipped after I waited to buy in the aftermarket. I highly recommend big chap! Best alien so far in my opinion.
Is this worth $310 shipped? Thanks in advance.