I think Nine would also be a must-have for many people, given that he would complete the line-up of New Series Doctors. Obviously everyone has their favourite of the Classic Doctors - mine is Troughton - but apart from Tom I bet they're pretty evenly matched for popularity. Nine would have an edge over the Classic Doctors because New series and old series fans alike would buy him - but some new series fans won't buy classic series Doctors.
I know we're not allowed to discuss - ssshhhhh! - you-know-what packs, but I think some regeneration, er, packs would be really popular, once they'd done Nine; they could rerelease the outfit alone plus a Tennant head, and an Eleventh Hour outfit (based on the Tennant outfit) plus a Matt Smith head, then sell the bodies separately, so people could either buy them and redress their current figures or create brand new figures. People seem to love regeneration outfits, and CO have always done well out of their various regeneration figures (Tom Baker/ Davison, Davison C. Baker, Nine/ Ten, Ten/ Eleven) and had a Pertwee/ Baker figure planned I believe.