Having slept on it, I can now look at the figure without the surprise disappointment of the issues. I am not sure what can be done if the paint rubs off parts this easily, but, that said, I think that if I can get a replacement head I will very much like this figure.
I really, really love the sculpt. Some have said it is a bit cartoony, and everyone is going to have their own opinion here, but I think Connery just has a bit of a larger than life face in real life. This figure has a twinkle in the eye and for me it looks like a tiny Connery from every angle. Yes, it's very pricey. Yes, some have issues. Can't get around that. Each collector would have to take time to learn about the figure and then decide for themselves whether or not to get it. I think if you saw it in a shop and could personally inspect it before buying to make sure you were getting a good one, you could be very happy indeed. Just be super careful with the paint and don't ever try putting the hands in the pockets

I know, I know, these shouldn't be things to worry about. But it is what it is.
Anyway, to be more fair, and to let you all know that yes, even with the issues on mine I am finding something a big magical about this figure, I'll attach a couple of other pics, nose rub and all. In some lights the rub is obvious, and in some lights it's not, but the pink in the hair seems brighter in lower light, somehow. But hopefully these pics demonstrate that even with the issues, there is magic. I have a feeling Big Chief pulled out all the stops for this figure, and then the factories added a few stops back in. This might be more a factory let down than a Big Chief let down. I really like what they were trying to do here.
I'm not glossing over the issues, and I am not saying that any potential buyer should ignore the potential issues. Everyone has to make their own informed decision here. I am just trying to express my own complicated relationship with Big Chief Goldfinger Bond

I adore it, and I am also frustrated, and it's the adoration that increases the frustration.
All of these photos are after only the most minimal futzing, so there is room for more tweaking. I hadn't yet put the watch on here.
James Bond as an action figure meeting myself as an action figure.
James Bond making me smell his Goldfinger (I took this pic as a reference to some juvenile Connery impressions me and some uni friends used to do back in the day ... with added captions, **** and so inappropriate for here, it made for some fun nostalgia FB posts)