I'd be happy just to see the website working properly, and updated pictures of the figure they are currently charging people for. Honestly, they really do need to stop with the unrealistic promises, and put some focus on making sure all the basics are all running smoothly if they want to build a loyal and trusting long term customer base.
Fan goodwill is only going to last so long, and they've been coasting on that for a good long while now. Their hearts are in the right place, and they clearly have talented people working working on the figures, but that alone won't be enough, and I fear that sooner, rather than later, the tide is likely to turn ugly if they keep going down this same path, and I don't want to see that happen. I don't think very many of us do.
I don't say any of this as a slam, I want them to do well, I want to be able to one day look at a full set of Doctors on my shelf, but things like the broken website mess just make them look a bit unprofessional, not to mention unreliable. And these are not traits that you want your business linked to in your potential customers minds.
Slipping release dates I can deal with, that's just part of the game, but not having your website working properly for months on end, going full dark for extended periods of time without so much as a courtesy "no actual news to report, but we just wanted to pop up and let you all know that everything is proceeding along fine" type post, and constantly making promises that are, in many cases, unrealistic and almost pre-destined to not be able to be lived up to, none of this is doing them any favours whatsoever. And the excuse of being a small company, working as hard as they can, will only wash for so long, no matter how much truth there is in it.
I hope everything comes together, they address and sort out all those basic issues, and then truly do manage to find their groove that allows for regular releases of high quality product on a reasonable schedule, without too much difficulty into the future. But until that actually shows some sign of happening, it's hard to out too much faith in anything they say at this point. As much as I may want to.